You're Going To Meet The Queen Of England!

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"MORNING FUCKERS!" I exclaimed, skipping into the parking lot at the early hour of 1am💔

"Uhm, should we be concerned that you have this much energy right now?" Tanaka asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I may or may not have chugged an iced coffee but hey! We don't need to talk about it!" I exclaimed, sitting on top of my small suitcase with the handle between my legs.

"Y/NNNN!" Nishi suddenly exclaimed, crashing into me from behind and knocking the both of us over onto the concrete.
"NISHI BE CAREFUL! THERES PRECIOUS CARGO IN HERE!" I exclaimed, nudging the suitcase with my foot.

"Since when are nerf guns precious cargo?" he asked, sitting up and pecking me on the cheek.
"Since always you idiot," I snickered, ruffling his hair which was ✨DOWN✨

"Blech, it's too early for all these cooties," Tanaka gagged, grabbing us each by our sweaters and pulling us up.
"Uhm, can I return too the earth now?" I asked, flailing my legs and arms around.

"Yea we all know I like staying on the ground," Noya huffed, crossing his arms.
"Oh yea? What are you gonna do about it?" Tanaka asked slyly.

I looked over at Noya, nodding my head as he smiled brightly.
"AHHHHH!" we exclaimed, throwing ourselves at Tanaka and tackling him too the floor in a heap of limbs.

"Oh for the love of god, get on the bus!" Daichi exclaimed, fuming as the three of us burst into laughter.
"Y-yessir!" I laughed, pulling myself out of the dog pile and swinging my suitcase towards the bus.

Naturally, Noya, Tanaka and I took the back row of the bus with Hinata and Yachi on the seats in front of us.

"Okay, who dares too challenge the master?" I asked seriously, pulling out a paper fortune teller which was shaded in many different colours.

"How can you be the master at a game without competition?" Tsukki snickered from his seat a few rows up.

"Because Tsukki, I've written the best possible fortunes and I doubt anyone could ever see them coming!" I exclaimed, sticking my fingers in the paper and flicking it back and forth.

"Oh, let me guess, thou shall buyeth me more nerf bullets?" he asked sarcastically, grinning like Sangwoo.
"No actually, I requested more nerf GUNS!" I shot back.

"Do my fortune!" Hinata exclaimed, peaking his head over the back of the seat.
"Right, what colour ginger?" I asked, holding it out for him.

"R-e-d. Now what meme?"

"The peppa pig frog!"
"P-e-p-p-a-f-r-o-g. Pick a food!"

"Meat bun!"
"M-e-a-t-b-u-n. And you're fortune is..." I trailed off, flipping the tab up. "You will meet the Queen of England!"

"Really? Cool!" Hinata cheered, his eyes lighting up as he looked at me.
"Now, now, let's not give the gremlin hope," Tsukki snickered, putting on his head phones as I muttered many insults under my breath.

"Four eyed spaghetti noodle, couldn't beat my geniusness if he tried."

~Time Skip, brought to you by YoUre gOnnA maKe dAicHi maD~

"Psst, Y/N," Hinata whispered over his seat.
"Hmm?" I asked, looking up from folding MANY paper claws.

"Kageyama fell asleep and I wanna prank him, do you have anything?" he asked hopefully.
"Do you have a death wish?" I asked, tilting my head as he glared at me.

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