Oh Man, You've Dug Your Own Grave ✔︎

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~Noyas POV~

"Noya...Noya...wakey wakey," a soft voice cooed as my eyes fluttered open, and the beaming face of Y/N appeared above me.

"Good morning shorty," I teased, sitting up and smiling at her.

"Hey, that's my nickname. No stealing," she demanded, gently flicking the side of my head and sitting up.

The sky was still dark but off in the distance, a thin line of pink was beginning to appear as the sun awoke the world below it.

"What time is it?" I asked as she pulled out her phone and looked at it.

"5:02 am. The teams alarms will go off in about three hours so we have some time to watch the sun rise," she told me, pointing off in the distance at the increasing colour of the sky.

"That's too early," I groaned, falling back onto the grass and closing my eyes.

"Too bad, this was your idea after all," she exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"Well now I take it back," I huffed as she sat next to me, gazing out at the horizon.

My god shes stunning.

"Too bad. It's our last day, and I intend to make the most of it," she said confidently, a small twinkle in her eye.

"Oh no, what've you planned?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as she smiled at me.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

~Time skip, brought to you by the forgotten trio~

It was now close to six am, and the sun had risen a fair amount above the horizon. I'd just finishing dropping Y/N off at her room before returning to my own, hoping desperately that the boys were still asleep.

To my relief, they were all still sprawled out in their beds, gentle snores escaping their lips as they slept. I'd only gotten about 5 hours of sleep before hand, so I intended to get right to bed as soon I laid my head on my pillow.

But I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, one thought kept nagging me as I lay with my eyes shut tight.

What is this feeling? Could it be? No, of course not. I'm not in love? Am I?

~Third Person~

Alarms were going off and players and coaches were being pulled out of their slumber as the sun rose above Shinzen high school.

It was the last day of training camp which mean Karasuno would be leaving later that evening, but not without a few final matches.

The teams grouped in the cafeteria, all was seemingly normal. Little did the teams know, a certain libero and e/c eyed girl had spent the night outside, cuddled in each others arms as they watched the stars.

But of course the pair wouldn't let anyone know of those events, for they knew exactly what would be said.

"Aw man, I can't believe this is our last day of camp!" the short ginger exclaimed as he sat down at a table with a variety of players from different teams.

"I know, it seems like we just arrived yesterday," the h/c haired girl sighed as she poked at her food.

"Aw, I don't want you to leave!" Yukie exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Y/N's shoulders and pretended to sob.

"Aw, wifey! It'll be okay! You have to be strong!" she exclaimed, clutching the managers face as the table burst out laughing.

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