Aw Miss! ✔︎

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"You're in class two as well?" Nishinoya exclaimed as I walked down one of the halls at Karasuno with him and Tanaka.

"Yessir, perfect place to hone my stupidity," I answered, jabbing him with my elbow as we stopped in front of one of the rooms.

"Alright listen up!" Tanaka exclaimed as he stood in front of Noya and I, hands on his hips and a stupid look on his face. "The desks hold three people, and Noya and I have one too ourselves. We are prepared to allow you to sit with us on one condition."

Haha, this is gonna be hell.

"What would that be, kind sir?" I asked royally, pouting my lips as I looked up at him.

"DO YOU HAVE FOOD?" they two asked in unison, hands together in a prayer as they gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Do I have food? I have a whole restaurant," I smirked, walking between the two and flicking the sides of their heads as they watched happily.

"BEST SEAT PARTNER EVER!" they yelled, jumping on my back and tackling me to the floor right as I was about to walk into the room.

That's right. These two idiots tackled me into the class. In front of ALL our classmates. Dumb bitches.

"Ahem," a female voice spoke out loud as I grabbed one of their arms and slid out from the dog pile.

"Good morning," I said cheerfully, looking up at the teacher who stood at the front of the room.

"You must be Y/N. I see you've already met Tanaka and Nishinoya," the teacher sighed, placing a hand on the bridge of her nose.

"Yes ma'am, I've already bent them to my will," I said sarcastically, hearing an obnoxious gasp from the idiots behind me.

"I can see that. Please, just take your seats," she groaned, returning her attention to the blackboard and writing something down.

"Aye Aye captian!" I exclaimed, saluting to her and earning a few laughs from my new classmates.

"Lead the way," I told the boys, opening my arm to the class as they nodded and wandered to the back where a large, wooden desk was placed.

It was tucked in the back corner of the room, next to a big window through which I could see my scooter.
"Oi! I can see my ride from here!" I whisper shouted, pointing at the bike rack.

"Where?" Noya asked, bounding towards the window and looking out.

"The scooter!" I told him, pointing to my scooter which DOES indeed have pink tassels on it.

"Oh. My. God. CAN I RIDE IT?" he gasped, starry eyed.
"That depends. What did I tell you to call me this morning?" I asked, testing his dedication to me.

"HER HIGHNESS!" he exclaimed excitedly.
"Good boy," I teased, ruffling his spiky hair and taking a seat next to Tanaka.

"Nice place ya got here," I nodded, throwing my bag on the table and leaning back in my chair.

Before either of them could respond, the teacher clapped her hands and we all turned our attention to the board.

"Now as you all saw, we have a new student joining us," she announced hesitantly. Oh boy I just KNOW she already doesn't like me. "Miss L/N, please introduce yourself."

"As you wish," I told her excitedly as I leapt up and crossed my arms. I furrowed my brow and looked around the room at the fresh faces who awaited my introduction.

"My name is Y/N L/N. I moved here from Tokyo and I probably won't learn any of your names until next year. Oopsies," I shrugged, looking up at the teacher who yet again, looked at me with a look of annoyance.

"My, you are good at first impressions," she muttered sarcastically as I bowed and retook my seat, looking from side to side as the boys snickered at my performance.

"Shut it, I know you're both jealous," I said confidently, flipping my hair in Tanakas face.

~Tīmê Śkïp, brought to you by Oya~

"Psst," I whispered at Noya who was currently trying to balance multiple highlighters on top of each other.

"Do you understand any of this?" I whispered again as he looked at me with his massive brown orbs.

"If I'm being honest I don't even know what class this is," he shrugged as his tower was knocked over by a bored Tanaka.

"Ahhh, Tanaka!" he whined, catching the teachers attention.

"Ahem, Nishinoya, could you please tell me the answer to number 8?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as he swallowed hard and stood up.

"Uhm, 1985?" he asked as the entire class broke out in laughter.

"Y/N, can you please read the question to your desk buddy?" she asked, facepalming as I pulled the sheet out and searched for number 8.

"Ahem ahem," I began dramatically, "What ended in 1986? Wait a second, he's right!" I exclaimed, realizing what question she was referring to.

The entire class broke out in a laughing fit as I stood there, staring her down with determination.
"Hahah, you got her there!" Tanaka gasped through laughs.

"Tanaka, could you please tell me what today's date is?" miss asked once again. I thought I saw her hold back a smile, but then again I don't really know. I wasn't paying attention.

"Today would be the 31st of June," he said confidently, to which Noya and I broke out into a laughing fit.

"You idiot!" Noya exclaimed through tears as he pounded his fist on the desk.

"June doesn't even have 31 days!" I gasped, pulling myself off the ground as miss stared at us with daggers in her eyes.

"The three of you, sit," she said sternly as we each bit our lips, finally allowing the class a break from the laugh attacks. "To think, I once said it couldn't get any worse then Nishinoya and Tanaka."

"Aw miss, thank you!" I exclaimed, hearing her comment which probably wasn't supposed to be acknowledged.

She let out a long, irritated sigh before continuing her work on the blackboard, shutting our little trio out of her world.

"You guys wanna see something cool?" I asked excitedly, digging through my bag until I found what I was searching for. The boys watched eagerly as I pulled out a tiny finger skateboard, and began to flip it around on the desk.

"Hey Noya, her fingers are better then you'll ever be!" Tanaka teased as Noya gave him an offended look and placed his hand over his heart. (PFFFFT IM SO SORRY FOR THIS LINE)

"I thought we were bros," he gasped, pretending to wipe a tear away.
"Aw man we are but c'mon! You'll never be this good!" Tanaka snickered as I continued with my tricks.

"Haha! That's right, bow before your superior!"

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