Sk8er Boi✔︎

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It had been about a half hour since Yukie's and mine ambush on the boys so it was definitely past midnight.

I was sprawled out on the floor with Noya next to me, and Yukie sitting across from us. Bokuto and Kuroo were passing a volleyball between themselves as Tanaka was trying to get something he'd seen on the balcony surrounding the gym.

"Hey, check it, there's a penny board up here," Tanaka called as he held up a white penny board with red wheels and stickers all over it.

"MY PENNY BOARD!" I squealed, running towards him and snatching it from his hands.

"Do I want to know what your skateboard was doing up there?" Kuroo asked, eying me as I slammed it on the ground and hopped on it.

"Oh, Akaashi caught me trying to ride it down one of the halls earlier and hid it. He said I would get it back at the end of camp but it looks like I outsmarted him," I exclaimed as I pushed off and started riding through the the gym.

"Hey, let me have a turn!" Noya exclaimed as I went racing towards him, nearly knocking him over since the buttwad didn't move.

"Fine fine," I muttered as he literally PICKED ME UP and took me off of the board, snatching it and speeding through the gym.

I watched happily as he brushed past everyone, snatching the ball from Bokuto and Kuroo as he passed in between them.

That was when I saw IT.

A MASSIVE speaker with an aux cord sitting in the back of the gym, just waiting for me to put it to use.

I waited until the others were distracted, chasing after Noya trying to get the ball back.

Ngl he's not bad on that thing. Hot too.

I quickly ran over to the speaker, pulling my phone out and connecting it to the speaker. I plugged it into the wall and swiped through my playlist until I found the PERFECT song. Sk8er Boi, by Avril Lavigne.

The beat started to play extremely loud and they other five looked up at me as I immediately started jamming to the music.

"HAHAH, go Y/N!" Yukie called as I set my phone down and started dancing with her.

"Hey Noya, it's your theme song!" I yelled as he rolled his eyes and continued to do laps around the gym, his brown hair flowing with the gentle breeze.

"HE WAS A SKATER BOY, SHE SAID SEE YOU LATER BOY, HE WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER!" Yukie and I started singing at the top of our lungs as Tanaka, Bokuto and even Kuroo joined in.

"SHE HAD A PRETTY FACE, BUT HER HEAD WAS UP IN SPACE, SHE NEEDED TO COME BACK DOWN TO EARTH!" we all sang as Noya started to jam out, still riding around on my penny board.

~Noyas POV~

In the middle of the gym Y/N, Yukie, Tanaka, Bokuto and Kuroo were dancing around to 'Sk8er Boi' while I did laps around them on Y/N's penny board.

"Oi, skater boy! Get over here!" Y/N called, motioning for me to join them.

I smiled and turned the board so I was facing towards them, and jumped off it right as I came close to the group. As I arrived, the song came to an end and Y/N quickly ran over to her phone.

"Song requests?" she asked, excitedly looking at us.
"Safe and Sound!" Yukie exclaimed, receiving an eager nod from Y/N.

Moments later, the almost electronic beat boomed out of the speakers, and she rushed back to the group, sliding towards me on her fluffy socks. Yes, fluffy socks.


It reminded of a middle school dance; no stress, just being chaotic and having fun.

"Hey, someone get the lights!" Y/N exclaimed as she grabbed the penny board and flipped it over, flicking a small switch which lit up a bunch of rainbow coloured lights attached to the bottom of the board.

"Sick!" Tanaka exclaimed as he darted towards the light panel, flicking them all down so we were left in almost totally darkness.

"Haha, here she goes," I laughed as she hopped on the board and starting riding around with Yukie fan girling over her.

"I'm not even gonna lie that looks sick," Kuroo announced, impressed by the flashing lights below her board.

"I know, i'm fantastic," she gloated as the song soon came to an end and she passed the board over to Bokuto who eagerly hopped on it.

"OHHH I know a good song for us Yukie!" she exclaimed, eagerly tapping through her phone as Yukie ran up next to her.

I heard them giggling as they tapped on another song, and an unfamiliar beat began to play.

"OH NO, YOU'RE LUCKY AKAASHI ISNT HERE!" Bokuto exclaimed as the two came bounding back to the centre of the gym.

"What is this? Haunted house music?" Tanaka asked as a strange laugh rang through the air.

"No, it's 'Daisy', by Ashnikko," Kuroo sighed, also seeming to know a story behind the song. "They played this at a practice game and made Bokuto and I sing with them."

"YOU DON'T WANNA SEE ME BRATTY, PET THE KITTY, CALL ME CATTY!" they screamed, their voices mingling with the music.

I laughed as the girls jumped around, singing every word without a care in the world. Keep in mind it's about 12:30 in the morning, so they're bent on an energy rush.


I have to admit it I'm definitely attracted to Y/N right now. Seeing her just do whatever she wants without a care in the world always puts a smile on my face.

~Third person~

It had been another half hour of the group dancing around in the gym. They eventually began to grow tired, and had turned the skateboard off so they were in total darkness.

The song currently playing was 'Closer' by Tegan and Sara, and the only two still dancing were the libero and the e/c eyed girl who were hopelessly falling in love with each other.

Bokuto and Yukie had passed out about ten minutes ago, Bokuto on the floor and Yukie on one of the benches. Kuroo and Tanaka weren't yet asleep, but were beginning to nod off as they squinted through the darkness in hopes of getting a glimpse of the only pair who still somehow had energy.

"It's not, just all physical! I'm the type who won't get oh so critical! So let's make things physical! I won't treat you like your oh so typical!" Y/N sang out loud as she held Noyas hands and forced him to dance with her.

"I want you close, I want you! I won't, treat you like your oh, so typical!" she continued to sing. Little did the libero know, she meant every word.

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