the next captain

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~Noyas POV~

"Noyaaaaa," Y/N whined as she hovered over me after practice.
"Whatttttt," I groaned back as she squatted down next to me.
"I'm bored can we hang out?" she asked sweetly as Tanaka tried miserably to hold in his laughs.

"As long as you can put up with this bumbling idiot," I smirked as Tanaka let out a dramatic gasp.
"I thought we were friends," he wailed, collapsing on the ground mid way through changing his shirts.
"We are but that doesn't change the fact that your a dumbass," I taunted as Ennoshita appeared above us.

"Tanaka, please do us all a favour and put your shirt on," he instructed as Tanaka sat up and gave him a grumpy stare.
"Turd nuggets who are trying to steal my spot don't get to tell me what to do," he huffed as Ennoshita loomed over him, a creepy ora emanating from him.
"Don't talk like it's not going to happen," he said sternly as Tanaka finally put his shirt on.

"Ugh, all of you are so slow," Y/N whined as she poked at my cheek, bored out of her mind.
"Oh I'm sorry, did you just play volleyball for two hours straight?" I teased, grabbing her and putting her in a headlock as she batted at my arms.
"Eww, let me go you smell like gym strip and boy," she whined as the other second years started to laugh.

"Aw man, all four of us are just going to be third wheeling," Tanaka groaned as he shoved his shoes and practice gear into his bag. I rolled my eyes and let Y/N go as she leapt up and smacked Tanaka in the back of the head.
"For the last time baldy we are not a couple!" she declared.

She's right. We aren't a couple. But god I wish we were.

~Time Skip, brought to you by Kenma's emotionless state~

"The next captain huh?" Tanaka asked.
"Wouldn't it be alright for Ennoshita to do it?" I exclaimed, taking a large bite of my popsicle as I walked down the street with Y/N, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Narita, and Kinoshita.
"Wh-what? Why me?" Ennoshita asked, startled.

"Just a hunch, that's why," I said happily, finishing off my popsicle and receiving an irritated look from him.
"Psh, I'll save you all the trouble and be the captain!" Y/N announced sarcastically as she leaned her arm on my shoulder making my heart flutter at her touch.
"Oh I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job," I responded, dragging out the word 'fantastic'.

"Anyways, according to the rules, the libero can't become the team captain, can he?" Tanaka asked as I nodded my head.
"Well I think Tanaka would be fit for it as well but, looking at our line up for first years..." Kinoshita added, trailing off as we all thought about the chaotic group we would have to deal with next year. "We'll have to deal with a couple of idiots."
"And a jerk," Y/N added on, and I knew she was referring to Tsukishima, or as she calls him 'mango fluff'.

"I do agree that Ennoshita would be a good fit, but I'd like some more options. In other words, you two should consider yourself as candidates!" Tanaka exclaimed, yelling at the pair who talked amongst themselves.

"No,no, no," Kinoshita laughed.
"That would be a terrible idea," Narita added.
"Whatever, don't be wussies," Tanaka sighed as Y/N rammed her shoulder into him.
"Look whose talking jack ass," she teased as he growled and rubbed his arm.

"Yea but, I ran away so," Ennoshita sighed, breaking up the scuffle between the pair, "I could never be the leader of the team." Y/N looked at me, raising an eyebrow as I motioned for her to keep listening.

"Don't you remember last summer? The second day, two first years stopped showing up. And several days later I ditched my practice for the first time since middle school. There were five first years who boycotted practice that week, of which two resigned completely. I see them every now and then, and they seem happy enough. For me, the time I spent not playing volleyball was the most painful, and so I went back. But, all the doubt and guilt from my leave, that'll probably never go away," he explained, reminding us of the events of last summer.

"That may just be why," Tanaka sighed, sparking Ennoshita's attention.
"Yea but it's okay cause your back here with us!" I said happily as Y/N walked forwards and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I know I'm not as dedicated to this sport as the rest of you, and I wasn't around back then to experience those events. But from what I can tell after only knowing you for a few short weeks, you really love this sport. And you might not be part of the starting line up or an ace player, but by just being their for your teammates, you're helping in more ways then you know," she told him tenderly, making my heart melt at the sympathy she showed him despite only having known him for a little while.

"She's right you know. Not everyone on the team is the same type of person. You see, I like to jump right into things while other people out there are pathetic little wimps. But then you! You're the type of guy who can work with everybody!" Tanaka exclaimed, receiving a reassuring nod from Y/N.

"All I know is that I came back. And I'm glad I did," he sighed.
"Uh huh, of course you are," Tanak grunted, receiving a glare from Y/N.
"We all are," she told him sweetly, patting his shoulder before stepping away from him as he gazed through the darkness in front of him.

As I watched her step away from him, I felt my heart start to race and my cheeks started to burn.

Wha- what is this? Seeing her be so compassionate and sweet to someone she knows almost nothing about is driving me crazy. I've only ever seen the crazy, chaotic and hyper side of her. Is she just the perfect person?

"H-hey my popsicles a winner. Uh, I'm gonna go redeem it!" I exclaimed, quickly taking off. I needed to clear my thoughts right away or I knew I'd say or do something to make things awkward. As I rounded the corner I paused, hearing footsteps run after me. I peaked around the fence to see Tanaka chasing after me, a confused look on his face.

"You okay bro? You just froze and darted off," he asked, whipping around the corner and standing next to me.
"Uh, y-yea. I think so," I stammered as he raised an eyebrow.

"You don't seem okay. What's up?" he asked, still pressing the issue as I felt myself giving in.

"T-Tanaka," I managed, peaking around the corner to see the incredible girl ranting about something to the other second years.

"You were right. I think I'm in love."

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