the great king

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"Well now, looks like I made it in time!" Takinoue exclaimed as he wandered over to where Yachi, Shimada, Seiko and I stood on the balcony.
"Hey, you missed the Wakunan game earlier. It was a real tough one," Shimada told him excitedly.

"Aw man I wish I could've been there," he whined, cocking his head to look over at Seiko.
"Hey there, Seiko Tanaka. I'm Ryu's big sister," she said happily, saluting to him.

"She's the best!" I said excitedly as he nodded to the two of us.
"I can't believe they made it too the semifinals," Takinoue sighed as we watched the captains meet to decide the serve.

"Wait, these are the semis? So if they win this game and the next one, they're going to nationals?" Seiko gasped as she pulled out a brochure for the tournament and studied.
"Woah, look how many teams they eliminated!" I exclaimed, pointing to all of the rounds they've passed so far.

"Yes, well, they'll have to defeat two extremely tough teams to do it," Shimada sighed as the teams grouped into their usual huddles, getting directions and speeches from the coaches.

The starting whistle soon blew, and both starting line ups hurried onto the court.
"Aw man, this is gonna be intense," I squealed as the Seijoh cheering section erupted into applause, one man leading the entire cheer.

"Ooo, we have to start the game against Oikawa serving?" Takinoue shuttered as the tall guy from earlier walked up to the serving line, batting the ball up and down.
"Is he really that good?" Seiko asked, receiving an agreement from Yachi and I.

"His arms like a canon," Shimada sighed.
"You can start the game off with a lot of momentum with a good serve," Takinoue added as I gazed down at the tall boy. "And too be honest, that's exactly what he does."

I shivered as we watched the boy hold the ball out, almost as if he was pointing at Karasuno with it. The whistle was blown and one of the Seijoh players said something to Oikawa as he nodded and tossed the ball up. My eyes grew wide as he jumped and pulled his arm back, forcing the ball forwards and sending it flying over the net.

"Wooh! They got it!" Takinoue cheered as Daichi dove for the ball, making a solid contact and sending it flying back into the air.
"Hell yes!" Seiko and I exclaimed as Yachi watched, horrified.
"If I touched that my arms would fall off," Yachi whimpered as the ball flew close to the net, getting pushed down by Aoba Johsais number twelve.

"Yea!" I cheered as Kageyama dove under it, passing the ball up with one hand. He quickly rushed out of the way as Noya ran up from the back, leaping from behind the line and setting the ball mid air.

"Nice one shorty!" I exclaimed as he set the ball to Asahi, who rushed in and slammed the ball down from the back row. Oikawa let out a loud groan as we all cheered excitedly, and a shocked expression appeared on Noya and Asahi's faces as they gave each other a high five.

Of course the ones who did it are the most surprised.

Next up to serve was Kageyama, who sent another insanely strong serve over the net, and I realized his form was very similar to Oikawas. I guess Noya did say something about them being old acquaintances. Unfortunately he aimed for the side line to much, and shot the ball just barely out of the court.

"Damn!" I exclaimed as the next server grabbed the ball, a tall brunette wearing the number four jersey

Sorry Iwa but Noyas the only number four we stan😏🤏🏼

The guy sent up another strong serve which was received by Asahi.
"Damn, these guys sure can serve," Takinoue huffed as we watched the ball fall extremely close to the net.
Thankfully, Kageyama was able to reach it, and flicked it just barely high enough for Tanaka to rush in an slam it down.

"Hey! That's my bro! Kick their asses!" Seiko screamed as she waved eagerly at him. We stan a supportive big sis🥰
"Woah, Okay Seiko, take it down a notch!" Tanaka yelled as I burst out laughing.

"APPRECIATE YOUR SISTERS SUPPORT BALDY!" I yelled at him from the railing as he rolled his eyes.

"Alright, nice receive guys!" Yachi cheered as they set the ball up for Tsukishima who had moved into the front row.

He slammed it down but it was picked up, the pass directed right to Oikawa who set a back row player.
"Woah!" I exclaimed as he hit it right into Tsukki's block, which must have been at least a foot high, before falling to the ground.

"These guys are going toe to toe from the get go," Takinoue stammered as Tsukki moved to the back to serve, and Hinata retook his place in the front line.
"You got that right," I sighed.
"Yea well, that may be true but I think it's about time for Hinata to drop one of his quicks," Shimada decided as the tiny ginger took his place at the net.

"I hear that," Takinoue agreed.
"What do you mean?" Seiko asked as Tsukki readied himself for his serve.

"In the last match with Seijoh, Hinatas quick attack was set up perfectly, but it was stuffed and the game was over. It must be lingering in all of their minds," Shimada explained as we nodded, looking out across the court of rivals.

"For Hinata and Kageyama, they could use something positive like that to move on," Takinoue sighed as Tsukki served. It went flying over the net, easily being returned with a hit from their number four.

Daichi received the hit, and Kageyama immediately set Hinata with their super quick attack. Unfortunately, it was blocked by their number twelve who kinda resembles an onion.

No, no. They don't need that right now.

"Ah yea, he got under it!" Takinoue cheered as Tsukki dove beneath the ball, getting it back up but sending it over the net.

Oikawa got the first touch as Kageyama started yelling something to Hinata to whip him into shape. The libero passed it back to their number four who slammed the ball off the edge of Hinatas fingers.

"Nice one touch!" Suga yelled from the bench as Asahi passed the ball up one final time.
"Come on you guys!" I yelled as Kageyama positioned himself beneath the ball, and Hinata rushed in next to him.

He slammed the ball down right past onion head, making the libero panic and shank his pass.
"Yea! They did it!" I cheered as the two high fived, receiving praise from their teammates both on the court and on the bench.

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