I'm In Me Mums Car! Vroom Vroom!

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*hits high note* OH MAH GAWDDDDDDDDD
i've gained like 10k reads today and I'm very overwhelmed🥺
also y'all are literally the funniest things in the world and I'm spending half my team reading all your comments🤧

"C'MON KUROO YOU COULD'VE BLOCKED TH-" I got cut off from finishing my inspiring words when Daichi covered my mouth with his napkin.

"I know you're friends but you're going to embarrass the team," he instructed, giving me the classic, blood chilling death glare.

"Yessir," I mumbled, pouting and going back too eating my bento box. (guys there's a bento emoji 🍱 🍱🍱🍱)

I could here giggling coming from beside me, and I looked down to see Tanaka, Hinata and TADASHI laughing at me??

"Oi! I will not hesitate to throw you off your beloved sky tree!" I yelled, throw my crumpled up napkin at them.

"Not the sky tree!" Tanaka wailed, leaning back in his chair.
"That's so cruel," Hinata continued, holding his head in his hands.

"Cruel is what I do best," I shrugged happily, looking up too see Kuroo getting a one touch block. "Haha! There we go!"

After that Kenma set Yamamoto who got an excellent kill and the final point they needed to win the game.

"YEAAAA! GOOD JOB GUYS!" I cheered, standing up and waving at the Nekoma team. Somehow, Kuroo actually saw me and gave me a thumbs up as they went too thank the other team.

"Alright! Now that we've eaten we have some time to wander around! Just don't cause any trouble," Daichi announced, dedicating those last words to Noya, Tanaka, Hinata and I. How considerate🥰

"Oh! I wanna go check out the t-shirts!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping up.

"I'll go with you, I wanna go find Bokuto in the other arena!" I exclaimed, putting the lid on my now empty box and standing up.

"No, don't leave me behindddd," Nishi wailed, grabbing my arm.

"Pssh, you'll be fineeeee. I'll only be gone for a little while," I snickered, ruffling his hair and skipping off after Hinata.

It took us a little while cause Hinata and I arent that good with directions but we found the t-shirts eventually. Apparently he wanted one that he saw Bokuto wear at the summer training camp.

"Maybe I'll buy a shirt too," someone sighed from behind us, and I turned to see Tadashi walking up to the stand.

"Aw, you guys are all gonna be matching by the time this tournament is over!" I squealed, clapping my hands as the boys paid for their shirts.

"Eh, I'm not so sure Tsukki will wanna match with everyone," Tadashi sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as I set off towards the exit.

"Uhm, Y/N, where are you going? Weren't we going to see Fukurodani play?" Hinata asked, pointing to the courts.

"We are! Their first match is in the sub arena though."


"Oh no," I groaned, stopping just behind the barrier set up to keep people off the court.

"What's wrong? The game is really close and they're still in their first set," Hinata asked, pointing to the scoreboard.

"Ughhh that idiot! Bokutos in sad mode right now," I groaned, pointing to him dragging himself off the court.

Here She Goes (Nishinoya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now