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~Noyas POV~

"Y/n, wakey, wakey," I  mumbled to the sleeping girl on my lap, "we're home."
She opened her eyes and looked around as the entire team slowly started to stand up, stretching before wandering off the bus.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked as she sat up and yawned.

"Pretty good actually, your legs make a good pillow," she said happily as I smiled and grabbed my bag and one of hers.
"Come on, coach wants to talk to all of us before we leave," I whispered as we stood and followed the group out of the bus.

"I know it's late so, I'll make this quick. Despite your overwhelming losing streak, you all improved a ton this week," Takeda began, "we have about a week until qualifiers, but I'm very confident with your current level of skills. You've all put in amazing work."

"Yea, having said all that we still have a long way to go if you want to beat Shiritorizawa and go to nationals. We'll see you here tomorrow at 1pm for practice. Now get out of here and get some sleep," Ukai finished as we all bowed to them.

"So you guys still have to practice tomorrow despite being at a training camp all week?" Y/N asked as Hinata joined our conversation.
"Yea well, like coach Ukai said, we've got a lot to work on if we want to beat Aoba Johsai or Shiratorizawa," Hinata told her as a small, white car pulled up in front of the school.

"Is that your mom? I'm too tired to see anything that far away," Y/N sighed as Hinata squinted through the dark and nodded.
"Yup, I think she has Natsu with her," he sighed.

"Alright then, thanks for letting me come with you idiots," she joked, giving us each a warm hug. As she perched her head on my shoulder I caught a whiff of her strawberry and peach scent, and tightly wrapped my arms around her waist before she let go.
"It was great to have you come with us," I whispered as she pulled away.

"Yea, it would've been real boring without you there," Tanaka exclaimed as I handed her the bag and laughed.
"Well of course it would've, I know I'm the most entertaining person in your lives," she teased before wandering off with Hinata into the night.

~Time skip, brought to you by Aones non existent eyebrows~


Her Highness👑

Her Highness👑
I still have your hoodie
how shall I return it

oh shoot
why don't you come by practice tomorrow
and drop it off
coach won't mind

Her Highness👑
Sure that works
wait what time is it at again

same gym as usual

Her Highness👑
okay perfect
good night shorty

good night


So now I lay awake, unable to sleep no matter how hard I tried with my heart beating out of my chest. I could do it. I could ask her out. But, what happens if she says no? Then it'll be totally awkward between us. But then again, she could say yes. And then maybe we could go out, and spend the day together. But what if she says yes, and we get together and something happens? The last thing I want is too lose this girl.

Screw it.

I'm gonna do it.

Her Highness👑

Y/n, wait

Her Highness👑

would you maybe wanna hang out
once my practice is over?

Her Highness👑
i'd love to shorty

alright then
i'll see you tomorrow

Her Highness👑
you can count on it
~Time Skip, brought to you by mad dog~


I happily strode into the gym back at Karasuno, my eyes lighting up when I saw my favourite little libero standing on the court.

"HIYA, YOUR FAVOURITE PERSON IS BACK!" I exclaimed, catching the teams attention, as I appeared in the door way.
"Good grief," Tsukki sighed as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
"Shut it skinny I know you're happy to see me," I taunted as Noya and Tanaka came running over.

"Sneaky little son of a bitch couldn't stay away," Tanaka snickered.
"Oh yes because I missed your presence so very much," I exclaimed sarcastically, "Oh here's your hoodie. I promise I didn't spill iced tea on it."
"Hah, just put it over there by my bag," Noya instructed, pointing to a small black bag on the stage as him and Tanaka ran back onto the court.

I wandered over and pulled my self up, sitting next to his bag and placing the hoodie on top. I looked down at my clothing choice and smiled. For once I decided to dress like I didn't just roll out of bed, even though I woke up a half hour ago.

I wore a pair of black, baggy cargo pants tightened with a belt with many holes, a red, cropped tank top and an oversized, black zip up. I had a silver ring on my middle finger and a couple of chains around my neck, and my hair fell loosely over my shoulders. For once I really liked how I looked.

I slouched back against the wall as I watched the practice progress for about a half hour before they took a break. Noya came running right over and climbed up onto the stage without a second thought.

"Well, you look good," he said quietly so the others wouldn't hear as he pulled his water bottle out of his bag.
"I'd say the same for you but you look like you've just run a marathon," I teased as he took a large sip of water.
"Ou, not pulling any punches today huh?" he asked slyly as Tanaka called him back over to the group.

"Just go and, do your volleyball," I exclaimed, shooing him away as he hopped off the stage and rejoined the group. I watched happily as they set up a practice game, Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Narita and Daichi on one side and Noya, Asahi, Tsukki, Tadashi, Kinoshita and Suga on the other while Yachi and Kiyoko kept track of the score.

As the game started up, I saw Takeda leave for a moment, quickly making his way towards me.
"Hello, Y/N L/N, right?" he asked, extending his hand which I gladly shook.
"Yes sir, that's me," I replied as he leaned against the stage.

"Alright, I have to get back to the team so I'll make this quick. We've noticed how close you are with all of the team, and how much they enjoy having you around. We also appreciated having you around on the Tokyo trip so we were wondering if you'd be interested in joining the team as a potential manager. Kiyoko will be finished her service once nationals are over, and I think both you and Yachi would work well together, so what do you think?" he asked, my mouth dropping as he spoke.

"Oh wow uhm, I'll have to think about it for a little bit but I think I'd definitely be interested. Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as a smile appeared on his face.
"Wonderful! Let me know your final answer as soon as you're ready!" he called, waving as he ran off towards the team.

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