the final push

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"JEEZ HE HAS THE POWER OF THE HULK!" I exclaimed as 16 sent his serve flying over the net, thankfully being received by Tanaka. Kageyama and Hinata then performed one of their special quick attacks, getting the ball passed the blocker but having it received by the libero.

"AWW NOO!" I whined as Seijoh performed a counter attack, hitting a line shot which flew passed Noya before he could react.

Thankfully, number 16 only managed to get one more serve in before the ball was slammed onto Seijohs side by Asahi.
"When it comes to Hinatas attacks, if they're read correctly they can be easily stopped," Shimada sighed as the boys switched sides of the court since the teams had both reached 12 points.

"If Hinata can get past Bokuto then he can definitely get passed these guys," I said confidently, crossing my arms and closing my eyes.


"Man, not him again," Seiko sighed as Oikawa approached the service line, spinning the ball in his hands.
"Everytime he serves I get a year taken off my life,"Shimada added as the tall boy bounced the ball a few times before pausing .

"I think I might puke," Yachi groaned as she bent over, placing her forehead on the railing as I rubbed her back.
"There, there, just don't puke on my shoes please," I said sternly as we watched the boy serve.

"Well, it looks like everyone on the team is feeling it," Takinoue sighed.
"Bring it on!" I heard Noya yelled as Oikawa tossed the ball and slammed it over with his usual power.

"Mother trucker!" I screeched as Daichi dove to the side, managing to pick up the serve and sending the ball flying over the net. Seijoh passed it up, sending it right to Oikawa who almost appeared to pause and consider his options mid play. Bruh how does his mind do dat????

"Aw man!" Seiko whined as he tossed the ball to onion head who did some weird sideways jump before slamming the ball across the court.

"YEA NOYA!" I cheered as he received the next serve from pretty boy 2.0, sending it just barely off target. It fell down above the net, resulting in a joust between Tsukki and onion head in which the mango fluff prevailed.

I laughed as Noya ran up to him, giving him a hard slap on the back and a thumbs up for the job well done.

I'd like him to slap me like tha-

what. nothing. kidding ofc. no. don't start.

Next up to serve was the dino which meant ginger was finally back in the front row. Surprisingly, Hinata managed to get a one tough on a spike from 16 before doing a similar broad jump to onion head.

Unfortunately, he jumped too far forwards and was now just centimetres away from the net. For whatever reason, Kageyama still sent him the ball, allowing it to hover just above the tape in front of Hinata.

"SLAM IT DOWN!" Kageyama instructed as Hinata swung forwards, snapping his wrist so that the ball fell on the floor right in front of him.

"Yea! Side out!" Shimada cheered as we all started to scream, freaking out over the save those two idiots just made.
"Amazing! He hit it in front of the attack line!" Yachi gasped as she clutched the railing, a slight pink tinting her cheeks.

"He's using a snap from his wrist so it's a weak shot but nobody can get there in time to stop him," Shimada explained as he calmed down, gazing at the court and replaying the actions in his mind.

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