Use Code James For 10% Off?

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"Psst, Nishi, look," I giggled, stopping him in his tracks and pointing over to where Tanaka stood.

He was gazing out at Konoka, the wing spiker from Niiyama girls high, who was currently huddled behind a bush.

Nishi and I looked at each other with wide eyes before creeping closer and listening in on the conversation.

"Let's both do our best tomorrow, Ryu!" she exclaimed before quickly running off towards the hotel she was staying at next door.

I let out an excited squeal as Ennoshita popped in, giving Tanaka some ✨encouraging✨ words.

"You've definitely got a chance," he  said sternly, startling baldy right out of his shaved head.

"Damn! I was trying not too notice!" Kazuhito wailed as he grabbed his head and shook it back and forth.

"It's not even a chance. She definitely likes you," Ennoshita continued as Nishi and I rushed forwards and slapped him on the back.

"TANAKA! YOU PLAYER!" I exclaimed, grinning wildly at him.

"You'll totally get her!" Nishi continued. However, most of our comments were being completely ignored since the incompetent idiot was staring off into space, contemplating life itself.

"I...have a chance?" he gasped, eyes growing wide as she disappeared within the hotel.

"Pssh, and he called us oblivious," I snickered, pointing my thumb at Tanaka and smiling at Nishi.

"Hypocrite," he snickered as Kinnoshita stepped in front of Tanaka, wildly waving his arms around.

"I never stood a chance...but now I actually have one. That means...I've been born," he breathed, STILL staring off into the distance.

"We broke him," I sighed, flicking his head multiple times as Kinnoshita accused Ennoshita of causing this.

"No, he's become a man," Nishi declared, slapping his back once more.

"I thought this day would never come!" I cheered, finally snapping Tanaka out of his day dreams and earning a glare from him.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, looking between Noya and I as we took off towards the inn.

"WHEN YOU TRY YOUR BEST BUT YOU DON'T SUCCEED!" I wailed, zipping between Tadashi and Tsukki with Noya close behind.

"WHEN YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT BUT NOT WHAT YOU NEED!" Nishi continued as we were suddenly stopped in our tracks, behind held back by the collars of our shirts.

"I thought I said not too cause a scene," Daichi growled, looming over us as we tried too back away.

"NO! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" I sobbed, covering my face and cowering before Daichi's presence.

"I STILL HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO DO!" Nishi added as snickering from Tanaka and Tsukki could be heard behind us.





"WHY JAMES'S OUTRO?" Nishi cackled as Daichi dragged us over too the stairs, disappointment, concern, and annoyance all tracing his face.

" I can use code James for 10% off?" I asked hopefully before being shoved up the stairs towards the team room.

~Time Skip, brought to you by flashback marry~

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