the last day of camp

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~Third Person~

It's currently lunch hour at Nekoma high school in Tokyo, where a certain libero and manager are collecting their meals.

As per usual, they sat next to each other at the Karasuno table, surrounded by their teammates and friends.
"Looky here, the lovebirds are still attached at the hip," Tanaka snickered, making the pair both roll their eyes.

"We are not lovebirds, how many times am I going to have to shoot you with my nerf guns for you too realize that?" the girl scowled as she threw a piece of fruit at him which he failed to catch in his mouth.
"A lot more I'll tell you that," he said as he shoved the fruit into his mouth and started to chew.

"Meh, I have the bullets," she sighed as the table let out a small laugh.
"Alright, let's get down to business. These will be our final few matches before we head back home to Miagy. The day after we return, the second round of the deciding tournament for our prefectures representative will start, so we should make sure we're perfecting our skills as much as we can today!" the captain announced to the team, ensuring they were all prepared for the battle to come.

~Time skip, brought to you by me being lazy~


I sat on the bench with Kiyoko and Yachi as the team played their final round against Nekoma before we had to leave. This would also be the last game between us and Nekoma for the year unless we both make it to the nationals, so both teams were trying their hardest.

"So, how is it going to work? The deciding tournament?" I asked as Hinata scored a point with his and Kageyama's insane quick attack.
"The tournament will start the day after tomorrow, and we'll have one game that day. Assuming we win, we'll continue to advance until we either lose or make it to the finals where we'll most likely end up playing Shiratorizawa," Kiyoko explained as Asahi went up to serve.

"Shiratorizawa? Is that the school with that Ushiwaka guy? The one who's in the top three aces in Japan?" I asked, remembering something Kuroo had said at the barbecue.
"That's them," Kiyoko nodded in agreement as Kuroo used a delayed attack, scoring another point against us.

"HEY ROOSTER HEAD! STOP SCORING POINTS AGAINST MY TEAM!" I yelled across the court as he smirked.
"No can do short stuff," he taunted, lining up at the net as I crossed my arms.
"This is why you're single," I shot back as Kenma snickered at my comment.

"How do you d-do that?" Yachi stammered as I turned my head, not knowing to what she was referring.
"Huh? Do what?" I asked as she looked out at the court.

"You just yelled across the court in front of all these people like it was nothing. And on top of that, you were insulting someone while doing it. Aren't you worried about how other people are going to respond?" she asked, taking me completely by surprise since I never really thought about it before.

"We'll, I honestly don't know how to answer that. I mean, they're all my friends and they know I'm just playing around. Even if they didn't like it, or thought I was weird, it's not like there's anything I can do about it," I told her honestly as we watched the set play out.

"So you honestly don't get afraid to just...start yelling about whatever you want? Or burst into a room with that amount of energy?" she asked, almost sounding confused.
"No, why would I? It's not like I'm facing down a villain or walking on the edge of a volcano, I'm just being me," I said happily as she looked at me with wide eyes while Nekoma scored the game winning point.

"Aw, come on," I whined as Kuroo turned his attention to me and stuck out his tongue.
"Wow Kuroo, I didn't think you had an immature bone in your body," Kenma said plainly as I snickered at him.
"Oh come on! It's Y/N! She could make you act immature if she tried hard enough," he scolded, walked to the edge of the court and lining up with the rest of Nekoma.

"For the record, you definitely couldn't," Kenma sighed.
"Hmm, yes I could," I shot back.
"Could not."
"Could not."
"Could not!"
"Just did."

He let out a long sigh before joining the rest of his team, and thanking Karasuno before our boys started their penalty laps.
"OOH, I WANNA JOIN!" I exclaimed, running next to Hinata and diving on the ground.
"Here she goes," I heard Kiyoko sigh as I stuck my tongue out at her and Yachi.

"I still don't see why you find these so fascinating," Tanaka heaved as he finished his lap and looked up at me.
"Do I really need a reason? It's just fun to show you up," I taunted, sliding on the floor once more.
"Yea, whatever," he sighed, taking a water bottle from Yachi.

~Time skip because I can~

"COACH!" I yelled, clambering onto the bus behind Noya.
"Yea kid?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Despite my, ahem, interruptions, it seems like Ukai has taken a liking to me. Something about me reminding him of himself when he was younger.
"Can I drive the bus?" I asked eagerly as he let out a laugh.

"Hah! I don't think so. Unless of course, you have the proper license," he asked as Noya and Tanaka made their way too the back of the bus, trying not to laugh at me.
"Well I don't have a license but I did beat Kenma in mario kart which I think is pretty damn good," I said confidently as he shook his head and smiled.

"As entertaining as that would be, I feel like living a while longer. Sorry kid," he sighed, taking a seat in the drivers chair as I shrugged and joined my idiots at the back.
"Did you honestly think he'd let you drive the bus? There isn't a single brain cell between the three of you," Tsukki teased as I took my seat next to Noya.

"Oh please, once you beat Kenma in mario kart, come talk to me," I sighed, pulling my phone out and clicking through random apps until I found something to entertain me.

✨Cow Evolution✨

"What on earth is this?" Noya gasped as he looked down at my phone

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"What on earth is this?" Noya gasped as he looked down at my phone.
"Only the most magnificent game there is," I said, happily opening the crates with my cows inside.
"Are you sure you know what magnificent means?" he asked sarcastically as I gasped and nudged him with my elbow.

"Yes, and this game is the definition of it," I shot back, continuing to play, unbothered.
"Uh huh, sure munchkin," he sighed, resting his head on my shoulder as he watched me play. I felt a slight blush cross my face at his touch, but thankfully he couldn't see it.
"Munchkin? I thought I was the one who's supposed to give out nicknames," I asked slyly, feeling him smile against my shoulder.

"Times are a changing. I figured it was my turn," he said happily, closing his eyes as he rested on me.

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