Travelling Without Me? How Unfortunate.

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"WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?" I screeched as a tall boy with dark grey hair slammed the ball onto the court.

"Y/N! Watch your language!" Daichi yelled as I continued to look at the strange boy.

"That's Miya Osamu. Don't you remember? Ukai told us about him last night," Suga sighed as I thought back.

"OHHHHH he's the dye jobs twin, right?" I asked eagerly and receiving a disapproving nod from Suga.

"Yes. They're supposed to be the best twins in high school volleyball this year," he sighed, looking at the pair.

"Okay, I know I should be taking this seriously but he reminds me so much of Johzenji's captain!" I cackled, pointing too the twin with yellow hair since frankly, I can't tell them apart.

"I remember that guy! He pissed me off," Nishi grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Yea! Remember how annoying their cheering section was?" I giggled, bending over and placing my hands on my knees.

"Yea! But they weren't nearly as bad as that guy from Wakunan!" Nishi continued.

"I forgot about him! He was so annoying I wanted to punch him where the sun doesn't sh-"


~Time Skip, brought to you by the reverse uniforms~

"Hey! The first match is in the middle of their last set!" Yachi called as she came running back into the sub arena where the boys were warming up.

"Woaaaah!" I heard Hinata gasp, and I turned around to see the team getting changed into their reverse uniforms.

"Cool! The reverse uniforms are so pret- hey! Where'd the world go?" I asked, waving my arms around as someone covered my eyes.

"I don't want you too look at all the guys with their shirts off!" Nishi demanded as I grabbed his hands and turned around.

"I can look at you though, right?" I asked sweetly, peaking over his hands too see him already dressed in his reverse uniform.

Let me tell you... MANS LOOKS FINE. (does draco malfoy ooOoouuuUuuuHhhhh)

"OH MY GOD NISHI YOU LOOK SO HOT!" I gasped, stepping back to admire him as he posed.

"Woah! Even in the regular uniform Noya looks like the star!" Hinata gasped, his eyes going starry eyed as Nishi's ego continued too be filled.

"I am the star! I thought this was obvious!" he cheered smugly, pointing one thumb at himself as I smiled and applauded him.

"Heh, Kageyama! Orange isn't your colour," Hinata giggled, and I turned to see the raven haired boy glaring.

"Shut up you human tangerine," he shot back angrily.

"What did you say too my ginger?" I asked, crossing my arms and glaring up at him.

"Well...these are different but I guess we can't do much," Tadashi sighed as Nishi laughed and held me back as I grabbed at Kageyama.

"Somehow you seem more annoying then usual. And you, you're not even wearing a uniform and you tick me off," Tsukkishima sighed, glaring at Hinata and I.

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