I Want To Ride The Scooter In Class! ✔︎

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Tanaka and I are waiting for our scooter ride

Hinata wanted to stop at some store
He's taking forever but we'll be there soon
Calm ur tiddies

I don't have any to calm

I rolled my eyes and tucked my phone into my backpack pocket as Hinata finally emerged from some store called 'Sakinoshita'.

"Ginger hurry up! I wanna reveal my plan to Noya and Tanaka!" I yelled as he clambered back onto his bike and nodded.

"Are you really sure it's a good idea though? I mean, you already got sent to the principals office once yesterday," Hinata asked as we started up again towards the school.

I rolled my eyes and thought about the grumpy old man with the toupee and laughed.

"Oh yes Hinata, because I'm so scared of a guy with fake hair," I taunted, knowing damn well the only person who would do anything about my shenanigans would be miss.

"HANG ON HOW DO YOU KNOW HIS HAIR IS FAKE?" Hinata gasped, pulling his legs out to the side as we glided down a long hill.

"Isn't it obvious? His part line was SIDEWAYS yesterday at lunch," I exclaimed.
"Oh, okay good," Hinata sighed. I raised an eyebrow at him and smirked.

"Why are you so freaked out about me knowing his hair is fake?" I asked slyly, startling the tiny ginger on the bike next to me.

"O-Oh, no reason! I definitely didn't knock his toupee off on the first day! Nope! Not me!" he stuttered, making me burst out laughing just imagining Hinata knocking that rug off the VP's head.

"HAHAH, YOU DIDN'T!" I cackled as we reached the bottom of the hill and went zipping across the landscape.

"H-hey, it wasn't my fault! Kageyama started it!" he said in defence, putting his blame on the angry setter from yesterday.

"Fine, fine. It wasn't you, it was angry setter dude," I laughed as the school came into sight.

I looked to Hinata who had also noticed the school and smirked.
"Race ya?" I asked as he grinned wildly and eagerly began peddling towards the gate.

~Noyas POV~

"WOAHHH GINGER I WIN!" I heard an all to familiar voice scream as a wild girl with h/c hair and a small red head came racing into the school yard.

"Y/N, SLOW DOWN!" I cackled as her and Hinata skidded to a stop, each toppling off their rides in complete exhaustion.

"I totally won!" Hinata gasped as he pushed himself up on his elbows and looked at her.

"Nuh uh, I did!" she yelled back, pointing her finger at him, her eyes shifting to mine. "Shorty! Baldy, who won?"

I paused and looked at Tanaka who was folding over from laughter before answering.

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