Did I Lie? ✔︎

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~Tanaka's POV~

It was officially my favourite hour of the day; dinner hour.

This was for two reasons. For one, I got to stuff my face with the marvellous food provided by the smoking hot managers, and two, Daichi had forbidden Y/N to attack me during dinner!

It was a win win situation on my side.

I sat at a table with Y/N, Noya, Hinata, Kageyama, Yukie, and Yachi. Of course, Y/N sat in between Noya and Yukie, followed by Hinata, Yachi, Kageyama and then me.

"KAGEYAMA, I BET I CAN EAT MORE FOOD THEN YOU!" Hinata declared as he began stuffing his face with rice.

"You're on!" Kageyama exclaimed, joining in on the race.

"God, do you two ever stop competing?" I asked as they continued to shovel food down their throats, only stopping for a moment to shake their heads at me.

"You two are worse then Bokuto when he goes up against Nekoma," Yukie sighed as she watched the idiots who were basically inhaling their food.

"She might have a point there," Y/N added as she got distracted by the competition in front of her, not noticing when Noya stole one of her pieces of meat.

"Hah, and you said I have a death wish?" I scoffed, catching her attention as Noya quickly shoved the food in his mouth and making her gasp with disbelief.

"You didn't," she breathed, staring at him with an overly dramatic, hurt expression.

"You're right, I didn't," he said through his chewing, earning a playful slap from her.

"Oi, how come when I do something bad you chase me for the entire day but when this bastard takes your precious meal he only gets a slap?" I asked, offended.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm her favourite!" Noya exclaimed, making her roll her eyes.

"Actually my wife is my favourite but what ever makes you sleep at night," she teased, leaning against Yukies shoulder who grinned at us with food stuffed cheeks.

"Eh, I think it's cause she loves him," Yukie teased, poking at Y/N's cheeks before being swatted away.

"Yea right, I only love three things in this world. Food, Nerf guns, and Petunia," she said sternly, crossing her arms as the table burst out laughing.

"Well if T-Tanaka keeps up with his shenanigans I bet you're going to have to make room for a f-fourth," Yachi stammered, looking between the pair with a soft smile.

"YACHI, you're supposed to be AGAINST Tanaka treating us like breading animals," she wailed, falling off of her chair and laying on the floor.

"Come on, get up. I know you didn't eat lunch because you and Yukie were rolling down the hall in the garbage bins," Noya said with a laugh as he grabbed her hands and yanked her up as a shocked expression appeared on her face.

"How'd you know about that?" she gasped, looking around the table to find who snitched.

"Oh come on. If you want something to stay a secret you probably shouldn't send videos of your antics to Bokuto, the most talkative person here," he told her as she scoffed and turned to Yukie.

"Yukie, dude, we're gonna have to tie him to my skateboard and roll him down the ramp again," she grumbled as Yukies eyes lit up with excitement.

"And there's no teachers that we know at this school to stop us!" she squealed in agreement.

"Wait a second, how did two girls under 5'5 manage to tie one of the best aces in the country to a skateboard?" Kageyama asked, finally taking a break from his competition with Hinata.

"That's a secret we'll never tell," Y/N said, wavering her voice and wiggling her fingers around like a witch.

"Akaashi did it for you, didn't he?" I smirked as the two girls paused, looking between each other before bursting out laughing.

"Hey, it's not our fault he'll do anything Akaashi tells him!" Yukie exclaimed as she slammed her fist on the table.

"He's got Bokuto on a leash!" Y/N exclaimed as she fell against Noya's shoulder, making him blush the slightest bit.

"Well, well, what do we have here? Noya? Blushing?" I asked slyly as he froze and glared at me.

"I AM NOT BLUSHING!" he exclaimed angrily as
Y/N and Yukie burst out laughing once more.

"Oh come on dude, you can hide your feelings but you can't hide the colour in your face!" I teased as
Y/N finally calmed down and patted him on the back.

"Aw come on shorty, I know I'm irresistible," she said with a wink before going back to finishing her dinner.

"I'd say he agrees with that," Hinata chimed in before receiving a hateful glance from the pair.

"Ginger, not helping," she scolded him, reaching across the table to flick the small boy in the head.


"COME ON N/N YOU KNOW YOU LOVE HIM," Yukie teased as I burst into the Fukurodani team room, hoping they'd take her off my hands.

"I DO NOT NOW GET IN HERE AND TEASE ONE OF THEIR HAIRCUTS OR SOMETHING!" I yelled back as she happily skipped into the room.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on now?" Bokuto asked as he leapt up from his place against the window and wandered over to us.

"This bumbling bitch won't shut up," I huffed as I crashed onto the floor and looked up at him.

"Hey, it's not my fault your falling hopelessly for Karasuno's libero," she smirked, sitting down next to me.

"Oh I am not," I shot back as Bokuto got a stupid gleam in his eye.

"I've got to admit it lil sis it does seem like there's something going on between you two," Bokuto said in agreement as he kicked at my legs.

"Oh please, if Tanaka hadn't locked us in that room last night none of you would be saying anything," I grumbled as I shooed his foot away.

"Oh, so I guess you're forgetting about the night before in the gym? You two couldn't keep your eyes off eachother!" Yukie exclaimed as I face palmed and rolled onto my stomach.

"Akaashi, come get your children," I whined as the pretty setter made his way over to us and raised an eyebrow.

"I would but I have to agree with them. Kuroo told us what happened after everyone else had fallen asleep," Akaashi said plainly.

"Yea come on, love songs? Really?" Bokuto teased, crossing his arms and snickering as I let out a long sigh.

"I'm going to shove that roster head in a trash can," I muttered, "and it wasn't a love song!"

"Oh really," Yukie sneered as the chorus to closer by Tegan and Sara began to play.

"So let's make things physical! I won't treat you like you're oh so typical! I want you close, I want you!" Yukie sang along as I tackled her, trying to get the phone back.

"Definitely a love song," Bokuto squealed as I gave up and crashed onto the floor in defeat.

"So what, we were just singing and dancing together," I retorted as Yukie paused the music and laughed at me.

"And cuddling, don't forget the cuddling!" she exclaimed happily.

"It's not my fault it was cold in there. Besides, he's the one who started it!"

"Oh, so shortys making moves on the shorter shorty?" Bokuto asked, eagerly trying to get information out of me.

"Nuh uh! He was chasing me around the gym because we wanted to get rid of our energy. Then I stopped suddenly and he crashed into me. We just kinda laid there till we fell asleep," I said sheepishly as Bokuto and Yukies eyes lit up, and even Akaashi got a small smile on his face.

"AWWW, YOU'RE SO IN LOVE IT HURTS!" Yukie wailed as she fell to the floor, clutching her heart as if it was in pain.

"Uh huh, sure, whatever you say," I said in a mocking tone as she smirked and looked up at me.

"But did I lie?"

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