Tow Mater > Lightning McQueen

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"BYEEEEEE DAICHIIIII!" I called as I took Noya's hand and went skipping out of the gym.
"Good riddance," Tsukkishima sighed as we passed by him.

"Pssh, don't miss me too much skinny jeans!" I exclaimed sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and walked away. "Barbie doll."

"Did you just call him a barbie doll?" Noya asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Me? Insult Tsukishima? I would never!" I gasped dramatically as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh no, you'd never do that!" he continued, going along with my claim.
"Of course not!" I cheered, skipping towards the bike rack as Hinata came tearing past us.

"HIII Y/N! Is Noya riding home with us?" he asked as we arrived at the rack.
"Yup! We're going to watch Attack on Titan and make cars out of cardboard boxes!" I exclaimed as he cocked his head.

"Yea! The new episode came out today but miss wouldn't let us watch it in class," Noya sighed as I ruffled his hair around.
"Yea, I don't know why she wouldn't let us!" I exclaimed.

"Yea, no idea," Hinata snickered as he unlocked his bike and handed me my scooter.
"CAN I DRIVE THE SCOOTER?" Noya asked wide eyed as I shook my head.

"Nope. I need to beat ginger," I said sternly, pointing to the tangerine that sat on the bike.
"Pssh, I could totally beat Hinata!" he exclaimed in an offended tone as I snickered and tightened my grip on the handlebar.

"Sure you could," I teased as he hopped on the back of the scooter, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

"READY?" Hinata asked as I nodded, lining the scooter up with his bike.
"3, 2, 1 GO!" we chanted in unison, shooting out of the schoolyard and up the first hill.

"PLEASE DONT CRASH! I WANNA LIVE TO SHOW OFF MY ROLLING THUNDERRRR!" Noya screamed as we reached the top, zipping along the road.
"IF YOU DIE YOUR GHOST CAN SHOW IT OFFFF!" I screamed as I took the lead from Hinata.

"HEY! NO FAIR! YOU HAVE TWO PEOPLE TOO BUILD UP SPEED!" he whined as I lifted one of my hands too flip him off.
"KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEEEEL!" Noya screeched as we started to tip, and I quickly pulled down on one side.

"THIS IS A SCOOTER NOT A LAMBORGHINI YOU IDIOT!" I called back as we rounded a corner.
"Y/NNNN! SLOW DOWN! I CANT STOP!" Hinata wailed as I snickered and sped up, creating a large gap between us.

"BYE GINGER!" I screamed as we continued to race down the road with him trailing behind.
"YOU'RE CRAZYYYYY!" Noya screamed as we passed by a car which was on the other side of the lane.

"I'M CRAZY BUT YOU LIKE THAT! I BITE BACK!" I sang as he let out a laugh and tightened his grasp on my waist.
"DIDN'T WE JUST PASS YOUR HOUSE?" he asked as we pulled into my neighbourhood, and I peaked over my shoulder.

"Oh shit, we did," I giggled, coming too the end of the complex and doing a turn as I slowed our speed.
"BYE Y/N! BYE NOYAAAAA!" Hinata called as he went flying past us towards his own home.


With that, we each leapt over the handlebars, tumbling across my front lawn as the scooter landed a couple feet away.

"Owww, a little warning next time please," Noya sighed as he sat up, brushing dirt off his t-shirt.
"Pssh, we're fine!" I exclaimed, standing up and nearly toppling over as I looked down at my leg.

"Uhm, I think my definition, and your definition of 'fine' are a little different," he snickered as I wiped the dirt and blood off a large gash.
"Owwieeee, don't just sit there! Help me!" I whined as he stood up and grabbed my waist, throwing me over his shoulder.

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