One Last Set

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lol happy new years u twinkies🥰 i hope ur not wasted while reading this...or maybe i do idk u do u bae. have fun and don't get alcohol poisoning💃🏽

"Awww, no!" I whined as Seijohs number 4 spiked the ball down, getting the point they needed to take the second set after cutting off Tadashi's serve.
"Man! We had em' on the ropes!" Takinoue groaned as he let his head fall back and shut his eyes.

"Don't give up!" Seiko said sternly as she pounded her fists on the railing.
"Come on, you can still do it!" Yachi cheered as she cupped for mouth to direct her voice towards the players.

I sighed and looked down at the court to see Noya and Tanaka laughing along with Tadashi and Hinata, and I couldn't help but smile. Despite them losing this set, they still have a good chance of taking the next one, and their spirits are still high. It'll be alright.


The boys listened intently as Ukai spoke to them, giving advice and motivating them for the final set.
"Karasuno, fight!"
"FIGHT!" the team cheered in unison before retaking their places on the court.

"Alright, here we go," Takinoue sighed.
"Yea, this will decide exactly where we stand against Seijoh," Shimada said as he gazed out at the court, still seeming very composed as the whistle blew.

Asahi was first up to serve, sending Seijoh a powerful one which they still managed to receive. They then slammed it down near Daichi who was unable to recover it, giving Seijoh the first point of the match.

"Oh you're kidding," I grumbled as Oikawa stood at the service line, holding his hand out and catching the ball mid air as he stared down the middle of the court. Thankfully, Asahi was able to receive it, but it went slightly out of control.

It started to fall above the net, only to be slammed down by none other then Seijohs number 16, giving them a second point.
"Can you believe the arm on this guy?" Takinoue gasped as Tanaka stared down 16 almost seeming to be fighting with him through their eyes.

"Come on, hang in their guys," Shimada mumbled as he rested his forearms on the railing, a worried look finally crossing his face.
"Please don't give up! You're so close!" I called out, feeling their stress waving off of the court.

"Karasuno let's fight!" Yachi exclaimed as Oikawa once again stood at the service line, glaring down our boys as part of his routine.

Daichi managed to receive this serve, and sent it flying high into the air.
"It's up!" our little cheering section exclaimed as the boys rushed in to cover it. Kageyama set Tanaka who smashed the ball against number 16, allowing the ball to rebound off of him and fly to the side.

"We finally stopped their flow," Shimada sighed as Yachi jumped up and down with joy.
"Yea, good one bro!" Seiko cheered as I clapped my hands excitedly.
"Nice one baldy!" I yelled as he let out a howl of a celebration.

I could see number 16 angrily eyeing Tanaka who simply glared back, a strange aura emitting from them. Tsukki, who was up to serve, also noted this exchange and narrowed his eyes as he watched the two.

Mango fluffs up to something 😏

Tsukki served the ball which was received by Seijohs libero, and then set by Oikawa to the bumble bastard. He eagerly rushed in, slamming the ball against Tanaka's block in such a way so that it rebounded off and flew straight into the wall.

"Agh, curse the bumble bastard," I muttered below my breath as Tanaka and 16 stared each other down.


"Man, Karasuno hasn't been able to take the lead once," Shimada sighed as he studied the court intently.
"It's Asahi's serve, maybe we can get a couple points back now," I noted as the boy with the man bun tossed the ball.

He somehow pulled off a crazy tight shot, making the ball curve around the players and land just within the courts boundaries.

He served again, but this time the ball went straight to the libero which I could tell really irked him. Oikawa set the onion head who came in with a quick attack, slamming the ball on Karasuno's side.

I looked to Seijohs side and didn't even bother to comment, for I knew exactly what my companions were thinking when they saw the server. It's Oikawa. This isn't good for us.

"Uh- woah!" I gasped as he did his usual 'arm ripping serve' as Yachi would say, but this time, it bounced off the tape of the net. Tanaka got the ball up with ease, and Tanaka rushed into a quick attack with Tsukki who was currently on the front line.

He hit it down too Oikawa who got the first touch, followed up by their number 4.

Perfect. They can't make a good set.

16 let out a loud shout as he swung through. I winced, expecting to hear the ball crash to the floor at any moment. But instead, the ball was stopped by a block from none other then Tsukishima.

"Woah. Did Tsukki and Tanaka just switch places for that block?" Takinoue gasped as Yachi and I let out a loud cheer, and Seiko clapped excitedly.
"Yea. I wonder if he knew a line shot was coming?" Shimada thought out loud as Noya and Hinata switched places, and dino boy moved to the back to serve.

The ball was served up and received, headed directly to Oikawa as Daichi called to watch number 16. Despite our boys tracing 16's exact movements, Oikawa still set him. He ran up and swung full force on the ball, aiming it at Tsukishima. He hesitated for a moment before stepping to the side, and allowing the ball to whiz past him and land out of the court.

"Kill it boys!" Seiko exclaimed as Yachi pumped her fists in the air.
"Hey mango fluff! Who knew you could actually be beneficial from time to time!" I teased as Tsukki glared up at me and I smirked at him.

"Look at that, another mistake by 16!" I cheered as he hit the ball right into the net. The whistle was suddenly blown, and I looked down to see Seijohs 13 standing at the side line, waiting to sub in for him.

"Well it's not like he's super enthusiastic, and he's been missing so many plays," Seiko sighed as we watched him switch out with the other player.


"He's already back in?" Seiko asked a substitution was called by Seijoh after Tanaka landed a nice hit off of one of Noyas sets.
"Him again? It must be a gamble for Seijoh," Takinoue sighed as 16 reclaimed his place on the court, almost appearing calmer then before.

Tanaka was next up to serve which means he probably won't be crushing bumble bastards spirits for a bit😔💔
He served it up, unfortunately allowing Seijoh to receive the ball and set it up to number 16 who almost seemed surprised to have been tossed too.

He let out a yell as he went in on a fairly tight angle, landing one of his super close cut shots just in front of Daichi's reach as his teammates let out a cheer.

After being dragged into a huddle by his teammates, 16 was next up to serve and was handed the ball by none other then Oikawa. The setter appeared to have said something which caught him by surprise, but Im pretty sure I saw him thank the boy before taking the ball.

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