Good Morning and Good Riddance

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~Noya's POV~

"Helloooooo," Y/N exclaimed as she barged into the room in the office where Tanaka and I sat.
"Y/N!" I exclaimed, leaping up and planting a quick kiss on her lips as Tanaka let out an annoyed groan.

"Hey! No PDA in my office!" he demanded as Y/N smirked at him.
"Oh, you mean like this?" she asked, turning and shoving her lips back onto mine.

"OKAY OKAY STOPPPP! I'M GOING TOO GAUGE MY EYES OUT!" Tanaka exclaimed as I smirked, deepening the kiss until he gave in.
"Oops," I snickered, returning too my seat.

"You're a new man Noya," Tanaka sighed dramatically as Y/N took the seat next to me.
"Hey! You signed up for this," Y/N shot back at him,

"Nuh uh, I simply made bets on your love life. I never signed anything," he retorted, crossing his arms as the VP came into the room.

"Ah, good morning you three. I'll make this quick since classes are starting soon," he began, placing a sheet of paper on the desk in front of us.

"Here's a rough script so you know what you're supposed to be talking about. Speak slowly and clearly and PLEASE do not say anything inappropriate. Got that?" he asked as we nodded, each grabbing a sheet of paper.

"So, are we allowed to add in our own little lines?"
Y/N asked hopefully, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
"Yes, as long as they're appropriate. You may begin any time after the bell rings," he explained, glancing too the clock.

"Yes sir!" we exclaimed, saluting as he sighed and walked out of the room, mumbling something under his breath.
"Wait! Why does Tanaka have more lines then me?" I exclaimed, briefly reading over the script.

"Because I'm cooler, duh," he smirked, leaning over as Y/N reached up and ruffled my hair.
"Don't worry shorty! You'll do great either way!" she exclaimed, grabbing the microphone from the desk as the bell rang.

"Oh no, Y/N has the first line," Tanaka snickered, looking at his paper.
"Well duh! If the people heard your voice first they'd stop listening," she teased as I tried too stifle my laughs.

"Nuh uh! I'm very popular with the ladies!" he exclaimed.
"Oh yes, I'm sure Kiyoko will be VERY interested in what you have to say," I snickered as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"I'm sure once she see's how cool and popular I am, she'll come running just how I've always imagined," he sighed happily as Y/N and I burst out laughing.

"Yea, okay cool guy. We'll let the people decide," she laughed, reaching for the microphone and switching it on.

"Good morning and good riddance ladies and gents," she began as Tanaka and I tried too cover our laughs.

"This is your favourite second year Y/N L/N and I'm here too kick off these morning announcements, but first," she said slyly, eying Tanaka. "You see, me and my friends are in a little predicament. Tanaka here thinks he has a real good chance with the ladies but Nishinoya and I disagree."

"Hey! Why wouldn't I be popular with the ladies?" he asked in an offended tone as I leaned over too the microphone.
"Sorry about that folks, he's in denial," I snickered, covering his mouth as he tried too rebuttal.

"Anyways, if you're a lady here at Karasuno and think that Ryūnosuke Tanaka is a cutie pie then stop by the gym today after school. That way we'll be able too settle this once and for all," she exclaimed as I burst out laughing, only stopping when I felt something wet against my palm.

"AGH, GET IT OFF! HE JUST LICKED ME I REPEAT RYU JUST LICKED ME!" I screeched, wiping my hand against the piece of paper.

"YOU HEARD HIM LADIES! COME AND GET IT!" she cackled as heavy footsteps could be heard coming towards the office.

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