the moments we live for

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I waited just outside the gym for Noya, smiling to each player as they left. Although it had only been an hour or so since Takeda had requested that I joined the team, I already knew my answer. However I wanted to talk to Noya first, to make sure I knew what I was getting into.

I would go talk to Kiyoko or Yachi, but I didn't want to get their hopes up in case they didn't already know or I changed my mind.

"Hey," I heard the man of the hour call as I looked up from my dirty air forces and smiled.
"Hey, you ready?" I asked, eying him up and down. He wore a grey hoodie with a black jean jacket over top and light wash, loose jeans. His hair was ruffled up a bit, and he had his black bag slung over his shoulder.

"You know it," he said happily, stopping in front of me.
"Well then, what are we doing mr?" I asked, pushing myself off the wall and tucking my phone into my pocket.
"Well I'm kinda hungry so I thought we could go grab a snack and then go sit at a park or something," he said, sticking his hands in his pockets shyly.

Is he nervous?

"Sure, I'm always down for food," I said happily as heavy footsteps could be heard coming towards the door. Noya turned away from me, pausing as baldy appeared at the door, his eyes darting between us.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" he asked slyly as my cheeks turned a light pink.

"Nothing," we both exclaimed at the same time, turning to each other and bursting out in laughter.
"Wait a second, is this what I think it is?" he gasped, raising an eyebrow as he awaited an answer.
"Run," I whispered in Noya's ear as Tanaka stared us down.

"Let's go," I whispered, grabbing his arm and taking off towards the gate.
"EXCUSE ME I WAS TALKING TO YOU!" Tanaka yelled as we ran out of the school yard and away from a scheming Tanaka.

-Time Skip, brought to you by Noya with his hair down~

"You realize Tanaka's probably going to text us constantly for the rest of the day, right?" Noya asked as we entered a small shop near the school to get some snacks.
"Lucky for us, our phones have power buttons," I said slyly, walking towards the drink section.

"Pick whatever you want, I'll get it for you," he said as I scanned the coolers for, of course, iced tea. (if you don't like iced tea please stfu😗🤏🏼)
"Aw, he's a gentle man today," I teased, opening the door and grabbing a bottle of tea once I located it.

"So what, I'm not a gentleman on other days?" he asked, acting offended as he grabbed a fruity drink.
"Well in case you haven't clued in, stealing my nerf guns is not gentlemanly," I scolded him, rounding the corner and snagging a box of chocolate Pokeys.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't shoot bullets at every person you see," he responded, grabbing his own pack of Pockeys.
"Oh come on, you're really going to sit here and tell me Tsukki's face wasn't funny when I hit him with that dart?" I scoffed as we made our way to the cashier and put our things up.

"Okay, that time was a little funny. But I did not enjoy being showered with toy bullets at midnight," he sighed, handing the cashier the money before collecting our things.
"Actually I found that part pretty amusing," I smirked as he led me out of the store and we made our way down the street.

"You do get a stupid kick out of those things, don't you?" he asked, a cute smile appearing on his lips.
"Yup," I said happily as I spotted a playground out of the corner of my eye and eagerly started skipping towards it.

"Hey, wait up you idiot," he laughed, chasing after me as I started to full on sprint towards the park.
"You'll have to catch me first!" I called, leaping onto the gravel and tearing towards a large climbing structure with multiple levels.

"Really?" he asked, pausing as I started to climb up to the top, taking a seat and dangling my legs over the edge as I poked my face over.
"You still haven't caught me," I snickered as he put his food in his bag and started to climb up to the level which was just below me.

"Got you," he exclaimed, turning around and flicking my kneecap as I coiled up into a ball.
"That was uncalled for," I pouted as he let out a small laugh.
"You said I had to catch you, so I did," he said proudly, setting his bag down and cracking open his drink.

"What ever," I laughed as my phone buzzed and I pulled it out to see a message from Tanaka.
"And let the games begin," he snickered as a message flashed on his phone too.
"Oh boy, he's not going to let this go," I sighed, holding down the power button and shutting down my phone so we could have some privacy.

-Time skip, brought to you by Ukais nicknames for the team~

"Okay, okay, how long have you known Tanaka, and what was his most embarrassing phase?" I asked. We'd been at the park for hours now, just enjoying each other's company and talking.
"I actually only met him last year when we both joined the volleyball team but I remember when he first started shaving his head he would get completely offended if someone said he was a softy or anything like that," he laughed, reminding me about what Takeda had asked me at practice.

"Hey, speaking of volleyball, there's something I need to talk to you about," I began as he stopped laughing and looked up at me.
"Alright, shoot," he said as I crossed my legs and leaned forwards, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"When we were back at school, Takeda gave me an offer to join the team as another manager," I explained as his eyes lit up, "and I think I want to accept."
"So you'd be one of our managers! Hell yea, you better take the offer!" he exclaimed, grabbing my hands and squeezing them tightly.
"I really want to, and I had a lot of fun at the training camp with you guys but I'd hate to let you down," I sighed, turning my head and looking around the park.

"Is that all? For one, you'll have both Yachi and Kiyoko for at least a few more weeks, and you'll have all of us to help you," he told me reassuringly, placing a hand under my chin and turning my face towards him.
"I guess you're right," I sighed, locking my eyes with his brown ones.

"Of course I'm right. Besides, we're a team, we always have each other's backs," he said confidently as a small smile formed on my lips and I nodded.
"Alright then, I'm going to be Karasuno highs new manager."

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