You're An Annoying Mcdonalds Bag✔︎

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"How many times are they going to have to do those laps?" I asked Kiyoko as the two of us helped Yachi fill up the boys water bottles.

It looked exhausting and I know damn well I'd bite my tongue off if I tried that. (ik they run up the hill at Shinzen but this is for purposes of the story I swear😔👊🏻)

"However many times they lose, it's like a penalty," she explained as the first few boys finished.

"Here you go," Yachi said happily as she handed a bottle to Hinata, and Tanaka and Noya charged towards me and Kiyoko.

"Hi shawtys," I yelled at them as they stopped in front of us, practically fainting as Kiyoko and I held out two waters for them.

"I just got a bottle from Kiyoko!" Tanaka squealed.
"And I got a bottle from Kiyokos friend!" Noya added on, yet for some reason this really irked me.

"Oi shorty, I am my OWN person thank you very much," I yelled at him, kicking the back of his knees so that he fell on the floor with a thud.

"Oww, what was that for?" he whined, looking over his shoulder as he sat up.

"For being an annoying Mcdonald's bag, that's what," I huffed, glaring at him from within my blanket hoodie.

"PFFT YOU'REAN ANNOYING MCDONALDS BAG!" Tanaka scoffed as I rolled my eyes and kicked the back of his knees too.

"And your the last air bender," I shot at him, creating a hurt expression on his face as he looked up at me, which quickly changed to an excited one.

"Eh, at least I'm more powerful then Noya," he smirked, crossing his arms proudly.

"Well I have the power of food on my side so there!"

~Time Skip, brought to you by Oikawa's ear~

"YUKIE!" I yelled as I sprinted across the gym, sliding on my crew socks and knocking the girl over.

"Y/N!" I missed you!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me, pretending to sob.

"You guys have only been apart for a few hours" Akaashi sighed as he looked down on us, his usual lifeless expression on his face.

"Shut if pretty boy, I missed my wife," I yelled at him as Bokuto came bounding over and peered down at us.

"Uh oh, Noyas not gonna like that you stole his girl Yukie," he teased as the energetic duo came running after me.

"Nuh uh, he stole my wife first," Yukie rebounded, pointing up at the small libero.

"Technically you all stole me from Yachi, I've known her the longest," I huffed, pointing at the small blonde who was talking with ginger and Tadashi.

"How did you meet Yachi in the first place? You never told us," Tanaka asked as he hovered behind Noya.

"Oh well, our moms work in the same business chain, so when Yachi was little her mom would bring her along on all of the trips. Now that she's older she doesn't go on the trips anymore so I hadn't talked to her until I arrived at Karasuno," I explained as the Fukurodani coach called his boys over, rudely separating me from my beloved Yukie.

"MY BELOVED, I'LL MISS YOU!" I exclaimed as Bokuto picked Yukie up and slung her over his shoulder.

"I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU!" she yelled back as Akaashi shook his head and followed after them.

"Alright Bokuto separated me from my wife so you two have to go beat the shit out of him, understand?" I whisper shouted to Tanaka and Noya once the trio was out of the way.

"Yes ma'am!" they exclaimed, saluting to me as I jumped up and led them over to our teams bench.

Finally, a game I would be interested in.

"Alright, so far things haven't been going to well and now we're going up against one of the top 5 aces in the nation. Just do me a favour and don't let number 4 have a field day, alright?" Ukai instructed to the boys as Kiyoko, Yachi and I stood off to the side, the girls laughing as I stuck my tongue out at the ace in question.

"Yes sir!" Daich yelled, followed by the synced up 'sir!' which I despise so much.

"Ugh, how many times are they gonna do that?" I whined slumping down on the bench as the starting line ups waltzed onto the court.

"A lot more," Yachi said with a laugh as the whistle blew, and my brother with frosted tips started bounding up and down.

"Alright Karasuno bro's, let's see what you got!" he exclaimed, peering between Hinata and Kageyama.

"OII, BIRD BRAIN STOP HARASSING MY PLAYERS!" I shouted, stifling a small laugh from Ukai and Takeda.

"WIFEY, BACK OFF OUR ACE!" Yukie yelled from the side lines as I stuck my tounge out, and açai- uh, Asahi went up to serve.

I watched in amazement as he threw the ball up, jumping along with it and slamming it over the net. Somehow Fukurodani's libero managed to receive it, and it went right to Akaashi.

"If I touched that my arms would fall off," Yachi exclaimed, trembling as she watched the ball get tossed up for Bokuto, who slammed it down in an insanely tight cross court shot.

"AYYY, HEY HEY HEY!" he exclaimed, celebrating his point by himself as the entire Fukurodani team simply stood there and applauded him.

"Good job Bokuto," Akaashi sighed as he picked the ball up and tossed it to their server.
"Ah, it was nothing," Bokuto sighed smugly.

This continued on for about a half an hour, Bokuto bragging about his abilities, and then pouting dramatically if he was blocked or his hits were received.

The score was 16-24, and Fukurodani was at match point which of course made me mad.

"SHORTY, BALDY, GINGER, GET OUT THERE AND CRUSH THEM!" I yelled, drawing attention from the other courts as the trio froze and simply bowed to me.

"YES MA'AM!" they cried in unison.

To my dismay Bokuto was up to serve, and he was glaring at Karasunos boys with a smug gleam in his eyes.

"HEY HEY HEY! DON'T GET TOO CARRIED AWAY LIL SIS!" he exclaimed, tossing up the ball and charging at it with full force.

The second before he hit the ball I could've SWORN I saw Akaashi mutter 'oh no' under his breath. And with that, Bokuto hit the ball into the net, immediately sending him into a pool of dismay.

"HAHAHA WHAT WAS THAT?" I called, putting my hand behind my ear and glaring at him as he sulked.

"Kid, you're not even on the court and he has a bigger rival against you then the entire team!" Ukai exclaimed as he laughed at our small exchange.

"Well, that's what he gets for being a simple minded idiot," I said plainly, watching as Yukie yelled something at Bokuto and everyone within a five meter radius of me burst out laughing.

Next up to serve was Kageyama who managed to get us 3 service aces in a row. By the fourth, I could see Bokuto getting antsy and I knew what was to come.

The libero managed to get the serve up to Akaashi, who gazed between the ball and Bokuto, almost seeming to contemplate his options.

"Bokuto, go," Akaashi called out, setting the owl who seemed to be completely out of it. But then, as his feet left the ground, a wicked grin appeared on his face and he crushed the ball down onto the other side of the court.

"Hey ace, nice attack," Konoha called out.

"In the end, it just has to be, the ace," Komi yelled as Bokuto began to laugh, making me roll my eyes dramatically.

"Here we go," I mumbled as he stuck his arms in the air and cheered.

"Hey hey HEY! I am am the best volleyball player ever!"

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