miss manager.

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I finished brushing my h/c hair and adjusting my outfit before I ran downstairs to eat. I wore a pair of light wash denim joggers and a white strappy tank top with a yellow and dark green, oversized flannel.
"MOTHER IS THERE FOOD," I called, waiting for her to respond from wherever she was in the house.

"NO YOU'RE GOING TO STARVE," she called back as I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge, grabbing a banana on my way out. I shoved my feet into my air forces and slung my bag over my shoulder, yelling to my mom once more.

"DON'T WORRY, I WONT," she yelled back as I skipped out of the house, watching as a tiny ginger went flying past on his bike.

"GINGERRRR, STOP OR GET YOUR EYES CLAWED OUT!" I screamed as he halted in his tracks and looked back at me.
"Oh, hello Y/N! I didn't know you were coming to practice again," he called as I jumped down the stairs and onto my scooter, quickly matching his pace as we took off.

"Yup, let's just say I have a little surprise for the team," I said slyly as he raised an eyebrow.
"Did you and Nishinoya get together or something? That was all Tanaka could talk about after Noya left," Hinata asked plainly as I opened my eyes wide and scoffed.

"No ginger, we are not together. We were just hanging out. Also, when you see baldy next, tell him I want to talk to him."

~Time Skip, brought to you by ROLLING THUNDERRRRR~

"BALDYYYYY!" I shrieked as I dragged Hinata into the gym, and all the attention immediately turned to me.
"HIDE ME!" the idiot screamed as he ducked behind Daichi who stood with his arms crossed.
"Alright, what did the psycho meat head do this time?" the captain asked as the ginger freed himself from my grasp and quickly ran away.

"So you mean he hasn't gotten to you yet?" I asked surprised as Tanaka peaked over his shoulder.
"Oh yea, Noya and Y/N went on a date yesterday," baldy smirked as I rolled my eyes and collapsed against the door frame.
"It was not a date!" Noya yelled, making Tanaka flinch as he snickered at us.

"Sure, so that's why you both blushed and ran away when I asked what you were doing?" he asked slyly.
"Oi, we ran away from you because you're an annoying dork who wouldn't stop asking questions," I retorted as the entire room started to laugh.

"Sure, sure, we'll go with that," he taunted as I sprung off the ground and charged towards him.
"Why you little chucklefuck," I muttered as he screamed and ran towards the ladder, frantically climbing to the balcony as I ran up to him.
"WHERE DO YOU THINK OF THESE INSULTS?" he gasped as I reached for his leg, grabbing onto it as he shooed me away.

"I have one list for general insults, and one for Cailuo wannabe's," I grumbled, giving up and sitting on the floor below the ladder.
"Excuse me, wanna move so I can get down?" Tanaka snickered as I crossed my arms.

"Nope. I'm good," I sighed as Daichi wandered over and looked down on me. "Hiya captain."
"Alright, as much as I'm enjoying seeing someone take it to our team idiot," he began as Tanaka scoffed in an offended tone, "We really should get started. Plus, I hear you have something important to discuss with Takeda."

"Oooo, yea!" I exclaimed, leaping up and wandering over to Takeda and Ukai who stood next to the scoreboard.
"You sure about this specs?" Ukai chuckled as I hoped in front of them, smiling brightly with my hands at my sides.

He nodded, looking to me and awaiting an answer.
"I'm in," I said happily as his eyes lit up and he immediately shook my hand.
"Thank you so much! I just know you're going to love it!" he exclaimed as the team gathered behind me, a knowing smile on Noya's face.

"What's this?" Suga asked, raising an eyebrow as Kiyoko and Yachi stepped up next to me.
"Alright then, team, may I present your new manager," Ukai chuckled as I posed, Tanaka and Hinata's eyes lighting up.

"A third manager? Cool!" Hinata exclaimed as I gave him a cheesy grin.
"Wait a second, does this mean I'm going to get tackled more outside of class?" Tanaka huffed as I flicked his head.
"It depends on how stupid you are each day baldy," I said happily.

"Oh please, what does miss nerf guns and photoshop know about managing a team?" Tsukki scoffed as I glared at him.
"Well at least I know how to dive for a ball," I snickered as he rolled his eyes.

"Well I think this is a good thing. Kiyoko won't be around anymore once nationals are over, and Yachi will need someone to help her out once that time comes," Daichi said confidently, giving me a high five.
"Plus I think Y/N can fight off any thugs who try to hit on Yachi," Kiyoko laughed, making Yachi blush slightly.

"That's right Yachi, I'm your bodyguard!" I exclaimed proudly.
"Your something kid," Ukai sighed as he turned to the team, "you boys know what to do!"
I looked back at the team to see them all pointing at the Karasuno high logo on their shirts as Kiyoko handed me a matching shirt and track suit.
"Welcome to the team miss manager!" they exclaimed in unison as I grinned and saluted to them.

"Thank you soldiers! It's an honour!" I declared as about half of the group saluted back before beginning the practice.
hi baes, I actually don't know how many managers a team can have but for the purposes of this story, 3 is perfectly fine😌

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