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A/N- lol so there's prolly gonna be a lot of chapters for the shiratorizawa games cause i've got many ideas;) anyways uhm enjoy brosefinos

"Nobody talk to me unless you want your eyelashes ripped out!" I announced as I stumbled into the gym at the early hour of 9am💔
"And there she is, the woman of the hour everyone!" Tanaka announced as I flipped him off and collapsed onto the gym floor.

"Did you sleep at all?" Daichi asked as he loomed over me.
"Well uhm, you see..."

8 hours earlier.....

Noya had dropped me off at home at about midnight, and I HAD gone straight to my room. But as I was laying in bed Yukie sent me an edit for an anime which I somehow hadn't watched before .


So naturally I went onto crunchyroll and found the anime. It had 11 episodes, each of which were about 25 minutes long which meant I could binge the entire show in only a few hours.

That's right. I used math to figure out how quickly I could binge a show. Call me Albert Einstein💃🏽

*end of flashback*

" stayed up till 3am...knowing you'd have to get up early...too watch an anime?" Daichi asked raising an eyebrow.
"No...the last half hour was spent crying over the main couple," I said quietly, sitting up and crossing my arms as he shook his head and laughed.

"How are you supposed to cheer for me if you're falling asleep?" Noya asked as he wandered over, placing his hand on his heart.
"Oh don't worry, I've got that covered," I said slyly, patting my backpack which held a, er, surprise;)

"Y/N, what did I say about shooting Ushiwaka with nerf guns when he goes to serve?" Hinata asked as he joined in the conversation.
"Mm I don't recall you saying anything about that," I said freely as I looked away and scratched the back of my neck.

"You brought nerf guns too shoot Ushiwaka with?" Daichi asked, trying desperately to hide his smile.
"No❤️," I mumbled, pushing my lips out as I looked away from him. "Maybe."

"Y/N you cant shoot him with toy darts," Daichi sighed as I frowned and glanced at my bag.
"Why not?" I asked seriously as Hinata tried to grab my bag.

"For one, it's bad sportsmanship and two you'll probably get in trouble," he said sternly as I pouted and grabbed my bag back from Hinata.
"Fine. I won't shoot Ushiwaka."
"You cant shoot anyone else from Shiratorizawa either."
"Why not?" I whined as Noya and Tanaka burst out laughing.

"Do I really need to say?" Daichi asked as he looked to my bag.
"Yes because I haven't the faintest clue," I teased as he sighed and grabbed my bag from me.

He pulled out a big revolver, two regular nerf guns and a pistol which I'd tucked into the front pouch.
"Why did you need four guns?" Tanaka babbled as he continued to laugh at the confiscation of my guns.

"Well I thought Seiko might wanna use one or something," I said seriously as he face palmed and continued to laugh.
"Okay, you can have these back once the game is over," Daichi instructed as he tossed my bag back and I pouted.

"You're no fun," I grumbled as I crossed my arms and pretended to cry.
"Hang on," Noya sighed as he grabbed my arms and pulled me off the ground. "Empty your pockets."

Damn, he's good.

"Mmm, no."
He walked forwards and dug his hands into my hoodie pocket, first pulling out a bag of darts and a green pistol which he handed to Daichi.

"Turn," he said as I let my shoulders fall and turned around. He pulled my hood down to reveal another small pistol which I'd put at the nape of my neck along with a few bullets.

"How many of these things do you have?" Daichi laughed as his pile of confiscated guns continued to grow.
"Uhm, I don't know I have them all on display at home though," I said, thinking of the shelves in my basement which were lined with various types of nerf guns.

(I may or may not actually have something like this at home but y'all don't need to know that😃🤚🏼)

"Alright, give me your leg," Noya sighed as I groaned and lifted my leg so my foot was in his hand. He pulled the cuff of my track pants up to reveal a third gun tucked inside my crew sock.

"HAHAH, THERES STILL MORE?!" Tanaka gasped as he watched Noya pull the gun out.
"So, you do know we aren't going to war, right?" Tsukki asked as he looked over to the commotion I'd caused.

"Yes but what happens if someone tries to attack my baby tangerine?" I asked while pointing to Hinata.
"Oh yes, because a toy gun is going to do so much damage against high school athlete," Tsukki snickered as I glared at him and put my other leg up for Noya.

"Hang on, I'm running out of arms," Daichi sighed as Noya placed the fourth...or is it fifth? Idk, but he placed another gun on the pile.
"Well lucky for you thats all of them," I said happily as I pulled my leg down and started to walk away.

"Oh no it isnt," Noya snickered as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to his body, using his spare arm to lift the bottom of my hoodie and revealing the last gun tucked under the waist band.

"Noooo, that one is my last line of defence," I whined as he pulled it out and held it above his head.
"We're going to a volleyball game, not a nerf tournament," he snickered as I jumped up and down trying to reach it.

"But what if I get attacked, or worse, HIT ON BY SOME SHIRATORIBLAHBLAHBLAH GUY," I gasped as Tsukki walked over and snatched the gun from Noya, holding it above his head.

"Okay there was a chance I could get it from Noya but this is just mean," I declared as he rolled his eyes and handed the gun to Daichi.
"Sorry Y/N but we can't risk any of your shenanigans today," he sighed before wandering into the equipment room and setting the guns down on a high shelf.

"Hmph, and I thought you all wanted to win today," I grumbled as I collapsed against Noya and shut my eyes.
"We do wanna win, what we don't want is your sorry ass getting kicked out for shooting Shiratorizawas ace with a toy," Tanaka snickered as I opened one eye and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Alright, the bus is here!" Suga called from the door as everyone nodded and started to collect their things.
"Y/N you gotta walk to the bus," Noya laughed as I shook my head and remained with my eyes closed and body rested against him.

"Nuh uh," I mumbled as he tried to pushed me up to a standing position.
"Yuh huh, come on let's go," he snickered, picking up my bag and grabbing my hands.
"I miss my bed," I whined as he pulled me out the door and towards the bus which we would take to the Sendai city gymnasium.

"Well you could've stayed in it longer if you didn't stay up till 3am watching anime," he teased as we reached the bus.
"Hey! It's not my fault Uenoyama and Mafuyu are the cutest couple I've seen yet," I said sternly as he rolled his eyes and shoved up the steps.

"I thought you were supposed to be tired," he sighed as we claimed our usual seat at the back of the bus where Tanaka already sat.
"And what would the favourite couple be discussing at this time?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as I leaned over and flicked his forehead.

"Just the issues with Y/N's sleep schedule," Noya teased as I glared at him and pulled out my phone.
"Just for that I'm going to make you watch given edits for the entire bus ride."

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