Thats My Friend Ken, He's an Albino!

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"AHHHH, ITS NO EYEBROWS!" I shrieked, hiding behind Tsukkishima as a team entered the gym.
"Get off me," he said sternly, walking away as I stuck my tongue out.

"Y/N, you knew we were playing Date Tech. So you knew he would be here, right?" Hinata asked, cocking his head.
"Hey! I knew we were playing Date Tech I just didn't know which team that was!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms when I spotted someone in the group.

"KOGANEEEE!" I cheered, running forwards and giving him a high five.
"Y/N! Hinata! Tsukkishima! Hey!" he exclaimed, spotting the other two.

"Y-Y/N? H-how do you k-now him?" Yachi stuttered, cowering behind my shoulder as she looked up at the tall boy.
"Oh, Hinata, Tsukki and I met him at training camp!" I exclaimed.

"Leave me out of this," Tsukki sighed as I rolled my eyes.
"Ignore Tsukki! He's still salty Hyakuzawa is getting to be better then him," I snickered as Kogane simply nodded his head.

"It's good to see you, but why is your setter staring at me like that?" Kogane asked as I peaked behind him too see Kageyama giving him a hard stare.

"I'd being lying if I said I didn't know. He probably thinks of you as competition but just ignore him, kay?" I asked happily, skipping towards the bench as Kogane got a quizzical look on his face.

"Alright! Listen up!" Ukai exclaimed as the team gathered around. "Date Techs blocking has gotten better since the prelims. It's now at a national level, so get used too those walls!"

"Eek, I'm glad I don't have to play against them," I whispered to Noya, eyeing the tall guy with white hair.
"See, these are the times when I really like not being able to spike," he snickered, walking onto the court.

"AGHHH, THAT REALLY IS A WALL!" I shrieked as the first toss went up for Asahi, getting completely shut out.
"No m-matter how hard I t-tried I c-could never get p-past that," Yachi shivered as Kiyoko flipped the felt number over.

"I guess they really have improved," Kiyoko thought out loud, placing her hand under her chin as Hinata managed too get in a quick attack.

"They're totally insane!" I shrieked as they managed to shut out another quick attack on the right side.
"I d-don't think it's the same technique, b-but the way they're slamming the b-ball back down reminds me of the g-guess monster," Yachi thought out loud as Karasuno's attacks continued to be stopped.

"You mean Tendou? I guess, but he relied on intuition! These guys are reading everything and getting there in time!" I exclaimed, resting my head on the scoreboard as I stood behind it.

"Yes. Tendou used guess blocking, where as Date Tech uses read blocking. They use the same technique as Kuroo and Lev from Nekoma," Kiyoko continued as I watched them play.

"I'd like too see Kuroo play them," I thought out loud as Date Tech's captain used a feint too get around Tsukkishima's block.

"Rolling...thunder!" Noya exclaimed as he dove, getting the ball up and watching it fly.
"Nishinoya! You're in the way!" Kageyama suddenly exclaimed as he moved towards the ball.

"Oh no.." I sighed as Tanaka managed too get a kill off, and Noya started too glare at Kageyama.

"You were blocking the back row attackers approach," Kageyama said calmly as Yachi and I perked up.
"Was he?" Yachi asked.

"I don't know. Everyone was moving around so I couldn't tell," Kiyoko stammered as she looked at the court.

"It didn't look like it, but I guess Kageyama didn't want too risk anything," I sighed as Noya nodded his head, retaking his place in the back row.

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