Noya, Im So Proud Of You

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"So...will they put him back in?" I asked as everyone's attention was turned to the mango as he sat on the bench with a sign in his hand.
"He got the okay to play again, so hopefully," Yachi sighed as she rested her hands on the rail.

"COME ON BOYS!" I cheered as they readied their defence. Daichi wound up receiving the serve, and Kageyama did a setter dump which was insanely close to being blocked by lava boy.

"AYO HOW IS TOMATO HAIR STILL REACTING SO FAST?" I gasped as the ball landed just out of reach of their receivers.
"Gagh! That kid messes with my senses," Seiko scowled as the buzzer went off, and I looked down to see Tsukki switching out with Kazuhito.

"YEAAAA, LETS GO DINO!" I cheered as he looked up at me scowled. (how kind of him to acknowledge me🥰)
"Alright! We've got Tsukki and Kageyama back! Time to attack!" Seiko exclaimed as the boys grouped into a small huddle, probably getting a pep talk from Dadchi.

"A final serve and we're at the disadvantage, it makes me very nervous," Shimada sighed in a sing songy voice as he clutched his noise makers.
"Pssh, it's Asahi serving! He'll crush it!" I exclaimed as man bun approached the service line, ball in hand.

Shiritorizawa dug up the serve and ✨shockingly✨ set Ushiwaka.
"AGAIN?" Seiko gasped as she leaned forwards, nearly falling off the balcony.

"HIS HAND!" I exclaimed as Ushiwaka slammed the ball through his injured hand, having it rebound to the back where Asahi picked it up.

"NOYAAAAA!" Seiko and I exclaimed as Noya dug up another spike from Ushiwaka. Then, to my surprise Shiritorizawa set moss head a T H I R D time in one rally, but we thankfully got it up.

"RYUUUU!" Seiko exclaimed as Tanaka shot a ball right through a double block, putting us at match point.
"YEA BALDY! We might pull it off!" I exclaimed as Seiko pumped her fists in the air.

"GO KARASUNO!" Takinoue cheered as the buzzer went off, and I looked down too see Shiritorizawa calling a timeout. I smirked and looked to Seiko, noticing that she wasn't paying attention.

"HA WUSSIES!" I cackled people all around me tried their hardest to stifle their laughs while Seiko didn't even bother. She just slapped me on the back as she gasped for air, and I gave a cheesy smile.

"Y/N!" someone called from the bench and looked down too see Noya jumping up and down with his hands in the air.
"NOYAAAA! KICK THEIR ASSES!" I cheered as everyone in the team burst out laughing, earning us a glare from Shiritorizawa's coach.

"Oh, what's it too you. You're the same colour a dirty wall-"
"Y/N SHUT UP I CANT BREATHE!" Seiko cackled as she covered my mouth and clutched her stomach.

I snickered to myself as I picked my mallets back up, banging carelessly on the xylophone as the entire team watched happily.
"Any songf requetsfh?" I asked through Seikos hand which still covered my mouth.

"Twinkle twinkle little star!" Hinata exclaimed with wide eyes as I nodded and continued to play on my child's toy.
"Twinkfle, Twinkfle little ginmbger," I sang, my words being muffled as everyone on the team applauded my performance right as the timeout ended.

"Thank you! I'll be here all night!" I exclaimed as Seiko finally dropped her hand from my mouth.
"Aw man, you're something else kid," she snickered as I crossed my arms and nodded.

"Alright, let's kick this into gear!" I cheered as Shimada sighed and shook his head.
"Tanaka, Asahi, and Daichi have played this whole time. They're probably far beyond their limits. It's gonna be a tough one," he thought out loud as I peered down at the boys.

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