Tiny Tactics

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It was now the second day of the tournament, and Karasuno was set to play Wakunan South in our next game. Apparently Ukai had warned the boys of this team at the beginning of the season, and they all seemed slightly on edge; Hinata especially.

Apparently Hinatas hero is someone nicknamed 'the tiny giant', and that's who inspired him to start playing volleyball. Unfortunately, it appears the captain of Wakunan also has the same motivation, and is going to be a real challenge.

According to Ukai, they are a very put together team. They have Nekomas defensive capabilities, mixed with attack power and strategies like that of Hinatas. It's going to be a real intense game I can already tell.

Now, I know I said Johzenji had the most annoying cheering section butttt, I change my mind.

This rip off Hinata has his OWN cheering section. Most obnoxious thing ever if you ask me.

"There's more here then yesterday. It's his whole family," Suga sighed as we looked up at the annoying group of people only interested in cheering for this 'Takeru' character

"Come on guys! Concentrate!" Daichi instructed, catching the teams attention as they watched the Takeru cheer squad.
"Hinata if you say you want a fan group like that one day I will beat your ass," I mumbled as I leaned on Yachis shoulder.

"What? Why?" he whined.
"Because ginger, that's the most obnoxious shit I've ever seen," I declared as Hinata pouted and joined in on the warm up.

~Time Skip, brought to you by pineapple head~

"Hey," someone called out as Yachi and I once again stood on the viewing platform. I turned my head to see a man walking towards us with black hair and glasses, wearing a pink sweater.

"Oh, Shimada, hello. Are you alone today?" Yachi asked, apparently knowing the man who stood before us.
"Yes. Takinoue had to work at the store, but will be dropping by later," Shimada said as he smiled to me.
"Y/N L/N, nice to meet you!" I exclaimed, doing my salute as he laughed and bowed to me.

"Ah, you must be the second year manager. It's nice to meet you," he said happily, looking down at the court.
"Man I am freaking! Stuff like this really gets my panties in a twist!" a chaotic voice exclaimed, and I instantly knew who it was.

"BIG SIS!" I exclaimed, running towards her and receiving one of her rib crushing hugs.
"Y/N! Aw man it's great to see you!" she exclaimed, turning to Yachi and Shimada.

"Uh, hello," Yachi stammered as the two bowed to Seiko, and she too did a salute.
"So I guess you three have been taking care of my little Ryu for me? I'm Seiko, his big sister," she said excitedly as a shocked expression appeared on Shimada's face.

"Ryu!" she called, waving her hands frantically as I joined in on the chaos.
"Baldy!" I screamed, catching his and Noyas attention.

"Big sis!" Noya exclaimed, waving back to us as Tanaka tried to hide behind Ennoshita.
"I love you, you big dummy! I'm here to make sure you dont screw things up!" Seiko yelled as Tanaka rolled his eyes and tried to ignore her.

Best. Fake sister. Ever.

Soon enough the game started, and I could already tell it would be tough.
"Day two, time to take care of business," Shimada sighed as the four of us lined up against the railing.

Wakunan started out with a fairly good serve, but it was easily received by Daichi, our non-libero-libero.
"Yea, start with the quick attack!" Shimada exclaimed as Hinata rushed in for his signature move, easily slamming it down near Wakunans captain.

I looked down the railing to see Takeru's cheering squad looking dumbfounded, and questioning the move as the four of us started to snicker.

"Listen up! We'll stop the next one!" Takeru, exclaimed, immediately shaking off the quick which usually freaks people out. ugh annoyingly level minded idiot.

"Woah, you see that? They aren't even surprised," Shimada gasped as he studied the court.
"Usually it freaks people out? Why does he have to be so level headed," I whined as the players reset their positions.

~Time skip because I guarantee you've all seen this match before~

"GET IT!" I screamed as Daichi picked up a loose ball, followed quickly by shorty.
"Come on," Seiko breathed as Tanaka and Daichi dove after the ball one final time, sending it tumbling just over the net.

"AH YEA!" I cheered as the ball fell onto Wakunans side of the court.
"Yea! Oh-" Shimada gasped, looking down on the court where Tanaka and Daichi had landed.

"What on earth?" I gasped as Tanaka slowly picked himself up, eyes growing wide as he saw the collapsed Daichi on the floor in front of him.

"Uh, Daichi?" Tanaka gasped, rubbing his arm.
"Oh no, no, no. Get up, get up," I muttered under my breath, watching as Takeda and Ukai immediately leapt up, rushing to his aid.

"Y/N! Kiyokos calling for you!" Yachi exclaimed as I looked down to see Kiyoko waving me down as she quickly grabbed some ice from our cooler.
"I'll be right down!" I yelled, darting towards the stairs and sliding down the rail to make it go faster.

I rushed into the gym just as Daichi was standing up, and Takeda appeared to be questioning him, probably to make sure he didn't have a concussion.

"We need you to go to the medical office okay? Just to make sure everything's alright," Takeda told him, placing a hand on his shoulder as Kiyoko walked up to him with an ice pack.
"Huh, your bleeding!" she gasped, pointing to his lip where a steady stream of blood was pouring out.

"Are you alright? Are you feeling nauseous?" Ukai asked as Kiyoko held a tissue to his face.
"No, I feel.." he trialed off, spitting blood into his hand, eyes growing wide as a tooth came out along with it.
"Oh my god," I mumbled as Noya stood next to me, wincing as Daichi held the tooth out.

"AHHH!" Tadashi and Hinata exclaimed as the tooth rolled back and forth, each looking like they were going to be sick.
"Shut it idiots! That won't make him feel any better!" I exclaimed, hitting them each on their backs.

"Alright, specs, Y/N, can I leave this to you? Kiyoko and I are going to have to take him to the medical office immediately," Ukai instructed as I stood next to Takeda, nodding confidently.

"Uhm, Daichi?" Tanaka asked gingerly as the captain turned his attention to the bald kid. "I'm really sor-"
"No Im sorry Tanaka. I saw you going for the ball but my body wouldn't stop. But hey, you've gotten us a point and now we're on our way to taking this!" Daichi exclaimed, patting Tanaka on the shoulder who still looked guilty.

"Hey! Baldy! It's going to be alright. Now that we've lost Daichi you're going to need to be at the top of your game," I said confidently as Daichi nodded in agreement before being taken away by Ukai and Kiyoko.

"Now to make the substitution," Takeda mumbled, eagerly trying to control the unfortunate circumstances.
"Do you know who to put in?" I asked as Takeda rubbed his chin.
"I might have an idea. Grab the number six substitute card."

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