We're In The Janitors Closet✔︎

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Noya and I had dove into a janitors closet, locking it behind us to get away from miss.

It had been about half an hour since our epic scooter show, and we were currently trying to organize with Tanaka how we were going to safely put my scooter away.

"Meh, Hinata got off easy since he technically was just a bystander. He left me with the scooter though," Tanaka's hushed voice whispered through the phone as we talked.

"Where are you?" Noya asked as he sat on the floor of the closet, flicking one of the brooms which laid across the tiles.

"Uhm, I kinda locked myself in the first years boys bathroom," Tanaka said sheepishly as I rolled my eyes. "What about you two?"

"Uhm, we're in one of the janitors closets near one of the exits," I explained as I cracked the door open and looked up and down the now empty hallway.

"Oh, so the two of you are alone, in a small, dark space?" he asked slyly as I ripped the phone from Noyas grasp and started to tell Tanaka off.

"Yes, yes we are. And unless you want me to spray Clorox down your throat, you better help us get out of here," I demanded as Noya smirked and started to laugh at my outburst.

"Fine, fine. I'll try to set you two up some other way," he grumbled.

"Noya, grab a bar of soap," I muttered, muting the phone as Tanaka continued to babble.

"Yes ma'am."

"TANAKA!" I yelled into the phone, startling him enough to quiet him.

"WHAT!" he exclaimed.

"Meet us at the bike rack in three minutes," I instructed before ending the call and giving Noya back his phone. To my delight he held a large bar of soap in one hand, unsure if he should give it to me or not.

I'm totally not gonna make Tanaka suck on it! I would never.

"Hey! Look!" Noya exclaimed as he pointed to shelf where three pairs of clout goggles on them. One in pink, one in yellow, and one in orange. "The janitor took these from Tanaka and I on the first day of school because we were telling people they didn't have enough clout."

"Oh my god we have to bring them with us!" I exclaimed, grabbing the yellow pair for myself and handing the orange ones to Noya. "Baldy can have the pink ones."

"He'll love that," Noya said sarcastically, tucking the extra pair into his blazer pocket.

"Alright, let's go," I whispered, cracking the door open and slipping into the hallway.

Noya followed suit, quietly sprinting towards the door as the occasional first year would look out of their classroom and stare at us.

"FREEDOM!" I yelled as we busted through the door, and I held my arms out to see Tanaka entering the courtyard from an opposing exit.

"TANAKA!" Noya screamed as he charged full force towards his buddy who's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"TANAKA! NISHINOYA! L/N!" a death defying voice rang through the air as Tanaka and Noya collided together with fear.

I looked up to a window on the second floor too see miss with her arms crossed, leaning out the window towards us.

"IT'S THE DEVIL!" Tanaka screeched as he darted towards the bike rack, shoving my scooter in and dashing back to where Noya and I stood.

"SHE'S COMING FOR US!" Noya whimpered as miss shot dangers at us with her eyes, and the occasional person from our class stood up to watch the show.

"Hi miss!! Lovely morning, isn't it?" I called, only edging her on more.

"You three. In my room. Now," she huffed, slamming the window closed as a look of pure terror crossed each of our faces.

"Well shet."

~Noyas POV~

"Aw man, we're gonna be murdered," Tanaka whined as we climbed the dreadful steps towards our classroom where certain death awaited.

"Since when are you such a baby?" I teased, slapping the back of his head as Y/N cheerfully skipped up the stairs.

"C'mon baldy! Just imagine her wearing a clown costume or something!" she exclaimed, reaching the top of the stairs before us.

"Wait, so you mean what she's wearing right now, isn't a clown costume?" I gasped sarcastically as she swung her arms around our shoulders and dragged us into the hall where a fuming teacher awaited our arrival.

"Ah. There's my favourite trio," she scowled, pointing her finger into the classroom.

"Aw miss! You're my favourite too!" Y/N exclaimed as she slipped into the classroom with her clout goggles in hand.

"How has it only been one day?" I heard miss mutter as Tanaka and I stumbled into the class, taking a seat next to Y/N who already made herself at home.

"Alright class, now that our scheming trio have returned, we'll begin our pop quiz," she said slyly, picking up a stack of booklets off her desk and smirking as the entire class let out a long groan.

"Uhm, do either of you know what class this is yet?" Y/N asked as Tanaka and I sat still, staring ahead as we awaited our doom.

-Time skip, brought to you by my moana ornament~

"So we all agree this is a history class, right?" I asked, leaning back as Tanaka returned from handing in his test and receiving his detention slip from miss.

"I think so," Y/N sighed, scratching her head.

"Wait, so was the answer to number 8 1985 or not?" Tanaka asked dumbfounded as Y/N and I burst out laughing.

"Tanaka, number 8 asked which city we're in," Y/N sighed he face palmed over and over again, leaving a red mark on his forehead.

"Wait a second, Tanaka, give me your detention slip," Y/N asked, snatching his piece of paper before he could react.

"What is it?" I asked as her eyes leapt wildly between the pieces of paper.

"That bitch put him in a different detention hour then us!" she exclaimed, slamming the pieces of paper on her desk.

"What?" Tanaka exclaimed, sitting up and looking at the slips.

"He's in today's lunch detention while we're today after school! She gave us a longer one!" I gasped, leaning my head back and sobbing dramatically as the realization that we would be separated, settled in.

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