I've Got To Get A Picture Of This✔︎

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After the longest, most excruciating meal I have EVER had, it was finally time for the games to begin.

Noya had somehow forced me out of his sweater, so now I say bundled up in a hoodie blanket which was easily three times my size.

Like I said, only bring the essentials.

Anyways, I sat against one of the benches with Kiyoko and Yachi on either side of me, while Ukai and Takeda yelled something at the idiots on the court.

"Don't give up on that ginger!" Ukai yelled as the ball hit the floor just a couple feet away from Hinata.

Ukai out here stealing my nicknames I see😣👊🏻

"Yessir!" Hinata yelled, bowing to Ukai before hurrying back onto the court.

The boys were currently playing Shinzen, which I honestly had no interest in watching since I didn't really know anyone on that team. However they seemed to be winning so I guess it was okay.

"Yachiiiii," I complained, tilting my head back to look up at her.
"Y-yes?" she asked, startled.

"I'm boreddddd," I whined, stifling a small giggle from Kiyoko.

"I'm sorry Y/N b-but there isn't much I can do to help you," Yachi sighed as Hinata finally landed one of his spikes, and the entire Karasuno team cheered, startling the two of us.

"Oi, give me a warning before you cheer so loud!" I yelled, getting a laugh and boosting the moral of the players on the court.

Then, that's when it came to me.

"Yachi, I'll be back," I said sternly, jumping up and shuffling out of the gym, my feet barely visible beneath my hoodie blanket.

I took off down the hall, wandering here and there until I finally found the managers room.

I quickly burst inside, rummaging through my ✨necessities✨ bag, and pulling out my tablet which contained MANY things I could distract myself with.

I held onto it tightly but before I left, I pulled out two small nerf pistols and tucked them inside my sleeves in hopes that someone would start a war with me;)

~Short time skip brought to you by idk like 5 minutes~

"Yachi! I'm baaaack!" I announced sliding into the gym with my tablet in hand.

I skipped over to her and reclaimed my seat on the floor, opening my tablet and swiping through until I came to a photoshop app. (you already know what's going down)

"Oh no," I heard her murmur as she watched me raise the tablet, quickly snapping a picture of Tanaka as he let out a loud cheer.

I snickered you myself as I used various effects to stretch his face, adding on a bright pink moustache for good measure.

Next up I took a picture of açai- I mean Asahi as he went up to hit, a few strands of hair falling from his man bun. But of course I had to add the most luxurious locks to his head, so I used to pen tool to draw some on. My oh my did he look wonderful.

This continued for about ten minutes into the game until I captured a picture of Noya doing a diving receive at THE perfect angle to get some revenge on Tanaka.

I remembered seeing a picture Tanaka had posted on his instagram with him shirtless at the beach. So of course I was going to use this to my advantage. I took the picture of Tanaka and cropped it out, and then layered it over the picture of Nishinoya so it looked like- well you get the rest.

At this point I was full on laughing at my work with Yachi giving a horrified look over my shoulder.

"Uh-uhm, Y/N! W-what are you doing?" she gasped, catching Kiyokos attention for a moment.

"Oh my goodness, send that to me!" she exclaimed to which I happily complied.

"Hey Y/N! Whatcha doin?" I heard Hinata ask as he skipped towards the bench after just switching out with Noya.

"Oh nothing," I smirked, quickly switching my screens so that it appeared as I was only scrolling through Instagram.

"Ugh, I thought you'd be doing something fun! It's so boring over there," Hinata huffed as he laid on the ground next to us, sweat dripping from his face and arms as he pointed to the group of subs.

"Hinata, why don't you organize a cheer with the others? Shinzen is at match point!" Yachi exclaimed, pointing to the score board which read 22-24 Shinzen.

"Great idea Yachi!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping and rushing over to the group of subs, leaving us as quickly as he came.

"Oh I've got to get a picture of this," I smirked, watching as Hinata forced the boys into a line, and they each took a breath before raising one leg and point there hands out.

"Karasuno, fight!" they yelled, making me topple over with laughter as they posed like a group of ballerinas. BALLERINAS. YES.

Not long after, I had placed a pink, fluffy tutu onto each of the boys waists, and added ponytails for a little extra SPICE✨

"Flying laps, let's go!" I heard Daichi yell as the team groaned a 'yes sir' and they all began to dive onto the floor.

"Ow, I can feel the bruises from here," I cringed, watching as Hinata nearly face planted into the floor.

"Yup, Noya and Daichi are always covered in them, since they're the strongest receivers on our team," Kiyoko explained as we watched the boys do their lap.

"Ohhh, so that's why he has so many scrapes. I just assumed he was a clumsy idiot," I shrugged, watching as Noya dove onto the ground once more and receiving a laugh from the girls.

"Did I hear my name?" Noya asked, almost as if he was on cue.

"No, shut up!" I yelled, waving him off as he came tearing towards me.

"Why'd you need my sweater if you had this all along?" he asked, taking note of the hoodie blanket I'd buried my self in.

"That's concealed information shorty," I told him, jumping up and flicking his forehead in the process.

"You're shorter though!"

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