number 16

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"Seijoh is...making a substitution?" Shimada asked as we looked down to Aoba Johsais bench. The score was currently 24-23, meaning Karasuno was at match point.

Standing at the side line was the bumble bastard from earlier, number 16.
"Is he not subbing in for the server?" I asked, noting that he'd switched with their number 13 who was in the front line.

"It doesn't look like it," Takinoue sighed as he eyed the boy up and down. Seijoh served the ball which was received by Daichi, and set up so Tanaka could hit it.

It rebounded off the block onto Seijohs side, and was once again set up. However, it appeared as though Oikawa set the ball for their number 12, but out of nowhere, number 16 just rushed in.

He knocked over his own teammate, and swung at it full force. It crashed down onto Karasuno's side, moving to fast for even Noya to react to it.

Everyone went silent as the boy landed, waiting on the call from the lines person. He hesitated for a moment before lifting the flag, signalling that it was out.

"It's out?" everyone gasped in unison, not entirely sure what to make of the situation.
"We did it! We took the first set from Seijoh!" I heard Suga exclaim as we all started celebrating.

"We took the first set!" Yachi exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.
"Yea! Alright!" Shimada cheered as Seiko and I clapped wildly.

"Come on guys, take the second one too!" Takinoue exclaimed happily as the teams walked off the court, getting ready to switch sides.

"Oh look! Seijohs going after that guy!" I exclaimed as their number four knocked the guy in the head, and the others started yelling at him. I could tell the guy was getting pissed but, he must've had some reason for stealing that ball. Right? RIGHT?

"THAT WAS REALLY DANGEROUS!" number four yelled at the boy as Oikawa watched with huge eyes.
"HAHAH, Mr. Captain doesn't have control anymore!" I cackled as Seiko slapped me on the back.

"Aw man, that kid is something else!" she sighed as the teams drew into their huddles.
"Woahhhh, bumble bastard is in the starting line up now," I gasped once the teams went back onto the courts.

"Bumble bastard?" Shimada asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes. That's the nickname Tanaka, Noya and I have given to number sixteen here," I said nonchalantly as I pointed to the boy.
"Anyways, it looks like Asahi's up to serve," Takinoue pointed out as we watched man bun step up to the line.

"YEA, GO ASAHI!" I cheered as he threw the ball up, and hit it so hard it went flying out the back of the court.
"Aw, no! And the guy with the arm ripping serve is up next!" Yachi gasped Oikawa stepped up to the line.

"Ugh, his very presence pisses me off," I grumbled as he too, missed the serve.
"Thank goodness. He missed," Shimada sighed as the set continued.


"It's that number 16 again! That's his third point in a row!" Takinoue exclaimed as bumble bastard got yet another kill against Karasuno.
"Curse him and his fluffy stripes," I mumbled, resting my chin on the railing with my arms dangling over the side.

"There we go, cut them off!" Seiko exclaimed as Seijoh missed a serve, finally giving us a chance to get back some points.

"Here he goes again," Yachi whimpered as number 16 ran up to spike, a triple wall of blockers standing before him. For whatever reason, he did a full swing at the block, getting completely stuffed.

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