Tadashi the MVP

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"HE DID IT! HE GOT A SERVICE ACE!" I screamed while holding onto Seikos hands and jumping up and down.
"He did it," Yachi whimpered, holding back tears.

"AW YEA! KICK ASS!" Seiko screamed, letting go of my hands and pumping her fists in the air.
"Nice freaking serve!" Takinoue cheered as Shimada stared blankly at the court, completely astounded as to what had just happened.

"YEAAA!" Noya and Hinata yelled as they tried to run onto the court to congratulate him, only to be held back by Suga and Ennoshita.
"That's it! Get another one!" Takinoue called as I tried to contain myself, feeling the happiness from everyone on the Karasuno team radiate through the gym.

"Keep it going! Catch up!" Shimada exclaimed after snapping back to reality, and taking in the moment as it happened.
"I can't believe he finally did it," I smiled as the boys continued to rough him up a bit before sending him back to the service line.

I held my breath as he stood a few feet behind the line, carefully tossing the ball once more. As if he copied the motion exactly from the previous serve, he made contact and sent it sailing over the net right to their number 16.

It looked like he was going to get it, but right at the last second, it shifted and flew closer to his face. He tried to re adjust, but instead it whizzed right by him, just barely grazing the side of his arm.

"Are you kidding? That was so cool!" big sis exclaimed as she leaned over the railing, only being held back by my arms which were wrapped around her torso.
"HES DOING IT! THAT LITTLE BABIES DOING IT!" I shrieked as Yachi clapped wildly, and Tadashi received even more praise then the last time.

Yet again he was ushered to the service line, with each return growing more and more confident.
"Do it again!" the boys from the bench called as Hinata watched him, starry eyed.

Just as before, he copied the motion, this time dropping the serve in the front half of the court. Unfortunately, it was picked up with an overhand receive from one of their spikers, and Karasuno shifted from the offence to the defence

Oikawa jumped to set the ball, sending it flying into the air towards their number 4. He jumped high and crushed the ball, sending it flying into Tadashi's shoulder who somehow managed to get the ball up again.

"Aw man I can feel the bruise from here," I shuttered  as Kageyama dove forwards, picking up the loose ball as Tanaka yanked Tadashi up from the ground.

For once, Tsukki went in to hit, dropping the ball to the side since there was a triple block in his way. It landed on the floor, just over the net and the whistle blew. They did it again.

"Did you just see that?" Shimada asked eagerly as the five of us erupted into applause.
"He completely avoided the block!" Takinoue cheered as I looked to the score board.

"They're catching up! Go Tadashi, you've got this!" I exclaimed as he picked up the ball, going to the service line for the fourth time in a row.

"Oh, Seijoh is taking a timeout," Shimada sighed as the Aoba Johsai coach stood and placed his hands in a 'T' formation to signal to the ref.
"They're doing whatever they can to stop the momentum," Takinoue sighed as the two teams quickly hustled off the court and into their huddles.

"That's it guys! Kick their butts!" Seiko screamed as the boys roughed up Tadashi once more before getting some advice from coach Ukai.
"Alright, keep it up guys!" Takinoue added.
"You're doing great you sports nerds!" I snickered as Noya looked up and gave me a playful glare before scoffing and turning his back on me.

"Excuse me shorty but that's not how you treat royalty," I shouted as Tanaka looked between the two of us and raised an eyebrow.
"What's the matter? Is the peasant disobeying her highness?" he asked, slapping Noya on the back.

"She called me a nerd! She doesn't deserve my respect," he wailed as I placed a hand on my chest and frowned.
"Well shiver me timber's," I scoffed playfully as a smug grin appeared on his face and he stuck his tongue out at me.

I returned the gesture before getting a strange look from big sis that said, 'what's this'?
"Don't look at me like that, he started it!" I huffed as Noya and Tanaka burst out laughing.
"Somethings going on here and I have to say...I LOVE IT!" she shrieked as I glared down at Tanaka knowing damn well he told her something.

"Baldy when we get out of here I will have your tongue on a plate!" I yelled as the timeout was over and he quickly rushed back onto the court without another word.

The teams made their way back onto the court, and Tadashi took his rightful place at the service line. He hit the ball cleanly, but it caught on the tape. I gasped, feeling the suspense as it bobbed up and down for a moment before just barely falling over the edge of the net.

It almost appeared to fall in slow motion, landing just out of reach of the libero as the crowd burst out with cheers for the fourth consecutive time.
"Oh my god," Yachi gasped, "we're tied."
I looked to the scoreboard to see what she was freaking out about and spotted the score, 23-23.

"Oh my god. We could take this thing from Seijoh in straight sets," I gasped, trying not to get too optimistic on the off chance something went wrong.
"I don't believe it. Tadashi had a net ball in the other match too! He's one lucky little devil!" big sis exclaimed as she looked between Yachi and I.

"They may have both been net balls, but the one from earlier, and the one just now are different. In the Wakunan match, Tadashi was concerned about getting the ball over the net. But right now, he's thinking about where to land the ball," Shimada exclaimed as the green haired boy approached the service line once again, looking completely focused and aware of his surroundings. He was no longer the boy who had nothing to offer; now, he's a threat.

"Tadashi is getting this done!" Seiko cheered as he took a deep breath, steadying himself before beginning the serve routine. He served the ball well, but I could see that it had a slight spin on it compared to the previous serves.

The ball was easily received by their number four, and sent right to Oikawa. Seijohs spiker hit the ball, and rebounded it off of Tsukishima's fingers as Tanaka chased after it. He dove under it, quickly followed by Kageyama who passed the ball over to Asahi.

He hit the ball with immense power, but couldn't break through the wall. Instead, it rebounded back, falling just BARELY outside the service line as Tanaka followed it up.

"THEY DID IT! WE'RE AT MATCH POINT!" I exclaimed, freaking out as the boys let out their cheers.
"One more point," Yachi prayed as she placed her hands together and shut her eyes tightly.

"Please boys please don't jack this up," Seiko begged as the rubbed her hands together nervously.
"Come on, land this sucker!" Takinoue growled as he gripped onto the railing, watching eagerly as the gym went almost silent.

"Finish it off," Shimada managed as he stared down his pupil with eager eyes.

Come on Tadashi. You've made it this far.

The concentration engraved on everyone's faces was intense. They all awaited the whistle as Tadashi performed his prep routine. The whistle went, and he steadied his hands, holding the ball out in front of him.

Eying the tape on the net, he chucked the ball up, quickly following after with a few quick steps. He made contact, sending the ball over the net in a smooth wave as the Seijoh players readied themselves.

"This ones mine!" their libero announced as he dashed forwards, setting the ball and interrupting its path. A couple of attackers charged in, but ultimately, the ball was set to their number four who came in from the back row. He leapt up, tracking the ball with his left hand before swinging down.

"Get the pass!" the five of us begged as the ball was sent right towards Tadashi, landing next to him  and bringing his body down with it.

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