Future captain

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"Ennoshita! You got this!" Kazuhito exclaimed as I called the second year forwards. He had a slightly hesitant yet confident look on his face as he stood in front of the ref, slowly making his way onto the court.

"Ennoshita," I called as he quickly turned, "remember what I said." He nodded slightly before turning his attention to the court where the others were already greeting him.

"Oh, so I guess it's you after all," Tsukki sighed as I rolled my eyes.

Way to welcome him, mango fluff.

"Hey Ennoshita, can I set up some quick attacks from the get go?" Kageyama asked expectantly.
"Uh, sure," he replied, seeming slightly flustered.
"ENNOSHITA! Their number one blows balls out of the court! Remember that!" Noya yelled, bounding up and down, only stopping to wave at me once he was me watching.

I rolled my eyes and waved back as Ennoshita settled into his place on the court, receiving cheers from the bench.
"The others have faith in him. Let's just hope he has faith in himself," Takeda murmured as Ennoshita said something to Tanaka to perk him up.

"There's only one thing we're thinking about right now. Take it away Asahi," he finished, stepping to the side as man bun stared at Tanaka.
"We're just glad you didn't get hurt too Tanaka!" Asahi exclaimed, a strange light almost seeming to emit from him as he spoke.

"He'll be just fine," I mumbled back as Ennoshita directed Tanaka to his place on the court, as if he was escorting his child to school.
He was next up to serve, appearing calm as he sent the ball right over the net. Wakunan received it fairly easily, and returned the ball with a delayed quick attack.

"Shoot," I mumbled as I rolled the ball over to the other side, just to have it picked up by Takeru. He proceeded to do a jump serve, and I instantly knew he was aiming for Ennoshita. The ball whizzed past him, barely grazing his arm as he grumbled something to himself.

"I'll extend my defensive range a bit," Noya told him as he apologized for his mistake.
"Sorry if I'm making things harder," he sighed, prepping himself for the next ball.

Once again the ball came whizzing over the net, this time being received by Ennoshita and flying straight towards Kageyama.
"Yea! Nice one!" I exclaimed as specs and I watched eagerly.

"Asahi!" Kageyama yelled as he set the ball to açai bowl who had a look of determination painted on his face. I saw Daichi say something to him before he left, and I could tell it was still fresh in his mind.

I watched happily as Asahi slammed the ball through another double block, gaining back the point we'd just lost.
"Ennoshita, good job getting it up!" Noya congratulated him, and I knew the conversation we had a little while back was lingering in his mind as well.

The game progressed for about another five points until it was Tsukki's turn to serve.
"Call for Tadashi, and get the number eleven substitution card," Takeda mumbled to me as I nodded and called him over.

"Good luck," I told him, handing over the car and pushing him towards the court. Specs and I watched intently as they made the switch, and I noticed how nervous he looked to just be put in the game.

Poor kid.

"You're stiff. It's not like last time when the opponent was in the lead. All we want is to get this," Tsukki mumbled to him, giving me back the player card before returning to the bench area.

"That's how you encourage people?" I asked, snatching the card from him.
"Thanks Tsukki!" Yamaguchi exclaimed as Tanaka stared at him weirdly.

"He sure has a crappy way of saying nice things," Asahi sighed as Ennoshita called out to him.
"Tadashi, are you gonna puke?"
"No, I think I'll be alright."

"Good. Because I might," he stammered, looking up with a fake, stressed expression on his face.

That's it Ennoshita. Start taking control.

"Oh, are you alright man?" Tadashi gasped as he was ushered to the service line and handed the ball. He clutched it tightly, focusing hard as he readied himself for the serve.

He tossed the ball a fairly good height, keeping it steady throughout the entire process as he did his approach. Hitting the ball smoothly, I watched in amazement as it went flying toward the net, catching on the tape before falling onto Wakunans side of the court.

"YEA TADASHI!" I exclaimed as he stared at the ball, clearly shocked that it even went over.
"Uh, Takeda? What kinda serve was that?" I asked as Tadashi did a similar motion, only not jumping this time to serve.

"It's a float serve. The player hits it smoothly so it doesn't spin. This also allows it to shift around, making it difficult to receive," he explained as Wakunan received the ball, mounting an attack which was thankfully covered by Ennoshita.

"Oh yea!" I exclaimed as Asahi blew the ball threw the block, scoring us the point we needed to win. Takeda and I let out a sigh of relief before standing and collecting our things to move to the other bench when an angry looking Ukai stormed into the gym.

"Tadashi!" he growled, heading straight for the boy who already appeared to be down, despite us winning the first set.

"He knows coach! He knows better then anyone," Ennoshita exclaimed, dashing in front of Tadashi and probably saving him from a lecture. I felt my face fall as Tadashi let out a small whimper, clearly trying to hold back his tears.

I hurriedly set my stuff down before rushing forwards and giving him a tight hug.
"Hey, it's alright. You did your best and we took the first set! You gave us a chance," I told him reassuringly as he sniffed and nodded before dragging himself over to the bench and standing back.

I sighed and turned to see Noya watching intently, a small smile on his face as I waved to him.

'Good job,' I mouthed to him as he gave me a thumbs up and ran off.

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