Petunia's Safe! ✔︎

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"HER HIGHNESSSSSS!" a wild Noya screamed as I trudged into the gym. I may or may not have slid down a railing again, but we don't need to tell him that.

"SHORTY, BALDY! WHERES MY CHILD?" I demanded as the two came charging towards me.

"She's on her throne," Tanaka announced in a. completely serious tone, pointing to the stage where three bags were seated.

I peered over and saw my precious Petunia placed on the stage, surrounded by rainbow balls and jackets.

"Oh darling, mothers so happy to see you!" I exclaimed as the boys led me over to the stage, and boosted me up.

"I took good care of her, Tanaka didn't even lay a finger on her," Noya said sternly as Tanaka placed a hand on his hip and huffed.

"I just wanted to take a selfie with her," he grumbled as I sat next to my child.

"Ahem, Tanaka, Noya, care to introduce your friend to the rest of the team?" Daichi interrupted as I patted petunias head.

I looked up and smiled at the team, two girls in particular catching my eye. One was average height but her looks were WAYYYY above average. She had silky black hair and blue eyes and a small mole below her lip. But the other girl, I recognized her small figure immediately.

"YACHI?" I shrieked as the small blonde eagerly looked up at me.

"Y-Y/N! What are you doing here?" she gasped as I leapt off the stage and ran up to her, engulfing her body in a hug.

"Oh, my moms department got moved back here. I didn't know you went to Karasuno, otherwise I wouldn't have hung out with these two all day," I smirked, motioning to my servants. (yes, servants😏😏).

"HEY!" they exclaimed as Yachi let out a small laugh, and I turned towards the GODDESS next to me.

"Okay, why didn't you idiots tell me an angel attended this school?" I gasped as Noya and Tanaka stared at the girl with puppy eyes.

"KIYOKO! WE LOVE YOU!" they exclaimed, darting towards the girl who simply stepped to the side, allowing them to crash into the net.

"I can't believe you managed a whole day with them," Kiyoko sighed as she shook her head. "I'm Kiyoko, a third year. Yachi and I are both team managers."

"Woah, team managers? Cool!" I exclaimed as my companions pulled themselves off the floor and stared at the interaction of the female kind.

"Heh, I guess," Yachi laughed nervously as Daichi approached our group.

"Alright, let's get to practice! Y/N, it seems as though you're getting along well with Yachi and Kiyoko, so you can keep them company if they don't mind," Daichi instructed as Kiyoko gave a small smile and a nod.

"YAY, YACHI WE HAVE SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ON!" I shrieked, wrapping my arm over her shoulder and walking back towards the stage.

~Time skip, brought to you by Yachis ponytail~

"Idiot," I scoffed as Tanaka sulked due to him getting blocked by a tall blonde who I'd since nicknamed mango fluff. It's not my fault he looks like he wears shampooed mango fuzz as a wig!

"That basically goes for all of them," Kiyoko added, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"TANAKA! DONT YOU GET INTIMIDATED BY YOUR UNDERCLASSMEN!" Noya yelled as he leapt onto Tanaka's back and dug his fist into his shaved head.

My eyes went huge as I eyed the blonde dinosaur, immediately turning to Yachi for an answer.

"The dino is a first year?" I gasped as Yachi nodded shyly, glancing over at the dinosaur in front of my classmates. What the hell are they feeding kids these days? Buddy's gotta be like 8'5 istg.

"Ayo, mango fluff," I yelled, getting the attention of the idiot with the glasses. "How tall are you?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, giving off the dumb 'I don't care' persona of his.

"6'3. Now please shut up. Your mouth hasn't stopped moving since you got here," he muttered. I gasped and leaned back, putting a hand on my heart and collapsing in agony.

"Oh, woah is me. A blonde dino has insulted my mass amount of energy. How will I ever recover?" I exclaimed dramatically as Noya and Tanaka snickered at my rebuttal.

"HAHAH, she got you there four eyes!" Tanaka shrieked as he pointed up at the giant on the other side of the net.

"Like your one to talk, you're like Mr. Clean on cocaine," the dino shot back, his face STILL in that stupid scowl.

I let out a HOWL of a laugh as Tanaka pretended to wipe a tear before glaring down at Noya who tried to hide his giggles, unsuccessfully.

"Oh what's it to you? You're shorter then most of the first years!" he scoffed as Noya looked up from his place on the floor, a hurt expression plastering his small face. Cute.

"See Tanaka, you aren't my bro! There's a reason
Y/N sits next to me instead of you!" Noya grumbled as he sat up and crossed his arms.

"SHE SITS IN BETWEEN US DUMBASS!" Tanaka screamed, only pausing when a fuming Daichi appeared behind him.

~Time skip brought to you by dino boy~

~Noyas POV~

"BYE DAICHI!" I yelled as Tanaka, Y/N and I stood by the entrance to the gym, waving.

"Just go," Daichi said with a laugh, ushering us out of the building. Are we really all that surprised that he's annoyed by now? No, we aren't.

"Y/N WAIT!" Hinata yelled as he came sprinting full charge out of the gym, his orange hair being blown back by the wind. "Wanna ride home together since we live close by?"

Y/N thought for a moment before nodding and reaching up to pinch his ear before dragging him towards the bike rack.

"Sure thing ginger, as long as you don't speed off without me this time!" she instructed as he whined for her to let go.

"Wait Y/N! I wanna ride your scooter!" I whined as Tanaka and I followed the pair to the bike rack, and she unlocked the scooter and stuffed her chain into her bag.

"No❤️," she said sternly, standing up on it and winding between Tanaka and I as Hinata watched, starry eyed.

"Aw man, you said I could earlier!" I begged as she stopped next to the gate and did her signature solute.

"Tomorrow," she said with a wink before her and Hinata rode off into the night.

"Aw man, she really is the girl version of you, isn't she?" Tanaka laughed as we listened to her screams as she and Hinata raced up a hill.

"What? No she isn't! I'm way more chaotic!" I scoffed, baffled by my best friends comment.

"Oh please. In ONE DAY she got sent to the principals office, played with multiple children's toys, befriended DAICHI, slid down the railing, and gained like 10 nicknames. I'm pretty sure half the school knows who she is by now," Tanaka teased as he crossed his arms and started walking towards the gap in the fence.

I hadn't realized how much had happened today. She really was quiet chaotic, and that's not even counting the amount of arguments she got in with Tsukki and our teacher.

"Huh, I'm gonna have to step up my game," I realized as Tanaka slapped my back and nodded.
"Yes my bro, yes you are."

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