I'm More Fun In The Long Run ✔︎

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"IM GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH!" I sobbed as I dramatically crashed into Yukies arms.

"ILL MISS YOU TOO! PLEASE DON'T GO!" she wailed as people started to look at us.

"I WANNA STAY BUT I CAN'T! I'LL CALL YOU, OKAY?" I told her as I pretended to wipe a tear and patted her head.

"YOU BETTER!" she sobbed, giving me one of her heart stoping hugs before letting go.

Next I turned to Bokuto and Kuroo, standing with my arms open as they rushed forwards and picked me up off the ground.

"I'LL MISS YOU LIL SIS!" Bokuto exclaimed as I patted his spiky hair.

"Yea it's gonna be real boring around these parts without you," Kuroo sighed as they put me down and each gave me a fist bump.

"Hey, don't miss me too much," I told them before giving both Akaashi and Kenma a quick hug.

"Have a good trip home," Akaashi said, giving me a small smile.

"Keep track of Shoyo for me. And make sure they make it to the nationals," Kenma instructed as I saluted to the group of five one last time.

"GOODBYE!" they called in unison, saluting back to me as I ran over to the railing and pulled one leg on top of it.

"Oh no," I heard Kenma mutter as I picked my bottom leg up and slid down it at full speed, nearly crashing into Tanaka and Noya who waited at the bottom.

"So how is it you crashed sliding down a rail that was ten feet long, but land almost perfectly after going down a forty foot rail?" Noya asked as I slung my bags over my shoulders and smirked.

"Because I'm more fun in the long run," I told him confidently before skipping over to the bus and clambering on.

Per usual our little trio sat at the back, one of the boys on either side of me. Hinata and Kageyama took the seats in front of us, followed by Yachi, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

"Alright, will we or will we not get in trouble if we have a competition to solve rubix cubes?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Wait you can actually solve one of those?" Tanaka asked, dumbfounded as I nodded my head.

"So you actually have a brain and you've just been holding out on us," Noya teased as I flicked his forehead and dug into one of my bags.

"Of course I have a brain, how else would be able to pull off so many amazing things," I bragged as Tsukki snickered at my comment.

"Oh yes because running around without shoes all day is so incredible," he mumbled as I glared at him.

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm smart enough to realize shoes are just feet jail," I shot back as he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"The stupidity that is radiating from you is overwhelming," he muttered as I pulled a nerf gun out of my bag and shot it at his head.

"Hah, don't mess with her four eyes, I learned that the hard way," Tanaka snickered as I turned the gun and shot at him too. "Ow, what was that for?"

"No reason, your existence just pisses me off," I smirked as he rubbed the side of his head.

"Wow, for once it's not me getting attacked," Hinata sighed as I narrowed my eyes at him and turned the gun before having it ripped out of my hands.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as Noya held it out of my reach.

"You were bound to get it confiscated eventually," he snickered as I crossed my arms and pouted.

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