Pulling through

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Karasuno finally managed to take the flow of the game after scoring a point with a crazy return. We also managed to take the first set, but only by a couple of points. Johzenji sure is...how do I put this..sporadic.

They attempt the most ridiculous moves, and even tried to pull off a synchronize attack when we were at match point. Why they'd try a move like that in a game which decides their season, I have no idea but they sure seem to be having fun.

At one point Kageyama even took a block with his face, and was stubbornly pushed to the medical office by Tadashi. They then put Sugawara in as the setter, and I have to say he's not bad. Although without Kageyama, Hinata can't do his insane moves so they swapped him out for Kazuhito instead.

Although he's pretty good, I have to say I'm relieved that Kageyama and Hinata are back in the game. However, they seem to be even more worked up then they were before, each letting out a loud scream as they stood on the court.

Johzenji served the ball up which Noya received, sending it right to Kageyama. He then dove right into one of his and Hinatas crazy quicks, but it didn't line up. The ball went right through the impact point, thankfully being picked up by Daichi who was covering them.

"Amazing reflexes!" Yachi gasped as we watched the ball go up.
"Nope, more like he knew it was gonna happen," Takinoue sighed.
"Ugh, theyre idiots," I mumbled as Johzenji picked the ball up again, getting it too one of their wing spikers who eagerly rushed in for it.

Thankfully Daichi was there to save it once again, although I have to admit it seems like they're having a hard time keeping track of Johzenji's players. They're all over the place.

Hinata then went charging in, finally landing one of the crazy quicks before the blockers even had time to react.
"Yea! Nice one ginger!" I cheered out.

The game continued on, Karasuno using their moves they worked on at training camp while Johzenji continued to look like they didn't know what they were doing.

At one point the wing spiker even hit the ball on a second contact, knocking it about five feet out of bounds.
"It's good to be on the offensive, but Johzenji is rushing themselves," Takinoue sighed at one point.
"They don't even have a plan, they just do whatever they want without thinking!" I exclaimed as tongue piercing missed a serve.

"You're one to talk about doing things without thinking," Yachi teased as I rolled my eyes and gazed down at Noya.

Is it just me or does he look damn good in that reverse jersey?

Right around the 19 point mark, Johzenji actually started to smarten up, and I couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with what their manager had said. She appeared to have been giving them a serious talk during the most recent time out.

Thankfully, our team was still strong as ever, and managed to maintain the point gap which we'd created.

"Johzenji hasn't been able to stop the quick yet, they can take it now," Takinoue thought out loud just as Hinata was moving back up to the front line.

Almost on cue, Hinata rushed in for a quick, however this time they didn't even try to block him. Instead, they pulled all the players off the net to try and receive the ball.

Unfortunately this strange a tragedy seemed to work, and the libero got it just high enough for tongue piercing to kick the ball in the air.
"No way," I mumbled as an attacker leapt right over him, smashing the ball down.

"It's a two point game, and Hinatas spikes are still pretty light," Takinoue sighed as I looked down at my little ginger who was currently scolding Kageyama about something,
"If there's anything Hinata can't stand, it's losing, He'll pull it together any second now," I said confidently.

Then, just to prove my point, Hinata got a clean kill right down the line of the court.
"Yea nice kill!" Yachi and I cheered as the boys rushed into a huddle.
"There we go!" Takinoue exclaimed.

After the next one of his attacks was stopped, I saw Daichi whisper something to Hinata. Whatever it was sure fired him up, because he charged into the next hit full force.

Then, to my surprise, he stopped his hand right as he was about to hit, letting the ball barely even fall over the net.
"That's it! That's the move Bokuto taught him at camp!" I exclaimed as a few of Johzenji's payers dove for the ball, failing to pick it up.

"And we have match point!" Yachi pointed out as I looked to the scoreboard.
I watched happily as they continued to play, and Johzenji once again tried the synchronized attack.
"No way they make it," I mumbled as tongue piercing leapt up, hitting the ball hard and sending it just barely out of the court.

I held my breath as the linesman called it out, and the closing whistle blew.

"YEA!" Yachi and I exclaimed as the boys started to celebrate.
"They just made it to the top eight," Takinoue said proudly as he clapped for the boys who lined up and thanked the other team.
"That's what you get for hitting on our Kiyoko," I muttered, following Yachi down the stairs and into the hallway outside the gym.

"You guys did it!" Yachi exclaimed as the boys came rushing out of the gym.
"I knew my idiots would pull through!" I cheered as Tanaka and Noya came rushing towards us at full force, only being stopped when Ennoshita held onto them by the collars of their shirts.

"Easy guys, they don't have enough hands for all your high fiving," he sighed, releasing them as they walked up to us.
"Good job shorty," I exclaimed, jumping into Noyas arms as Tanaka and Ennoshita gave Yachi high fives.

"Heh, thanks. Although I have to admit, because of their chaos, I had a hard time picking up their plays," he sighed as I jumped down from his arms and smiled.
"Yea but you still pulled it off," I teased, nudging him in the side as he blushed gently.


A shiver went down my spine as a tall shadow passed by me, and a huge boy with white hair and no eyebrows loomed over Hinata.
"Tomorrow, I will stop you," the boy declared before bowing and leaving as quickly as he came.

"Who was that and where did he leave his eyebrows?" I asked, watching the tall boy wander away.
"That's Aone, from date tech. We beat them at the last tournament and he's kinda had a rivalry with Hinata ever since," Noya explained as the white haired boy disappeared in the crowd.

"And his eyebrows?" I asked as Noya rolled his eyes.
"Must you know everything?"

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