Tanaka, Death Waits For No One✔︎

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~Third Person~

"Tanaka, care to tell us where you're parole officers are?" the Karasuno captain asked the kid with the buzz cut as they sat around the breakfast table.

"Mmm, no," he said simply, continuing to stuff his face with food.

"And why not?"

"Because if they stay where they are for like, another three days I might get 1000 yen."

The captain sighed and looked around the table of athletes in hopes that one of them may know where the dynamic duo were, but they all shook their heads.

"Uhm, I may have an idea where they are," Kiyoko interrupted as she walked up to the table with Yachi and Yukie.

"Noooo! Kiyoko please I have to beat tiger head!" Tanaka whined as he pointed across the room to the kid with the mohawk.

"I'm sorry Tanaka but locking your two best friends in a classroom together isn't very sportsman like," the girl huffed as she passed her phone to Daichi who read the messages out loud.




"Oh and Yukie, when you see Tanaka tell him Ive already started planning his funeral."

The captain read the messages allowed as Tanaka sulked in his seat across from him.

"Oh yea, Y/N also told me to give you this," Yukie exclaimed as she walked up to the bald kid and slapped the back of his head.

"Damn you Y/N..." he muttered under his breath.

"Alright, let's go get them out," huffed the captain as he slowly rose, grabbing Tanaka on his way out of the room.


"Keys," Kiyoko said plainly, sticking her hand out as she awaited their delivery from Tanaka.

"Damn you for being so sexy!" he exclaimed, placing a small ring of keys in the girls hand.

"Tanaka, where did you even get the keys to the school?" Daichi asked, raising his eyebrows as the three girls began to try the different sized keys.

"Oh, tiger head swiped them from the janitors closet down the hall," he explained as one of the keys finally fit in the door, unlocking it.

"And that's my cue folks," Tanaka exclaimed once the door was open, taking off down the hall in hopes of being allowed to live a little longer.

The captain and managers rolled their eyes as they stepped into the room, immediately seeing the pair who were still fast asleep.

The girls head lay gently on his shoulder with his head on top of hers. They now shared a single blanket which was slowly being illuminated by the morning sun streaming through the window.

"Awww, they're so cute," Yukie cooed as she pulled her phone out to snap a quick picture.

"They really are," Kiyoko sighed as she slowly approached the pair, tapping them on the shoulders.

"I've known Y/N since she was young and I don't think she's ever gotten along this well with anyone. He's like her perfect match," Yachi whispered softly as Kiyoko continued to try and wake the pair.

"It's true, they do seem to be perfect for eachother. And I'm not just saying that because they're both little trouble makers," Daichi said with a laugh as the pair finally started to stir.

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