Huricane Katrina? More Like Huricane Tsukkishima!

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"Ughhhh, not him againnnn," I groaned, seeing the yellow haired twin approach the service line.

"But look, four steps. He's doing a jump float!" Yachi exclaimed.

Last night during the meeting, Ukai had pointed out that Miya Atsumu measured his distance with steps, and that would determine which type of serve he used.

Why was I paying attention too that of all things?

Well, too keep it short I may have said he could measure that distance with my dick but we don't need to talk about it❤️

Ahem, n e ways, the whistle blew and he did in fact do a jump serve. It flew straight for Nishi, and it looked like he was going to get it up flew right through his hands.

"W-what? Nishinoya missed a receive?" Yachi stammered as I was too flabbergasted too speak.

"H-he...m-missed...r-receive...but t-that....WHAT?" was all I could manage as the team stared at the ball rolling away from them.

Unfortunately the dye job 2.0 also got too serve again which is just such a lovely occurrence🥰

Once again, the ball flew directly too Nishi, but this time he was able to get it up.

"YEA NISHI!" I cheered as the colour returned to Yachi's face and she let out a long sigh of relief.

Asahi slammed the ball over the net but it was picked up by their libero. At this next play I'm pretty sure my eyes popped out of their sockets like that one guy who can shoot his eyes out and look like a sesame street

sorry that's off topic.

Miya Atsumu set the ball so it went directly into the path of Miya Osamu, who was nearly finished his swing before I could blink.

The ball went flying across the stadium, and the boys once again froze as they were still processing what had just happen.

I immediately dropped to my knees, patting my hands along the floor as though I was looking for something.

"U-uhm Y/N? What are you doing?" Yachi asked as I looked up and sighed.

"Trying to pick my jaw up off the floor," I grumbled, standing up and crossing my arms.

"That was just like Kageyama and Hinata's quick," Yachi gasped, looking between the two pairs of players.

"Oh behaviour if you ask me!" I exclaimed, shaking my head as the Atsumu dude approached the line again.

Yachi just smiled and shook her head, gazing back as he served up another jump floater which was received by Daichi.

Although, once it was Inarizakis turn to attack, they did the weirdo quick with the twins again, and nobody was there to block.

(seriously I think they like stan kags and ginger idk)

Thankfully the spike went out of bounds, so we had some breathing room for awhile.

Although once Hinata was back on the front line, he got completely shut out by a triple block. The disrespect, honestly🤚🏼😔

However Hinata did pay them back a while later by glancing the ball off Atsumu's block, and putting Bokuto's teachings to work.

Even Tsukki managed too get a big play by stopping the twins weirdo quick thing with just his own block.

"YEAAA! GO SALT SHAKER!" I cheered, pumping my fist up and down and earning a heart warming glare from the dino kind.

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