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~Noya POV~

I sat next to Y/N on the gym floor as the team gathered around for a meeting with coach Ukai.
"Alright guys, tomorrow we face Shirotorizawa academy. Not to scare you but in the three years of Oikawa attending Aoba Johsai they have never been able to defeat Shiratorizawa. That's why they're called the absolute champions," coach began as everyone listened intently, well, everyone except the girl next to me who was currently trying to braid my hoodie strings.

"Their team holds the best guys from our prefecture and Ushiwaka is just the start. They're known as the best around for a reason. They're stronger then you might think, and I'm sure you know we're the underdog here," Ukai continued before looking down to Hinata who was desperately trying to keep his mouth shut.

"Let it out ginger," he sighed as Y/N looked up from her braiding to listen to Hinata.
"None of that matters coach!" he exclaimed, startling everyone around him. "That's what I think at least."

"Hey, don't mouth off too him," Daichi warned as Hinata paused, holding up his hands in defence.
"No, that's not how I meant it!" he exclaimed.
"It's cool, floor is yours kid," Ukai said calmly as Hinata nodded and stood up.

"Well, Im talking about the fact that no one thinks we can win! That didn't matter today, and it won't matter tomorrow either. What others see of us, doesn't mean anything!" he explained, almost seeming to catch Ukai by surprise.

"So once again we'll be the underdogs. Let's show em all one heck of an upset!" Ukai said confidently as everyone nodded in agreement.
"You guys have been called, 'the wingless crows', but now everyone knows that isn't true," Takeda began as people slowly started to stand, a determined look on everyone's face.

"You guys can go further then anyone now! Alright? The time has come, lets win tomorrow and head to nationals!" he declared as everyone nodded and let out a loud 'yes sir!' in response.

"Alright, everyone get home and get some rest!" Ukai instructed as I looked over to Y/N who smirked and looked back at me.
"Come along," she said cheerily, grabbing my hand and immediately skipping towards the doors once the speech was over.

"UHM EXCUSE ME!" Tanaka screamed as we paused in our tracks, peaking over our shoulders to see him standing with his hands on his hips.
"Hiya baldy!" Y/N said happily as she waved at him.

"And, where would thou be going at this hour?" he asked in a terrible British accent while motioning to our interlocked hands.
"Nowhere at all!" I said happily as he narrowed his eyes.

"Mhm, so uh, what's this then?" he asked, pointing right to our hands as we looked at eachother and nodded.

"BYE TANAKA!" I yelled as we went charging out the door.
"BYE BALDY! SORRY!" Y/N added as he tried to follow us but immediately gave up, cursing us out instead.

"So, where to m'lday?" I asked once we were a fair distance from the school and stopped to catch our breath.
"M'lday?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"What, you get to have multiple nicknames for me but I can't have any for you?" I asked as she punched my shoulder and scoffed.

"Mm I suppose it okay," she sighed happily, "oh, and I know the perfect place."

~Time skip, brought to you by Toblerone's🤤~

"Can I please have my eyes back?" I asked as Y/N led me somewhere with her hands over my eyes.
"No, they're mine," she said sternly as the sound of a stream slowly started to run in the background and the cool night air rushed past my face.

"Are you going to drown me or something?" I asked as the sound of water slowly started to become louder, and I knew she was leading me towards a body of water.

"Dang, how'd you know? It was supposed to be a surprise," she sighed, pulling her hands back as my eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight. We stood under a large willow tree which grew on the bank of a small stream. The area looked slightly familiar and the commute hadn't been long so I knew we were still close to the school.

"Where are we?" I asked as I gazed around, taking in the sights surrounding us.
"Eh, just some park near my house. I came here every day when I first moved here since I didn't have anything better to do," she explained as she wandered over and knelt next to the stream, dipping her hand in the clear water.

"It's incredible," I breathed, gazing at the beautiful girl in front of me. Her hair was flowing over her shoulders and skin glowed beneath the moonlight. Her eyes lit up as she gazed into the sky, probably mapping constellations or searching for the north star like she did that night at camp.

"Isn't it?" she asked rhetorically as she pulled her hand out of the stream and motioned for me to sit beside her. I slowly made my way over, sitting in the grass with my knees to my chest and my arms gently wrapped around them.

"Hey Noya," she asked after a moment of calm silence.
"Yea?" I replied.
"Wanna know a secret?" she asked slyly, gazing at me with her e/c orbs and raising an eyebrow.

"Of course," I said happily as she studied my face.
"You're a cute idiot," she smiled as my stomach immediately filled with butterflies thinking of that night at camp.
"Do you wanna know a secret?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up as she nodded her head.

"I already know that," I smirked as she froze, her mouth hanging open slightly and her eyes growing wide.
"Oh no...that night at camp. You were awake and you didn't do anything?" she gasped, slapping my knee and standing up to pout.

"Yea, I was," I sighed, gazing across the small stream.
"Ugh, I can't believe you," she whined as I snickered and looked up at her.
"What? Are you disagreeing with your own statement now?" I asked as her cheeks flushed with colour and she shook her head.


"So then what's the problem?" I asked as she retook her sit in the grass and looked at me.
"I, uhm-" she hesitated, "you know what? If you win tomorrow, then I'll tell you."

"Oh jeez, you're really gonna make me beat Ushiwaka for you?" I laughed as she nodded eagerly.
"Yup. If you beat Ushiwaka then I'll tell you what I'm hiding," she said sternly as I rolled my eyes and looked up at the moon.

"Fine. Wanna make things even?" I asked as she looked up at me, a quizzical expression on her face.
"How?" she asked slyly.
"If you cheer for me louder then anyone else, then I'll tell you a secret as well. But you've really got to...inspire me," I declared as she grinned and nodded her head.

"Oh, you're on," she said happily, extending her hand for me too shake. I happily shook it, not wanting to let her touch disappear at all.

After that we laid in the grass for about a half hour, looking at the stars and enjoying each other's company as the gentle stream ran in the background.

"We should probably head home soon, huh?" I asked, not wanting the moment to end but knowing I'd regret it in the morning.
"I'm too tired to walk. Just leave me here," she sighed, rolling on her side to face me.

"I'm not leaving you. Come on, I'll tell Daichi if you don't get up," I threatened as she scoffed and opened her eyes to look at me.
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
"Fine," she grumbled, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes with a fist.

"I'll walk you home," I said happily, knowing I'd get to enjoy her presence for a little longer if she allowed me too.
"Or..." she trailed off, a playful gleam in her eye as she looked up at me from her place on the ground, "you could carry me home."

"Nuh uh, I'm supposed to be resting so I can win tomorrow and find out your big secret," I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her up.
"But Noyaaaaa, I'm tireddddd," she whined, slumping against my chest as I let out a small chuckle.

"Fine, fine. Climb on my back and try not to snore too much."

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