The Chosen One ✔︎

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"SHAWTYS!" I exclaimed as I dashed out into the school yard, following closely behind Bokuto, Akaashi and Yukie.

"Y/N!" Noya and Tanaka exclaimed in unison as they spotted me.

"Ah ah ah, I heard you lost. I'm very disappointed," I told them sarcastically as they stopped in front of me and frowned.

"It's not our fault," Noya whined.

"Yea we can't control the fact that they have one of the top aces in the nation," Tanaka added on as we joined the rest of the players and listened to coach Nekomata's speech.

"Ugh, why does he have to talk, can't he see that all of our mouths are watering," I whined just loud enough for my companions to hear.

"It all looks so good," Noya mumbled as he stared down one of the grills.

"Now, allow your muscles to repair themselves to your hearts content!" I heard Nekomata exclaim as the entire group rushed towards the grills.

As I loaded up my plate with veggies, meat and rice balls, I looked over to a table and watched as Bokuto ran past Kuroo, snatching multiple pieces of meat and shoving them in his mouth before he was caught.

"Woah there Bokuto, I'm not letting you get all the meat you son of a bitch!" Kuroo exclaimed, making me giggle.

I turned around to see Noya standing a few feet away from me, holding his plate as Tanaka and Yamamoto knelt before him.

"Oh no," I muttered to myself as Kiyoko brushed past me.

"I recommend getting away while you can," she giggled as I nodded and started to walk with her.

"Do you understand, Tanaka?" I heard Noya ask.

"Of course. Tiger head?" Tanaka answered, nodding his head.

"Yes master," Yamamoto said sternly.

"There shall be no dudes allowed to use this event to hit on Kiyoko and Y/N!" Noya exclaimed, making Kiyoko and I burst out laughing as we walked.

"Their quite dynamic, huh?" she asked as we walked by Tsukki and Yamaguchi, and I nodded my head.

"So, why is Nishinoya the master?" I heard Tadashi ask which made me perk up my ear.

"Apparently it is because he's the chosen one. The only one to have been cuddled by Y/N, and slapped by Kiyoko," Tsukki answered.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Kiyoko as we went and sat with the other girls. "They're using us a source of power!"

"Well of course, Tanaka, Noya and Yamamoto go crazy when all I do is stand there, but now Noya is completely obsessed with you," she laughed as I took a seat next to her chair on the grass.

"Hmph, I'm gonna have to teach them a lesson," I grumbled as Yukie shoved a couple of rice balls in her mouth, earning many stares from different players.

"YES YUKIE! THATS MY WIFE!" I screamed, giving her a thumbs up and instantly increasing my mood.

I sat around and talked with the girls for quiet awhile before being drawn out of the conversation by a bored Bokuto.

"Excuse me, I can walk by myself," I huffed as he pulled me across the lawn by my hood.

"I'm bored so your going to come with me," he instructed as I swatted at the back of his legs.

"Why do I have to come with you? Go find your pretty setter," I asked as he paused for a moment before looking down on me.

"Well for one you're leaving tonight so I want to spend as much time together as possible, and two, Kuroo is hunting me down because I snatched a bunch of food from him," he declared before continuing towards a table where Kuroo, Hinata and Lev stood.

"Oi, someone get this owl off of me," I exclaimed as we stopped next to them.

"Bokuto, drop the girl," Kuroo instructed to which he happily complied.

"You know, just because your top five aces in the nation doesn't mean you can drag me around like a puppy dog," I grumbled as I stood up and brushed myself off.

"Wait, top five? That's so cool!"Hinata exclaimed, stars in his eyes as he looked up at his senpai.

"Isn't it? Isn't it?" Bokuto asked as he began to laugh hysterically.

"You know, someone from your region is up there. That big guy Ushiwaka's in the top three," Kuroo interrupted.

"Top three?" Hinata and I gasped as Bokuto glared at Kuroo.

"Hello, I'm right over here you know," he called, trying to get our attention back.

"So three means that there's two above him, right?" Lev asked, his mouth full of food.

Kuroo then went on and on about the top three aces and how Bokuto is mad because he's not part of them anymore. He then told Tsukishima that he wouldn't let me be intimidated by that Ushijima guy because he or acted blocking against Bokutos spikes so much.

As much as I wanted to stay and talk, watching those five bickering was beginning to get boring.

"Psst, Y/N," I heard someone call. I turned around to see Yukie standing a few feet away, motioning for me to join her. "Can we do the fireworks now?" she pleaded.

I sighed and looked over at the boys who were still yelling and nodded.

"Alright, let's do it."


"Oooo, can I light them?" Yukie exclaimed as we ran around the side of the building where our small pack of fireworks lay.

"I don't know, can I trust you with an open flame?" I asked slyly as I pulled the lighter out of my hoodie.

"I solemnly swear that I will not try to light Bokutos hair on fire again," she sighed, raising her hand.

"Good girl," I taunted, handing over the lighter and watching as she lit the bundle.

"Okay let's go!" I exclaimed as she handed me the lighter and we ran back around to the side of the building where the barbecue was taking place.

I eagerly looked around for Tanaka and Noya, finally finding him just as the first firework flew into the air.

The flurry of chatter died down as people stopped and watched as a bright blue firework exploded in the sky, leaving behind tiny specks as the next one exploded.

"Woah, where'd those come from?" Tanaka asked as I ran up to the pair, watching the darkening sky light up.

I watched for a moment before I felt a pair of eyes on me, and turned to see Noya gazing at me with a stupid grin on his face.

"You did this, didn't you?" he asked as I scoffed.

"Me? Light fireworks in the middle of the city? I would never!" I responded sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and looked back up to the sky.

"Well, whether you did it or not, it's pretty damn cool isn't it?" he asked slyly as the fireworks started to die down.

"Wanna know a secret?" I whispered in his ear as the final spark burst.

"Of course."

"I did this."

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