Why Wouldn't We Study Gordon Ramsey?

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"Wait, what did she just say?" I asked, returning too the real world after spacing out for most of fourth period.
"I have no idea," Noya sighed, shaking his head as he continued too scribble random things onto his worksheet.

"Uhm, I think something about Europe. I don't know I'm not very good at geology," Tanaka groaned as I started at him, a disappointed look on my face.
"Geology?" I questioned as he looked up.

"Yea, like where countries are located and stuff," he explained as if I was the stupid one.
"Baldy, I hate too burst your bubble but that's GEOGRAPHY," I exclaimed, hitting the back of his head.

"Wait, then whats geology?" he asked, stunned while Noya and I snickered at his stupidity.
"The study of rocks! Like the one that's replacing your brain!" I scolded as he stared blankly ahead, trying too process this information.

"And you call us stupid," Noya teased as Tanaka stuck his tongue out and sighed.
"Meh, at least I'm passing this class," he bragged as I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"So am I! I have a 58!" I exclaimed as his eyes widened.
"But you NEVER pay attention and half the time you're in the principals office. How are you passing?"  he asked as I smirked and pointed to my head.

"Guess I'm just naturally gifted," I sighed, looking back too the ✨nonsense✨ on the board.
"I looked away for five minutes, how could she have gone over so much!" Noya exclaimed as he stared blankly at the board.

"She's obviously a robot created by an alien species who plans to overthrow the earth, how do you not see it?" I asked completely seriously as he just looked between the board and I.

"I mean that would explain why she always manages to catch us mid-chaos," he thought out loud, nodding his head.
"I always thought she looked inhuman," Tanaka sighed in agreement.

"Tanaka, Nishinoya, Y/N, are you paying attention?" miss asked suddenly, crossing her arms and looking back at us.

"Of course we are!" I exclaimed, sitting up in my chair and smiling sweetly at her.
"Alright, who can tell me what topic we're discussing?" she asked as the three of us froze, eyes immediately darting too the board.

"Gordon Ramsey!"


"DID YOU JUST SAY GORDON RAMSEY?" Tanaka burst out laughing as I slammed my head against my desk.
"WHY WOULD WE BE STUDYING GORDON RAMSEY IN PHYSICS?" Noya cackled as Tanaka looked at him.

"I thought this was history class!" he exclaimed.
"WHY ARE YOU GUYS MAKING FUN OF ME WHEN YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT CLASS THIS IS?" I yelled, lifting my head and glaring at the two.

"Pssh, do you know what class this is?" Tanaka asked smugly as I thought for a moment.
"Angry english chef studies?" I asked hopefully as the two burst out laughing once again.

"Y/N! TANAKA! NISHNOYA! TOO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!" miss exclaimed as we wiped tears from our eyes.
"Aw man, I was just there this morning," I whined, shoving my things into my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

"Then you can go make sure nothings changed since you left."


"Gordon Ramsey? GORDON RAMSEY?" Tanaka continued too ask as we dragged ourselves down the hallway towards the staircase.
"What! He's hilarious!" I exclaimed, slapping him in the back of the head as we reached the stairwell.

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