Kahoot Fuckers

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"I smell like lysolllll," I whined as I tossed a dirty rag into the bucket.
"You can still smell? The bleach washed away my senses hours ago," Tanaka sighed as he wiped down one of the desks.

"Yea, well maybe if you hadn't gotten so competitive when you lost in the Kahoot then we wouldn't be here!" Noya exclaimed as he stood on a chair to wipe the top half of the chalk board.

"Excuse me! I totally won!" Tanaka exclaimed as I scoffed and crossed my arms.
"Nuh uh! If you hadn't thrown my phone across the room then I would've won!" I retorted as he simply waved me away.

"Yea, yea, it's your fault for teaming up with Noya and working against me!" he whined as I snickered and flicked his head.
"Pssh, maybe you shouldn't have shoved your hand in my face!" I shot back as he glared and looked up at Noya.

"OH NUH UH, DON'T TALK! YOU KISSED ME SO I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SEE ONE OF THE QUESTIONS!" Noya exclaimed as I thought back and snickered too myself.

~6 hours earlier~

"TANAKA HOW ARE YOU AHEAD OF ME?" I shrieked as he moved into first place on the scoreboard.
"BECAUSE IM A GENIUS!" he cackled, holding his phone out of my reach as I tried to grab it.

"Y/N, Tanaka! Please keep it quiet!" miss exclaimed as I rested back in my chair and scowled.
"Fine," Tanaka sighed as he readied himself for the next question.

"ITS REDDDDDD!" I shrieked, tapping my fingers randomly on Tanaka's phone as the next question came up.
"SHUT UP YOU BASTARD! IT IS NOT!" he exclaimed, shoving his hand in my face and making me fall backwards onto Noya's lap.

"HEY HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!" Noya exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me.


"UH HUH, AND HOW'D THAT WORK OUT FOR YOU?" he snickered, pointing to my phone which was glowing a bright red.
"WHAT? NO I DIDN'T EVEN ANSWER!" I wailed as Tanaka reached over and high fived Noya.

"NICE ONE BRO!" Tanaka exclaimed as my mouth fell open.
"YOU HELPED HIM DISTRACT ME SO YOU COULD HIT THE WRONG ANSWER?" I gasped as Noya held his arms up in defence.

"HE MADE ME! I SWEAR!" Noya screamed as I swatted at his face.
"You are SOOOOO lucky you're cute," I grumbled as  he snickered and grinned at me.

"You still love me thoughhhhh," he cooed as I rolled my eyes, glancing too the screen as the next countdown started.
"Yes, I do," I smirked, leaning towards him and placing my lips against his.

"EWWWWW, GET A ROOM!" Tanaka gagged as I smiled into the kiss, feeling Noya freeze beneath my touch. Just as he regained his composure and began leaning into the kiss, I pulled back and looked at the board, selecting the correct answer before he knew what was happening.

"GOTCHA BITCH!" I laughed as he stared straight ahead, a deep blush on his cheeks as Tanaka started to howl from laughter.

"Aw man! She got you there bro!" he cackled as I smiled and crossed my arms.
"I just had to get my revenge!" I exclaimed in defence.

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