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hey hey baes. So i've decided ima do roughly one chapter per set for the Shiritorizawa match, and then the final set will be 2-3 chapters since there's a lot of detail in that match. The chapters will probably be a bit longer too, closer to 2k words whereas the previous chapters have been more like 1.3k words. enjoy:)

"Hey guys!" Yachi exclaimed as we made our way up to the stands where Shimada, Takinoue, Seiko and another tall boy stood.
"BIG SIS!" I cheered as I ran up to her, being engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

"Y/N, HEY!" she exclaimed, setting me down as I looked to the tall boy behind her.
"And, who would this be?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Akiteru Tsukkishima. I'm Kei's older brother," he said happily as I gasped and looked down to the dino on the court.
"Mango fluff has a brother?" I asked eagerly as Seiko burst out laughing.
"That's what we all said!" she laughed.

"Well, I'm Y/N L/N, but you can call me her highness," I declared happily.
"Y/N? Oh, hi!" a woman's voice called from a few rows up in the stands. I turned to see none other then miss, standing on a small platform in between seats with the vice principal.

My eyes lit up and I eagerly waved to her.
"HIYA MISS! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE COMING!" I exclaimed as she smiled and nodded.
"Yes, well, as much chaos as you three cause, I felt as though I had to come see the boys play," she explained as I nodded and looked down on the court where Noya and Tanaka were warming up.

"They'll be happy to know you were here!" I declared as she smiled and turned around to the large group of students behind her.
"You know everyone, everywhere, don't you?" Shimada sighed as I nodded and looked down on the court just in time to see the starting line ups being announced.

"And number 4, libero, Yuu Nishinoya," the announcer said as Noya came running onto the court, high fiving each of the coaches before giving everyone as a slap on the back.
"YEA, GO VOLLEYBALL NERDS!" I cheered as the announcer moved onto Shiritorizawa's line up.

"Okay, are we sure Shiritorizawa's coach is alive? He looks like he just rolled out of a tomb," I snickered as the announcer introduced Shiritorizawa's coach.
"Aw man, you always know how to lighten the mood huh kid?" Seiko asked slyly as I nodded and continued to eye the sack of disintegrating flesh by the court. (fr tho, mans looks like he's gonna be down in hell any day now😭)

"Yea, well, it looks like our guys are ready to go," Shimada sighed as the teams grouped into their huddles.
"Shiritorizawa's done this a hundred times before, but this is our boys first time here," Takinoue added.

"It's their first final which means they've never played a five set match before," Akiteru announced, catching Seiko and I's attention.
"Five sets?" Seiko gasped.
"Jeez, that's ridiculous," I sighed.

"That's true. Until now they've always played best 2/3. But during this game it'll be best 3/5 like how they do it at the professional matches," Shimada explained, raising his fingers to demonstrate the number sets.
"Aw man they're gonna be exhausted!" Seiko exclaimed.

"Yea, but I bet Tanaka will still find a way to piss me off," I grumbled as the starting line ups made their way onto the court.
"Hah, he definitely will," Yachi laughed in agreement.

"Hang on, this looks like a different line up. Hinatas in the back row," Shimada pointed out. I peered down too see that he was indeed correct. The usual line up was the same except for the fact that Hinata and Tsukishima had swapped places.

"They're probably trying to put the tall guys in the front row to combat Ushiwaka," Takinoue thought out loud as I eyed the tall boy with green hair.
"I don't get why they're so afraid of him. I mean, he literally has grass for hair!" I exclaimed as Seiko and Yachi burst out laughing.

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