Today I Have Been Betrayed✔︎

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~Third Person~

"GET BACK HERE!" Y/N yelled as she chased the managers of Fukurodani down the long hallway of Shinzen high school.

"WE JUST WANT TO SEE THE PICTURES!" the girls cried in unison as they rounded a corner, stopping in front of a room which was designated to the Karasuno high volleyball team.

Meanwhile from within the girls destination, the boys were already hard at work cracking down on Nishinoyas thoughts on the situation at hand.

"C'mon bro! You're really going to sit here and tell me you don't feel anything towards her?" Tanaka teased as he sprawled out on his futon, looking up at the ceiling as they worked on their interrogation.

"I've only known her for a week how am I supposed to fall in love with her like that?" Noya yelled in response, narrowing his eyes and bobbing up and down as he spoke.

"So you admit you love her?" Suga asked from his place against the window, a soft grin on his face.

"Oh cmon Suga that's not what I said!" Noya yelled, getting annoyed from the constant nagging.

"Bro didn't you feel how tightly she was hanging onto you when you guys rode that scooter through the classroom?" Tanaka teased as Noya fell to the ground in a defeated heap, allowing the bickering and interrogation to carry on without him.

Just as the boys were knee deep in their questioning, a loud, aggressive knock came from the door followed by the muffled screams of two girls.

"LET US IN!" one yelled.
"Y/N IS SCARY WHEN SHES MAD!" the other continued.

Without a second thought, Hinata jumped up and swung the door open, knowing himself how terrifying the five foot girl could be.

Just as the tangerine swung the door open, the two managers of the Fukurodani group came tumbling into the room, followed not long after by none other then Y/N, a crazed look in her eye as she searched for the girls.

"You two!" she yelled, pointing at the girls who laughed hysterically on the floor in front of her.

"Tanaka! Show us the pictures from the bus before we die!" Yukie gasped through laughs, not entirely sure which one Tanaka even was.

"Hurry! It's our dying wish!" Kaori added on as she tried to push her self up.

"Woah, woah! What is going on here?" the captain announced as he rose from his own futon, glaring down at the three girls who simply burst into laughter.

"We want to see the pictures of Y/N and Nishinoya before she kills us!" Yukie exclaimed, pointing to the small libero who now sat up right on his bed.

"W-what?" Noya exclaimed, looking between the girls and Tanaka.

"Well ladies, you're wish is my command," Tanaka sighed slyly, winking at the two managers as he pulled his phone out of his track suit.

"YESS!" the girls exclaimed, eagerly rushing towards the boy as Y/N collapsed against the door frame in a fit of exhaustion.

"Today, I have been betrayed," she sighed dramatically as the entire boys team burst into laughter from the antics of the three girls.

"AWWWWWW!" Yukie and Kaori cooed as Tanaka happily held his phone out for them, one girl peering over each of his shoulders.

"Bro, I give up on you," an annoyed Noya exclaimed as he rose from his place in the room, and wandered over to Y/N who was still dramatically laying in the door way.

"HEY HEY HEY!" an obnoxious voice called, causing a certain Karasuno captain to face palm, knowing there were multiple more idiots about to join in on the chaos.

"BOKUTO! IVE BEEN BETRAYED!" yelled the girl on the floor as she looked up at the huge boy with frosted tips.

"WHO BETRAYED MY NOT SISTER-SISTER?" the boy gasped, stepping over her collapsed body and into the room, followed closely by Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma and Yamamoto.

"IT WAS MR CLEAN!" she yelled, pointing to the bald kid who was still going through the pictures with Yukie and Kaori, not taking notice to the owl which hovered above him.

"Do I even want to know?" Akaashi asked in a monotone voice as he stood next to Sugawara.

"At this point I don't know," Suga answered as he watched Tanaka slowly look up from his phone, the two managers smiling cheerily at Bokuto.

"WAITTTTT BEFORE YOU PUMMEL ME JUST LOOK!" Tanaka exclaimed, holding the phone up as his last line of defence so the owl boy could see.

"Y/N YOU DIDN'T SAY YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND!" Bokuto gasped dramatically as he looked at the boy and girl who were now laying on their faces, avoiding any and all attention that circulated them right now.

"I don't!" she yelled into the floor, barely loud enough to be heard over the chaotic screams of the Karasuno team room.

"Then what is this?" Bokuto asked dramatically, pulling her up by her, or rather, Noyas shirt, and shoving the phone in her face.

"You're no help," she grumbled, slapping his arm so he dropped her back onto the floor.

"Akaashi! Kuroo! Look!" the boy yelled once more, running around the room so that the rest of his friends could see the pictures which caused so much devastation for the tiny pair.

"I despise all of you!" Y/N announced as she finally pulled herself off the floor, a gentle pink flushing her cheeks.

"We know you love us, but we just want to know if you love him," Kuroo asked slyly, shifting his gaze to the libero who had simply watched the events unfold.

"And with that, I take my leave," the h/c haired girl announced leaping up and dragging the boy out of the room with her as an eruption of laughter and teasing could be heard behind them.

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