Resident Simps

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Currently, Yachi, Kiyoko and I were sitting in the bath in a calm silence, relaxing after a long day of travel.

"U-uhm Kiyoko! You still w-wear tights with your uniform in the summer, how come?" Yachi asked suddenly, spoiling the silence.

"Oh?" Kiyoko asked, slightly stunned at the random question.
"Ah! I'm sorry! I commented on your wardrobe!" Yachi stammered, bowing and dipping her face in the water.

"Dude, Yachi that was so cute," I sniffed, pretending to wipe a tear as Kiyoko laughed at the exchange.

"It's alright Yachi. I started wearing the tights too cover my scars, and I just got used too them. I've warn them ever since," Kiyoko explained as Yachi and I tilted our heads.

"Scars?" I questioned.
"Yes, you see, I was on the girls track and field team my first year. I did hurdles, although I wasn't as good as the others. I would always hit the bars, and wound up with many scars on my legs later on," she continued as Yachi and I listened intently.

"Woah! So they're like, badges of honour?" Yachi exclaimed, quickly realizing what she said and bowing once again.

"I never thought about it like that, but yes," Kiyoko laughed as Yachi slowly looked up.
"Aw man, that's really cool! The only scars I have are from doing something stupid," I sighed, lifting my arms and pointing at the various traces of stupid decisions.

"No! Your's are like memories Y/N!" Yachi exclaimed as I thought for a moment.
"Aw Yachi, you're growing up so fast!" I teased, gently splashing the water at her face.

"You're both growing up fast. When I first joined the volleyball team, there weren't any managers before me so I had to learn on my own. But now, there's three of us. And we've come a long way. I'm glad to have you both," Kiyoko beamed, giving us each her flashy smile.

I sniffled and looked up at Kiyoko, pretending to wipe a tear.
"Ah, Kiyoko! You're too nice," I wailed, placing a hand on my heart.

"Tomorrow after we win," she began, slowly getting out of the water, "let's come back here."


"I'm baaaack," I sang, skipping into the team room with my wet hair hanging over my shoulders. I'd changed into a pair of baggy sweatpants and the hoodie I'd taken from Noya on new years.

"Shhh, you'll wake the demons," Tsukki snickered, pointing across the room to where Nishi, Tanaka, Hinata and Kageyama slept in their futons.

"Awww," I cooed, bending over Noya and gazing down at him. He had his hair down and it fell over his eyes as the side of his face rested gently on the pillow. He had one leg up and the other outstretched with his arms held closely too his chest.

"Y/N, if you wake them you're going too sing too them until they fall back asleep," Daichi warned, sending me a glare.
"Hey! I'm sure they'd fall asleep if I sang WAP too them," I huffed, crossing my arms.

"What a great parent you'll make one day," Tsukki snickered as I placed my hand on my heart and scoffed.
"As long as my children like iced tea and anime, I'll raise them like the gods they are!" I declared, a little too loudly for Daichi's taste.

"Y/N! Quiet!" he demanded as I pouted and looked down too Noya who was slowly starting too stir.
'I've awoken a demon' I mouthed too Tadashi as he tried too hide his laughs.

"Y/N?" Nishi mumbled, barely lifting his head as he looked at me.
"Shh, go back too sleep or Daichi will murder me," I pleaded in a hushed voice as he laid his head back down.

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