I Want To Get Drunk With Seiko!

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~Third Person~

"Tanakaaaa, hurry up," Hinata whined as the pair made their way towards Y/N's house.

"Pssh, have you met those two? I guarantee they're still asleep when we get there," Tanaka snickered as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Then we'll wake them up!" he cheered, walking towards the door and knocking a few times. The two stood back, listening to what sounded like the opening theme to Yarichin Bitch Club playing in the background.🤔

"Oh, Hinata, Tanaka, hello," Y/N's mom sighed as she opened the door, the sound of the music growing louder.

"Hi Miss L/N! Uhm, I probably don't need to ask this but are Y/N and Noya awake?" Hinata asked, titling his head.

"Yes, please take them off my hands," she snickered, opening the door and letting the two in.

"Sawarasenai🥰 kimi😸wa ⛓shoujo 👻na 💅🏽no? ✨böKù 🌸Wà 🧚🏼‍♀️ ÿARiçhiñ 🤴bįCChī 😾nO 😫oSū 🚣🏽‍♀️Da🎉YO💦!" Y/N and Nishinoya screamed as they danced around the kitchen, each with bad bed head.

"Uhm, do we say something?" Tanaka asked, unsure of how too approach the pair.
"I don't know," Hinata mumbled, watching as the girl held a spatula too her mouth to mimic a microphone.

"Good grief, I'll pause the music, you boys go in,"
Y/N's mom snickered as she grabbed a remote off a small table in the entry way, holding it up and clicking a button as the music quieted down.

"MAAAAM- uh HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Y/N exclaimed, stopping her complaints when she spotted the two standing just outside the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" Noya cheered, throwing his arms in the air as Y/N's mom shook her head and wandered off.
"Uhm, were we interrupting something?" Tanaka snickered, taking a seat at the table along side Hinata.

"Well yes but I suppose you can dance with us," Y/N sighed, reaching for her phone to restart the music. "Any song requests?"

"The Minecraft wrecking ball parody!" Nishinoya exclaimed, bounding up and down.
"No that one makes me so sad!" Y/N whined, leaning against the counter.

"Why does it make you sad? It's a Minecraft parody," Tanaka snickered as she scowled.

"All he wanted was too live a peaceful life and the creepers get coming and ruining everything!" she wailed, sliding down onto the floor and looking up at the boys.

"Fine, how about...the little Einstein's remix!" Hinata exclaimed, making the girls eyes lit up with excitement.
"YEAAAA!" she exclaimed, tapping away at her phone as the song started to play.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! We're going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship, zooming through the sky, little einstein's!" the four sang, dancing around the kitchen to the surprisingly catchy beat.

"WAIT!" Hinata suddenly exclaimed, holding his arms out. "Do you guys smell that?"

"Y/N THE PANCAKES!" Noya wailed, pointing too the frying pan on the stove.
"WAAAA NOOOO! THEY'RE DYING!" she shrieked, scrambling off the floor and picking up the frying pan, dumping the pancakes onto a plate.

"ARE THEY OKAY?" Noya asked, looking over her shoulder as she stared at the plate.
"I don't know. We may need to perform emergency surgery," she said seriously, not yet having looked at the bottom of the pancakes.

"We need to examine the wounds!" Noya exclaimed, grabbing the plate and dragging the girl over too the table.
"We're ready sir!" Tanaka exclaimed, resting his hands on the table and interlocking his fingers.

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