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It's officially been a week since our er- roller blading adventure, shall we say, and here's the run down.

Although I didn't break my ankle, I did sprain it badly and apparently popped a bone out of place. Basically I fell in such a way that the bone slid out and slid back in, all within a second. (lol the way that this actually happened too me😗🤏🏼)

Anyways, the doctors put me in one of those boot casts, which wasn't the worst thing. Although I can't exactly ride my scooter so my mom had been driving me too and from school everyday which was just SO enjoyable. I do enjoy not having too ride in the cold though since it's getting too be winter time.

But sis really says hi too all my friends before she leaves i-


MOVING ON! I'd just arrived at school, and spotted Hinata across the court yard speaking with one of his friends.
"GINGER!" I called, walking towards him with a slight limp as he looked up and smiled.

"Hi Y/N! How's your ankle doing?" he asked as I stopped in front of him.
"Meh, it's alright. Although this boot thing is starting too piss me off," I sighed, flicking at it with my other shoe.

"I'm just glad it wasn't broken! That could've been really bad!" Hinata exclaimed as I nodded my head.

"Y/N! Hinata! Hey!" someone called, and we looked up too see the goddess herself standing on one of the balconies.
"HI KIYOKO!" I exclaimed, waving frantically and attracting a lot of attention.

"I forgot to mention this but we're taking measurements today for the pamphlets! Meet us as soon as possible after school, and tell the other first and second years!" she instructed as I saluted too her.

"Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed as Kageyama walked up behind us.
"Hey, I bet my reach is higher then yours," he said plainly as Hinata got an offended look on his face.
"Bring it on! Mine's definitely higher!" Hinata shot back as I sighed and walked away, not wanting too deal with them at the moment.

I couldn't find anyone else so I simply made my way too the office. Somehow, Noya, Tanaka and I are still in charge of morning announcements despite all the chaos we've caused.

In short, Tanaka set up a meet and greet for himself, Noya created a rolling thunder fan club, and I won't even tell you how many nerf wars I've started. Thats just the begging of it too. But it's fun so I don't really care about how or why we're still in charge.

"HELLOOOOO!" I exclaimed, throwing the door open too see both boys already seated in their chairs.
"Y/N!" Noya exclaimed, tackling me with his traditional bear hug as Tanaka gagged at our encounter.

"Oh, go harass Kiyoko," I teased as he pretended too hold back his barf.
"I would but it appears the goddess has hidden herself from my charm," he sighed dramatically as I snickered at his comment.

"Uh huh, she's totally hiding from your charm and not you in general," I teased as the bell rang and he crossed his arms.

"Just start the show," he muttered as I gladly took the mic.

"GOOD MORNING AND GOOD RIDDANCE!" I exclaimed. It wasn't in the script but ever since that first day, I'd started off all the announcements like that. It's my signature move💃🏽🕺🏽

"Let's see, the band is having a concert this weekend so make sure you show up and do a lil dancey dance," I began, reading off the paper as Noya snatched the mic.

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