thats Ushiwaka.

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"Ew there's so many people," I groaned as we entered the Sendai city gymnasium.
"Yea this place is packed ass to ears," Tanaka exclaimed as he looked around.
"You better not back out on us Tanaka," Noya said sternly as the three of us paused in the lobby and he looked up at Tanaka.

"What? You wanna say that again little man?" Tanaka gasped in an offended tone.
"This is an important game. All eyes will be on you. And I'm not just talking about the dudes if you're picking up what I'm putting down," Noya said smoothly as he placed a hand on Tanaka's shoulder.

As he realized what Noya was saying a stupidly smug grin crossed his face and I couldn't help but face plan.
"Really? THATS how you encourage him?" I asked as Noya smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for the insider intel! Let's get out there and give it our all bro!" Tanaka exclaimed as they grabbed each others hands and dramatically posed, drawing more attention too themselves by the second.

"Sounds like a plan!" Noya agreed as the two started to do what I would classify as what an elephants mating call would be.
"Oh nuh uh, I don't know them!" I exclaimed as I dashed away from the pair, catching up to Hinata and Kageyama.

"Would you two shut up? Y/N I thought you were supposed to be keeping an eye on them!" Daichi scolded as I turned my head in the other direction and started to whistle.
"I made no such promises, besides, you took my nerf guns!" I stated.

"Ugh, let's go already," he sighed, leading us towards the gym as Tanaka and Noya caught back up with the group.
"Don't forget to pee pee Hinata," Tanaka snickered as Hinata got an annoyed look on his face and scowled.
"I did already!" he shot back as I turned to Noya.

"See, if you let me keep my nerf guns I could defend my tangerine!" I exclaimed as he snickered and ran off.

"Hey, Sho!" someone called as I stuck my tongue out at the libero. I turned around to see two boys, each around Tanaka's height. One had dark hair and the other had lighter hair, and they each had deep, brown eyes.

"Izumi, Kouji!" Hinata gasped as he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the boys.
"Easy ginger, my old bones are fragile," I whined as the boys waved to us.
"Hey Shoyo, been awhile," Kouji smiled as Tanaka somehow worked his way back over to us.

"Oh, they're friends of mine! From my middle school volleyball team, or..." Hinata trailed off as the boys laughed and raised their hands.

"Yea, I play basketball," Izumi sighed.
"And I'm on the soccer team," Kouji added.
"Sounds like you don't have the skills to get the kills, huh?" Tanaka asked as the pair gave him a weird look.

"Oh my god for once in your life would you shut your mouth. You're older then them and I can already tell they have more brain cells then you," I scolded as I reached up and flicked his forehead.

"Oh, right. Izumi, Kouji, meet Y/N and Tanaka. They're second years!" Hinata exclaimed as I looked back to the pair and smiled.
"Don't worry, he's the only one I torcher on a daily basis," I said happily as Tsukki walked by.

"Now, now. Let's not lie to our guests Y/N," he snickered as I sent a death glare towards him.
"Dino, if I had my nerf guns right now their would be mayhem," I huffed as he simply continued to walk.

"Hey, don't look now but that guy from our game is here!" Kouji exclaimed as Kageyama went walking by.
"Oh yea, he's on my team now. He's intense sometimes but he has his reasons," Hinata sighed as the pair each raised an eyebrow.

"Yea if the fact that the vending machine was out of milk two days ago counts as a reason to beat Hinata up," I snickered to Tanaka as Hinata continued to reassure his friends.
"Yo, let's go you three!" Kageyama called as I shooed him away.

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