The Toaster

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"Y/N, HINATA'S HERE!" my mom called as I slipped my sweater vest on and grabbed my bag.
"COMINGGGG!" I called back as I flung the door open and waltzed down the stairs.

"Hiya ginger," I exclaimed as I skipped into my kitchen too see him sitting at the table talking with my mom.
"Morning Y/N!" he called back as I grabbed an eggo waffle from the freezer.

"Y/N, you don't have time for that!" my mom scolded as I stuck my tongue out and aggressively shoved the waffle in the toaster.
"I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me!" I exclaimed as Hinata tried to hide his giggles and my mom threw a crumpled up piece of paper at me.

"Just bring the toaster with you!" she exclaimed as I perked up and looked from her to the toaster.
"GOOD IDEA!" I cheered as I unplugged it and shoved it into my backpack.

"Are you actually bringing that?" Hinata laughed as I nodded and shoved the box of eggos into my backpack along with it.
"Hinata, please make sure she brings it home at the end of the day," my mother sighed as Hinata nodded happily.

"Pssh, yea cause I'd totally forget a whole toaster at school!" I exclaimed as I zipped my bag up and tossed it over my shoulders.

"Come on Y/N! I wanna get some spiking practice in before school starts!" Hinata exclaimed as he shoved me towards the door while I took a bite of my waffle and waved too my mom.

~Time skip, brought to you by Oikawa in glasses~

"IT'S BRITNEY BITCH!" I exclaimed as Hinata and I barged into the gym where Noya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Suga, Asahi, Daichi and Kageyama sat.
"Y/NNNNN!" Noya exclaimed as he leapt up and ran towards me.

"GAGH!" I exclaimed as he charged into me, knocking us onto the floor as Hinata leapt out of the way.
"Noya...air..." I gasped dramatically as he sat up and planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"You don't need air," he snickered as I ruffled his hair around.
"Nah, it's not like that's what helps me live," I teased as he pulled me up and slung his arm around my shoulder.

It had been 2 and a half weeks since the Shiritorizawa game and things between Noya and I have been going really well. We hang out all the time after practices and my mom seems to really like him which is a bonus.

"Grosssss, it's too early too see you guys flirting," Tanaka whined as I stuck my tongue out at him and dropped my bag next too the wall. As it landed it let out a loud bang, catching everyone's attention as Hinata and I burst out laughing.

"MY EGGOS!" I exclaimed as I knelt down and pat my bag gently as if I was comforting it.
"Shouldn't you be more worried about the toaster?" Hinata cackled as I shook my head.

"You brought a toaster to school?" Suga asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"Yuhhhh," I said excitedly as I nodded my head.
"Her mom told her too," Hinata exclaimed happily as he grabbed a ball and started too pass it too himself.

"Your mom would do that," Noya thought out loud as he nodded his head and looked down at me.
"I wanna meet your mom!" Tanaka exclaimed as he wandered over.

"Oh yeaaaa you still haven't met her!" I realized as he nodded his head and pouted.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll like me more then you," Noya said smugly as he crossed his arms and smiled.

"What was that little man?" he gasped dramatically as I rolled my eyes and leapt up, walking over to where the third years sat.

"Did you really bring a toaster to school?"

~Time Skip because I have the power of anime on my side~

"I want to not be here❤️," I grumbled as Tanaka, Noya and I made our way down one of the halls.
"Too bad, I want you here so you have to stay," Noya exclaimed happily as I flicked his head and snickered.

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