the info supplier

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~Noya's POV~

It had been roughly two weeks since I'd confessed my feelings about Y/N to Tanaka and he hasn't let it go. Everyday he teases me about it, and asks if I've done anything which I obviously haven't.

The way I feel about this girl is far too unknown to me and I just can't risk letting anything happen to ruin it. Thankfully he's somehow managed to keep it a secret, although I think some of the guys from the team are starting to catch on with the amount of teasing and nagging he does.

We are currently standing outside of Nekoma high school in Tokyo, getting a speech from coach about this short training camp we're taking part in. Y/N had her head rested on my shoulder since she couldn't sleep on the bus, but I didn't mind.

Once coach had finished talking, we were led to our rooms where we would stay for the night since this this camp would only last for the weekend. Y/N was of course staying with the other girls in the managers room, so I waved goodbye to her as we were led to ours.

"Lover boy," Tanaka smirked under his breath as I karate chopped the top of his head.
"Yea, yea, whatever," I grumbled as we entered our room, each claiming a futon and placing our things down before heading to the gym to start warm up.


"YUKIE!" I exclaimed as I entered the managers room with Kiyoko and Yachi following closely behind.
"Y/N!" she exclaimed, tackling me with a hug before I even had a chance to set my bags down. (yes, bags, you know why.)

"I MISSED YOU BAE!" she squealed as I patted her back and placed a kiss on her head.
"I'd be surprised if you didn't,"I smirked as Kiyoko and Yachi helped us up.
"Soooo, how's your lover boy?" she asked cheekily, giving me a sly grin as she spoke.

"He's not my lover boy you dip shit," I retorted, flicking her forehead.
"Uh huh, sureeee. Little do you know Tanaka's been keeping me updated," she smirked, holding up her phone with Tanaka's contact pulled up.
"HE WHAT?" I screamed, snatching the phone and reading the most recent messages.

"Yup. He's been updating me, Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma, Yamamoto, Lev, Yaku and Kaori," she listed off the names while sticking out her fingers to count.
"Yachi, if I get in trouble, protect Petunia for me."

"BALDYYYYY!" I screamed, tearing into the gym with a nerf gun in hand and the managers trialing behind me.
"Uh ohhh," I heard him mumble from the Karasuno bench, ducking behind Tsukishima who had an irritated look on his face.
"Not this again," he sighed, stepping out of the way and leaving Tanaka out in the open.

"GET YOUR BALD ASS OVER HERE!" I screamed, running towards the bench as he screamed and jumped up on the bench.
"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME AT LEAST TELL ME WHAT I DID THIS TIME!" he shrieked as the other teams turned their attention to us, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

"YOU'VE BEEN SENDING PEOPLE UPDATES ON ME AND NISHINOYAAAA!" I whined as Noya perked up and walked over to me.
"You what?" he asked, as baldy crossed his arms and smirked.
"Oh, yea I kinda have been doing that," he sighed as people started to chime in from around the gym.

"I like the updates!" someone from Nekoma yelled.
"He even made a group chat," Kenma sighed as I turned my head and stared at him, raising the gun to his level.
"Chucklefuck," I muttered before rapid firing at him as Noya watched happily.

"AWWW COME ON IT'S NOT LIKE I SET YOU GUYS UP OR ANYTHING!" he whined, curling up his body to protect himself from the bullets.
"YOU DID DO THAT!" I reminded him, thinking of the last training camp as I continued to fire at him until I was out of bullets.

"Aw, I'm out," I pouted as Tanaka sighed a sigh of relief and hopped off the bench.
"Looks like your attack is over," he taunted as I reached into the back pocket of my jeans and pulled out a single shot pistol, aiming it at his forehead and shooting.

"And it looks like you underestimated me."

~Time Skip, brought to you by christmas pyjamas~

~Noya POV~

Her Highness👑

Her Highness👑
hey hey
up for a bit of chaos?


Her Highness👑
meet me outside my room in 5

I smiled to myself as I powered my phone off, tucking it into the pocket of my shorts as I slowly pulled myself out of my futon. I crept over to the door, opening it gently and slipping into the hallway as my heart started to beat faster.

It's only been about 5 weeks since the last training camp, but the thing I missed most of all was sneaking around with Y/N at night. Of course, most of the time we had people with us but I still loved it.

I made my way to the managers room, waiting just outside of it until she finally came to the door. She had on a huge oversized t-shirt and loose exercise shorts, and her h/l, h/c hair was pulled into two loose braids.

"Hey, there she is," I whispered as she gave me her signature salute and bright smile.
"Here I am. Now let's go, I wanna show you something," she whispered, taking my hand and leading me through the halls.

We stopped once we came to the long hallway connecting the main part of the school to the foyer, which was lined with pictures of the graduating classes. (idk if they do this in japan aswell but here in Canada every school has halls dedicated to the graduates)

"What are we doing here?" I asked as she started to scan the pictures, stoping once she came to one from about twenty five years ago.
"It's my mom," she said happily, pointing to a picture on the left side of the frame.

I looked at the picture and had no doubt her mother was where she got her looks from. She had the same mysterious, e/c eyes and h/c hair. She definitely stood out amongst the others in the class, and looked like a slightly older version of Y/N.

"You look just like her," I whispered, glancing between the picture and the girl in front of me.
"Is that a compliment?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and cocking her head.
"Definitely," I laughed as she reached up and ruffled my hair around.

"So, if your mom went to Nekoma, why did you go to Fukurodani?" I asked as she continued to gaze at the picture.
"Well I'm sure she would've loved for me to go to Nekoma, and I do have a lot of friends here but my main friend group were all going to Fukurodani and I wanted to stay with them. You know, Yukie, Bokuto, Kaori, Akaashi," she explained, listing off the others at the camp.

"I see. You're lucky to have such good friends, they all seem to care about you a ton," I sighed, wishing I could give that same energy to her.
"Yea, I never really thought about it but I guess I am," she sighed, looking away from the picture and locking her e/c orbs onto mine. "But i'm also lucky to have you."

No, why'd you have to say that? Now I know I'll never stop falling.

"I'm lucky to have you too."

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