Lava Boy and Chia Pet💃🏽

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We started off the second set with a synchronized attack which proved to work fairly well against Shiritorizawa. Unfortunately, they quickly tied it up with a quick attack from one of their middle blockers.

Asahi then scored another point by rebounding a spike off a blocker, setting himself up to serve. His serve was received, but the ball went out of control. Despite the ball flying around randomly, they still got the ball to Ushiwaka who easily got back the point with a killer spike.

"Ugh, it's that punks serve again?" Seiko whined as I looked over to Shiritorizawa's side.
"Ugh, not grass head. He looks like a chia pet," I grumbled, earning a laugh from my compadres.
"Do you get nervous to say anything at all?" Shimada asked as I smiled and shook my head.

"They're just words. Who cares," I shrugged as the chia pet went up to serve. (no hate to the bob ross chia pet tho. That's elite😌🤚🏼)

Ushiwaka performed one of his usual bone crushing serves which rebounded off of Tanaka's chest and tumbled over the net.
"Karasuno will totally take this set once they get accustomed to Ushiwaka's left handed shots!" Akiteru exclaimed as the ball landed just out of reach of one of Shiritorizawa's players.

Tsukki was next up to serve which meant Hinata would finally be back in the front row. The rally went back and forth a few times before Hinata leaped in the air, almost moving sideways as Kageyama tossed the ball too him.

"Yea! Uh wha-" I gasped as the ball was completely stopped, and the tall middle blocker with red hair stood and loomed over Hinata. From where I was positioned , it looked like the episode of the backyardagins where they're standing below that dragon mountain😔💔

"Oh wow, isn't that the guess monster?" a man who was seated a few rows behind us gasped as the boy stared down Hinata with those beady eyes of his.

"Did he just call number 5 the guess monster?" Seiko murmered as she eyed the man behind us.
"Is he gonna put a hit out on poor Hinata," Yachi whimpered as she clutch the railing.

"I don't think you two heard that right," Shimada sighed as a boy from Shiritorizawa served. Our receive went a little out of control, and we wound up having Kageyama land the last touch.

Now, normally Kageyama would've landed that spike no problem. But this time, the 'guess monster' completely shut him out all on his own. He's like a one man blocking army.

"Aw man, what did I say? Boys with tomato hair shouldn't be allowed to score points," I whined as I banged my forehead on the railing.
"That's got to be tough on our guys. When you can't get around clean blocks like that it can really hurt your spirit," Shimada sighed as tomato boy let out a loud cheer.

"No way! Did he just shut out the crazy quick?" I gasped as the boy moved his arms around midair to stop Hinata from landing another kill.
"How is he able to react so quickly?" Seiko asked, an annoyed look crossing her face.

"It's not just about his reaction time. Within one second, he analyzed three possible outcomes for that play. Kageyama could've done a setter dump, so he had to decide whether or not that would be attempted. He then had to decide if the set was going to Hinata or Tanaka in the front row, or a toss to Asahi in the back row. Once he'd narrowed it down to Hinata, he had to locate where it was Hinata was going to hit. His body and mind are perfectly in synch," Shimada explained as my eyes widened and I looked at the boy on the court.

Now, I've obviously seen many types of blocks from Tsukishima, Kuroo, Lev, Bokuto and lots of others but NEVER have I seen someone guess every little detail. Kuroo would be so disappointed. Or pissed. Probably pissed.

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