They Got Y/N! ✔︎

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"Y/NNNNN," Noya whined as we left the room for lunch, finally giving miss some peace from our antics.

"Noyaaaaaa," I whined in return as we stopped in front of a vending machine.

"Will you come watch our practice today?" he asked eagerly as Tanaka retrieved a bottle of iced tea from the vending machine and rejoined our conversation.

I supposed it could be fun. Besides, it's not like I have anything better to do.

"Sure, why not," I gave a shrug as he eagerly bounced up and down.
"You're gonna watch our practice?" Tanaka asked excitedly as he took a sip from his drink.

"Not so fast," a smooth voice exclaimed from behind us, and Tanaka and Noya seemed to completely freeze. "Daichi told us about this morning. You're not supposed to bring strangers into practices anymore."

"Hiya, Y/N L/N. Nice to meet ya," I exclaimed, turning around to see a boy with longer, black hair and brown eyes.

"Ennoshita! Y/N's not a stranger! She's our best friend!" the two whined as Ennoshita shook my hand.

"Alright, but you know Daichi's gonna get mad!" he taunted as Tanaka and Noya once again froze in place.

"Pfft, I'll deal with Daichi. And I promise I won't get in the way sir!" I exclaimed, saluting to Ennoshita before dragging the boys with me towards the staircase.

"Where are we going?" Noya whined as we entered the stairwell and started climbing up to the third year hallway.

"To ask Daichi if I can watch your practice. Dur," I explained as the boys watched me climb the stairs.

"Haha, he's gonna hate you by the end of the day!" Tanaka exclaimed as I rolled my eyes and barged into the third year hallway.

~Noyas POV~

"Alright, what class is he in?" Y/N asked confidently as she cracked her knuckles and looked around.

"Oh boy," Tanaka sighed.
"She's gonna get trampled," I mumbled as we watched her dart in and out of the classrooms until a loud shriek echoed through the hall.

Tanaka and I looked at each other before dashing over to the last classroom we saw her enter, and watched as she stood next to a VERY confused Daichi.

"So what do ya say?" I heard her asked, hands on her hips as Daichi's gaze shifted towards Tanaka and I.

"IF you really can keep those two under control then I guess it wouldn't hurt," Daichi sighed, as I looked at him confused.

"Yippee! Thanks Daichi!" Y/N exclaimed, wrapping a hand around his shoulder and squeezing it tightly before whirling around and marching towards us.

The other third years in the class watched, some laughing and others just looking confused. I shrugged my shoulders at Daichi before darting back into the hall and chasing after Y/N.

"What on earth did you say? He never gives in that easily!" Tanaka exclaimed as we caught up to her at the end of the hall, getting irritated glances from the other third years.

"Oh, I just said I had an iron grip on you two and that I could step in at any time if needed," she explained sarcastically, flicking our foreheads as she entered the staircase once again.

"Wait, what? You most certainly do not!" I gasped, chasing after her as she stopped a few stairs down.

"Aw, baldy and shorty are upset? I thought you'd be excited about me joining you at practice," she teased, continuing down the stairs and stopping at the intercepting platform.

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