say what now?

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"Oh my god can they just win already," I grumbled as I sat in the bleachers between Tanaka and Noya, watching the Aoba Johsai x Date Tech game.

"Can you just shut up already?" Tsukki scoffed as I kicked the back of his seat, allowing my head to fall onto Noyas shoulders as three boys in green suits ran up to the railing.

"Hey, are we winning?" the tall one with blonde hair asked as he eagerly peered over the railing at the scoreboard.
"Look at that, we're behind," the second one with brown hair sighed as he rested his hands on the railing.

I nudged Noya and pointed to the trio which stood a couple feet away from us.
"No way those guys are in high school. They're teachers or something? Right?" I asked as he glanced at the group and sighed.

"Nope. They're third years from Date Tech. They left the team after the interhigh prelims but ALWAYS come to Date Techs games," he sighed as I stared at the group.

"Dude no way they look at least thirty," Insighed as he let out a laugh and nodded.
"You're not wrong."

"Uh, Aoba Johsai took the first set," Daichi informed them as they spoke amongst themselves, a stunned look appearing on the 'hiGhsChooLeRs' faces.
"Ugh, you guys," the black haired one scoffed angrily.

"Uh, hey," Daichi stammered as the blonde one got the STUPIDEST look on his face.
"What's wrong with his face. Is he trying to look intimidating?" I smirked as we watched the exchange unfold in front of us.

"If he is he's not doing a very good job," Tanaka snickered as he joined in on our viewing party.

Eventually the old men got called away by some other players, chatting amongst themselves as they watched their team play.

"Ugh, that was boring, I thought a fight might start or something!" I exclaimed as Noya's eyes lit up.
"Aw that would've been so much more entertaining!" he agreed as Daichi sent us a death glare which we blatantly ignored.

"Ahah, look, Date Tech just got faked out," I snickered as a wing spiker from Seijoh lofted the ball right over the 'iron wall'.
"Pfft, I could've totally gotten that," Noya exclaimed confidently as Tanaka let out a laugh.

"Hah! How would you have done that? With the rolling thunder?" he snickered as an irritated look appeared on Noyas face.
"You know what just because you said that I'm not going to cover any of your spikes in the next game," he said sternly as I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the game.

"Woah, looks like Date Techs setter is some new guy," Hinata gasped as he pointed to a tall boy with hair like the yellow angry bird.
"I wonder what his- WOAH!" Kageyama gasped as feather head set the ball at a ridiculous height.

"JESUS IS HE SETTING THE EIFFEL TOWER?" I gasped as we watched in astonishment.
"He must think so," Noya grunted in agreement as the spiker missed the hit from a mile away.

"Take a look at our new weapon!" the guy from the trio announced happily as he pointed to feather head.
"The big boned setter, Koganegawa."

"Pssh, why does a guy with angry bird hair get a cool nickname?" I snickered as Tanaka and Noya each laughed at my comment, desperately trying to stay quiet as Hinata and Kageyama watched intently.

"Big boned?" Hinata asked, intrigued.
"Setter?" Kageyama gasped, that stupid twinkle appearing in his eye whenever he sees his competition.

"Here we go," I grumbled as the two watched his every move which I have to say, weren't very graceful. He just tumbled around the court without thinking twice, and missed a set to Jeffrey star but straight who was right in front of him. (yes, that is how I see Aone, leave me alone.)

"He's still in the process of developing! He hasn't been a setter that long!" the black haired dude exclaimed, trying to defend his underclassmen's actions as Tanaka, Noya and I burst out laughing.

"HEY LOOK HE JUST DID SOMETHING USEFUL!" I cackled as this Koganegawa guy lunged into a crazy strong block, knocking Jeffrey star and the captain over mid jump.

"HAS HE EVER EVEN HELD A VOLLEYBALL BEFORE?" Tanaka gasped through laughs as he tried to dump the ball, having it land right in the libero's arms.

"IS THIS WHAT I LOOK LIKE WHEN YOU IDIOTS MAKE ME PLAY WITH YOU?" I gasped, realizing how uncoordinated I must look.
"NO, UNLIKE HIM YOU CAN ACTUALLY CONTROL THE BALL!" Noya exclaimed as feather head received an earful from the Date Tech captain.

"Do you three ever shut those noise boxes of yours?" Tsukki grumbled with an irritated tone as I leaned forwards and grabbed his ear.
"Why are you always listening in on our conversations skinny? Are you obsessed with me or something?" I smirked as he rolled his eyes and batted my hand away, taking his bag and moving a couple seats down.

"Ah, relaxation at its finest," I sighed, leaning back in my seat.
"You sure do have a way with people huh?" Noya teased as I simply nodded my head and smiled while closing my eyes.

"Woah, Iwa just totally blew through Kogane's block!" Noya exclaimed as I reopened my eyes to see Seijoh celebrating as Date Tech stared down the ball which sat on their side of the court.

"Iwa?" I asked, cocking my head as Hinata pointed to number four on Seijoh's court.
"He's Aoba Johsai's ace!" the ginger said excitedly as I eyed the guy up and down.

"He looks like he tried to copy Lisa Simpsons hair style and failed," I sighed as Tanaka and Noya both burst out laughing.
"Man, you are coming for everyones cuts today!" Tanaka exclaimed as he whiped a tear from his face.

"It's what I do, Cailuo," I said happily as my eyes widened. "Hey, that rhymed!" I gasped, sending the pair into another laugh attack which just couldn't be stopped.

"Nice work Y/N, you broke them," Kageyama huffed as I slapped him on the back of the head.
"I like ya cut g!" I exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes and rubbed his head where I'd hit him.

"What about meee? Do you like my cut?" Noya whined, finally catching his breath and regaining his composure.
"Yes, yes I do!" I said happily, ruffing his hair up so that it had a messy look to it.

Damn, his hair is so soft. It's really fun to play with too.

"What about me?" Tanaka asked slyly, running a hand over his shaved head with a smug grin on his face.
"I love it but I just have to know, were you inspired by the last air bender or Mr clean?"I asked seriously as he scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Neither. As a matter of a fact I thought of this look all by my lonesome," he said proudly as I let out a laugh and rammed my shoulder into him.
"Agh, Noya control your beast," he grumbled, rubbing his arm as I put a hurt expression on my face.

"Say what now?"

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