I'm Crazy About You

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"ONE MORE KINNOSHITA!" Noya cheered as he stood on the opposite side of the court as our fellow second year.

"O-one second..." he huffed, bending over as he tried too catch his breath.
"Noya you idiot! He's gonna pass out!" I exclaimed, flicking his head as he turned too look at me.

"Whaaat! He's gotta get his heart rate up!" he cheered as I rolled my eyes.
"You jerk," Kinnoshita breathed as he tossed up another jump float.

He'd been serving for about 45 minutes straight while Noya tried too receive them with an overhand pass, which he was slowly getting better at. However, he was still missing about 50% of them, including this most recent one.

"DAMN ITTT!" he whined, kicking himself for missing a simple serve receive.
"Oh jeez," I sighed as he fell too the ground, angrily doing about ten push ups while on his FINGERS?

"Noya! Just take a break!" I exclaimed, running over and sitting on the floor next too him as he scowled.
"I can't! Not till I'm good enough to do overhand receives!" he exclaimed, stubbornly crossing his arms.

"Couldn't you just get them with underhand receives?" I asked, cocking my head.
"Well, yea. But there's so many people that are better then me, so I have to keep trying!" he whined, sitting up and slouching.

"Stop it, you sound like Hinata!" I exclaimed, scurrying away from him.
"Yea but you love me more then Hinata!" he exclaimed, grabbing me and pulling me back towards him as the ginger entered the gym we were in.

"You don't love me?" Hinata asked in a sad tone, forcing his eyes too water.
"Hey! I did not say that!" I exclaimed, pointing my finger at him as Noya pulled me against his chest, wrapping his arms over my shoulders.

"I thought I was your friend!" Hinata wailed as I flicked Noyas head again.
"Look what you've done! You broke Hinata!" I scolded him as Kinnoshita simply watched the event go down.

"LOOK OUT LOVE BIRDS!" Tanaka suddenly called, tossing a ball up and running towards us. I let out a loud yelp as I crawled away from Noya, turning around just in time too see him get up and receive the ball perfectly.

"YU NISHINOYA EVERYONE!" I exclaimed, applauding his skill as he blushed slightly.

"Yea, whatever. Tanaka's jump serves aren't very good yet," he snickered as Tanaka scoffed and placed a hand over his heart.
"Oh! I second that!" I cheered happily from my place on the floor.

"Wow, some friends," he sobbed dramatically.
"Baldy, shut up! I want Noya too receive one of these!" I exclaimed, throwing a spare ball at Tanaka.

Just as the ball hit his back, Kinnoshita tossed up another serve which Noya was able too get up. Despite him touching the ball, it only went a few feet in front of him, and landed far from where the setter would've been.

"Hah, who sucks now?" Tanaka teased as I glared at him, and Noya immediately dove back into his finger push ups.

~Time Skip, brought to you by Eren Jeager~

(quick disclaimer, uh I have very little knowledge of how new years is celebrated in Japan so I did my best with what the show contained and what I found on the internet. I kinda just added my own twist so mb if it ain't accurate😗)

"NOYAAAA!" I exclaimed as I flung the door open too see him standing on my porch, bundled up in his scarf and jacket.

The mother figure had said it was okay for Noya too come over for new years, and that he could stay the night. So naturally we had a full night of binge watching anime's ahead of us.

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